"Good morning, Miss Rose. Please wake up, it's morning!"

Rose heard Moi's voice coming to wake her up. But no matter how many times Moi woke her up, she just turned around.

"Hmm, I'm still sleepy. Just a little bit more..."
"No, you can't. You are going to run in the morning starting today... Miss Rose is a good girl, so please wake up."

Moi removed Rose's blanket, forced her to wake up, and removed her nightgown.

"I-I understand. I'll get up. I'll change myself."

Rose hurriedly woke up and unbuttoned her nightgown, complaining as she did so.

"Okay, I'll bring you some warm water. I've prepared a change of clothes on the desk near the clothes box."
"Yes, thank you."

Seeing Rose looking unmotivated, Moi chuckled and went to the room next to her to bring a wash basin and towel.

Changing clothes is very simple, just pants and a shirt. Since these clothes are used for exercise, they are probably made easy to move in. Made of high-quality cloth and very comfortable to wear. But it's still small. To be more specific, it's doll-sized. By the way, there were no cute frills, but a small rose embroidered on the chest.

"Yes, please wipe your face with this towel."

Rose put the towel Moi had given over her face and wiped it. The warm, wet towel felt so good. It smelled nice, and she wondered if Moi had put some flower essence into the hot water. Moi helped Rose prepare her shoes and socks for her feet.

"Starting today, you'll be running with your sister."

Rose asked, tilting her head.

"Yes, her name is Miss Yuri. Oh, you haven't met her yet?"

Moi said while arranging her hair.

"I haven't met her yet. I heard from Father that I'm the third daughter, but the only two brothers I've met are Yanagi-big brother and Keyaki-big brother."
"I see. It would be nice to meet Miss Yuri and Miss Sumire."

Moi loosens Rose's hair and easily braids it.

"Sumire-big sister will also be going to run today?"
"Miss Sumire is still young, so she can't run yet. She's barely able to stand, but still unsteady when she walks."
“Is she really that small?”
"Yes. She was born last year and was a few days older than you."

Rose was reincarnated with fragments of her memories from her previous life, but since she was born, or rather, since she woke up, her words and movements have been far more developed than children her age. The fact is that it does. However, her growth process will probably be the slowest from now on. Because she's so small. Her body was originally a decorative doll in the garden, so she thought it couldn't be helped. What's more, there's a rose flower growing on her head...

"Here is the hot tea for you."
"Thank you."

The tea Moi offered her was warm and had a faint sweetness. Rose doesn't know what kind of flower tea this is, but it's very delicious.

"Now, let's go to the meeting place."

When Moi opened the door to her room and left, Rose followed Moi outside. When Rose and Moi left the room, the door to the next bedroom opened. A girl about seven years old came out with her maid. She is very slender and has a pretty face. Apparently, her hair is a sparkling green or blueish color. It was a color she had never seen before. Her eye color is green, the same color as Frey's. Of course, just like Yanagi, Keyaki, and Rose, she also has brightly glowing orbs around her head and shoulders.

"Good morning, Miss Yuri."

Moi said hello first. Rose also bowed her head in greeting.
"Good morning."

The girl didn't say anything, just staring at Rose. Yuri's maid smiled and said hello.

"Good morning, Miss Rose. This is your older sister, Miss Yuri."

The maid spoke softly to Yuri, asking her to say hello, she said in a small voice.

"Good morning... Thank you..."

Yuri greeted Rose in a low voice that she couldn't hear, and suddenly ran away. Seeing Yuri suddenly start running, her maid panics and chases after her.

"What, what happened?"

Rose blinked, and couldn't understand what happened.

"Miss Yuri is a shy person. However, she is very kind and sensitive. Please get along well with her."

Moi smiles and leads Rose down her hallway and into the courtyard, walking towards the side garden. Since the sun hasn't come out yet, the dimly lit courtyard is illuminated by mysterious lights in places.

When she went to the sideyard, about a dozen children were there. There are children of various races, such as ears like rabbits, wildcats, or lizard-like children. Yuri is among them.

"Good morning!"

Rose gave a cheerful greeting, and many of them returned her greetings.

"Hello Guys! How are you all doing? You are going to run as hard as you can!"

A young man came forward. Since his ears were triangular-shaped, Rose thought he belonged to the wildcat race. Rose doesn't know if he's a teacher or not.

