実はママっ子!ママとのまったりとした時間が大好きなNちゃんのお話し | 自分の仔への愛が止まらないあなたへ。







It's looking more and more like Christmas nowadaysクリスマスツリー

Let's get through this cold with Christmassy happy moodジンジャーブレッドマン




Today's story is about very lovely N.



1.    ママが帰ったら喜んでくれるのに触らせてくれないのはなぜ?しかも、ママだけ。

2.    Nちゃんは、1番どこに連れていってほしい?

3.    Nちゃんが1番して欲しいことは何かな?


<Questions for N from her mom>

1, Why do you not allow me to pet you when I get home? Why only me?

2, Where do you want to go to the most?

3, What do you want us to do the most?





N looks very friendly and came straight to me. She is not on guard and accepts me right away. She lets me pet her head, she is so lovely.

She calmly gave me a permission to talk to her when I asked.




Your mom is asking why you don't allow her to pet you when she comes home even though you look happy.



I don't know why but I can't allow myself to excited. It's true that I'm happy when mom comes home. 



Mmm, can you tell why?



(I saw a vision below)



This must be at the entrance. Her mom (you) pet her briefly like "I'm home". You have a grocery bag and are walking towards the living room or kitchen. N is walking beside you while wanting to get some attention from you. At the same time, I felt that she is worried "you must be going out again." 



Do you feel sad because you think your mom will go out again?



Yes. She goes out right away sometimes and goes out the next day sometimes. 



I see. There are days when she goes out right after coming home?



Yes. That's why I feel sad. I'm happy that she is home but I know she might go out again so I don't want to get over excited.



That makes sense. Your mom must be busy so she needs to go out a few times in a day sometimes. What do you want her to do in this case?



Say "I'm sorry I have to go again but I love you sooo much! Be a good girl. I'll come home ASAP" then hug me tight.



I saw her mom hold N in her chest and kiss N's cheek. N must feel her love when she does this. 




What do you do while your mom is gone?



(I see N curled up in a round dog's bed in the living room.)



I feel there are family members in the house. It must be evening or night so the house is lit. She is hearing household noise in the background and waiting for her mom to come home. She must be a mommy's girl.



Why do you NOT allow your mom to pet you when she gets home?


That's not true.



Your mom says "why ONLY me"



Because I'm unhappy (about mom going out again) but there is not much difference how I behave. She is over thinking a bit.



I feel a presence of young female. Do you have a daughter? 

N is wagging her tail looking at her and jumping a little with joy. I can't tell if this is when this young female comes home or other time. 



You look so happy with her. Why?



(She sent me her feelings.)


Nちゃんにとってこの方は、一緒に遊んでくれる方。たくさんかまってもらえるのだそうです。(ママさんは家事などもしなければいけませんので、家の中で忙しいですよね。) この方は、Nちゃんにとって『お姉さん』というイメージがきます。

This female is a play buddy to N. This lady gives a lot of attention to her. (You must be busy at home doing house chores.) This young lady is "an older sister" to N. 








That's exactly right! I come home with a grocery bag then go out again right away, indeed! 



When I come home, N comes running to see me, and turn away right away and barks at me. I was wondering what she is trying to tell me but now I understand. I'm making her feel sad. I always hug her and tell her that I loooove her soooo much everydayピンクハート



I feel bad that she is unhappy about me going out again. She is even more a precious baby to me knowing she cares about me this way.




We are family of 5. I have 2 sons who are in university and 1 daughter who is in high school. (plus her husband)

When I'm working, kids are usually home. They stay up quite late so our house is always lit.

When we come home we always go to N first to tell "I'm home!" I often think that N lets my daughter hold her and N looks so happy about it.




There is a place near my place where I can see beautiful cherry blossoms. My kids happened to be home so we all went there together a few times. I remember N looked extremely happy so I also felt happy seeing her that way.  I think that's where she is talking about. N has huge love for us so she never ever wants to feel lonely. 

Also, I sometimes take her shopping with me. N must be talking about that too.



"Pls don't go out without me!" is exactly what I think she'd say so I'm surprised (that you get it). I used to take her shopping quite often before but I let her stay home more nowadays. 



The images you get through her are really accurate.



I'm crying reading her message for me. I feel even more love for her. I want to make her happier and also take her for trips more while we can. This AC made me feel loved and I thank for this opportunity.




I'm determined to love N even more and appreciate the time together with her. 

Thank you very much.






I felt tremendous love for N from her mom in this case.愛



Her mom said that she understood better about N so I feel I was able to be the mediator between N and her mom. This is THE CORE essence of AC. This case made me satisfied as an Animal Communicator.



I deeply thank her mom and this opportunity. Thank you very much!




Thank you for reading to the end. 

Pls take care of yourself and spend great winter aheadハート