"Miss Rose, this is your first time running today, so please don't push yourself too hard! It's okay to go slow, but for now, it's important to finish running around the outer wall of the mansion. Once you get used to it, you can join in the fight for first place. Okay?!”
"Yes, Sir."

Rose saw that the man was very energetic, and she nodded. However, it's difficult to run with such short legs. It's a bit impossible to fight with a child in the form of a beast.


Everyone lines up and waits for the next command.


The children all started running at the teacher's signal. Rose is also running as hard as she can with her small legs. However, everyone was fast! In an instant, there was no one left in front of her.

Well, it looks like I was the last one, she said with a wry smile that this was exactly what she was thinking about.

I can't make it, Rose thought as she ran, feeling resigned. She used to feel like she was good at physical education, but since her memory is unreliable, she doesn't know if that's the case.

However, Rose still doesn't want to be the last one, so she tries her best to run again.

I won't lose! However, this leg is slow, Rose thought, frustrated by how powerless she was.

But now, it's all about putting that aside and running to the end. Rose noticed that if she practiced daily, she would regain her senses again.

But it's kind of painful. It was hard to breathe, Rose tried desperately to steady her breathing.

She ran while catching her breath. Then it felt a little easier. Even so, this mansion is too big. She doesn't know how far she should run.

"Okay, turn left!"

She heard a voice somewhere. When she looked ahead, a teacher motioned to turn.

Rose turned left and saw a large field. Moreover, from what she saw, there were two grounds.

There was a wall of a mansion on the left, and several buildings could be seen on the right side of the field.

"Rose! Good luck!"

She heard a familiar voice. It's Yanagi's voice. But she can't see him. It must be somewhere near here, Rose thought.


Is this still far away? No one else was around except her. She seemed to be running alone, thought Rose. In fact, she is running alone now. 

No one runs in front of her anymore.

"Good luck! Turn left a little later!"

She heard the other teachers' voices. Just a little while, Rose told herself.

After running two grounds, she turned left and saw the front of the mansion. When she got home last night, the sun had already set and it was dark, so she couldn't see the gate clearly. However, it looks a little gloomy now. What a fine gate, she thought. A guard was guarding the gate, and Rose thought he looked strong.

Rose wondered how far she had to run. She is really close to reaching her limit. It's hard to breathe and her eyes are rolling.

"We're almost there! Go through this gate and enter."

The other teacher signaled from the other side and gestured to the door. That was the door when she left the side garden yesterday. 

If she passes there, she'll reach the goal!

Just a little bit left! Good luck, me! , Rose thought desperately, squeezing the last of her strength and running.


Somehow, Rose reached the goal. She gasped for breath and touched her knee to catch her breath. The other children are already resting on the lawn, waiting for her.

"Rose! You did a great job!"

A boy came to meet her and took her hand. He looks like a wildcat race. His tail is long and bushy. His fur color is brown tabby.

"Thank you for waiting."
"Of course. Wouldn't it be lonely if you ran to the end and no one was there?"
"Sorry, I'm slow..."
"Everyone starts out like that. I used to fall and get injured a lot. But if you run daily for a year, you'll run faster."
"I see."

Rose nodded after hearing his words.

"It's your first time running like this, so you can't help it."

A girl nearby said. She has a lizard-like face with cute markings, and her eyes sparkle.

"I'm Lina. My house is near here, but let's play together sometime!"
"Yes, I'm Rose. Nice to meet you."

Rose nodded and took her hand, shaking it.

"I'm Elio. My house is located behind this mansion. Nice to meet you!"

That brown tabby cub introduced himself. Most of them are children who live in the neighborhood.

"Okay, now everyone is here. Let's do our best again tomorrow! Then, let's break up!"
"Thank you, Sir!"

The children cheerfully said goodbye and all left through two doors in the side garden.

"See you tomorrow!"

Lina shook her hand and left her. It looks like Elio has already gone somewhere. There are no Yuri, either.

As she walked alone, Moi approached and handed her a clean towel.

"Now, let's go take a bath in the morning. It's almost breakfast, so you must change into clean clothes."

Moi didn't say anything to Rose, who was lost in the morning run. She just smiles. Bto Rose, she feels sorry for herself. She can't do anything herself. She can't do anything to her satisfaction. Just like taking a bath, running was too bad. Even though it's her first time, something in her heart won't allow this to happen. She feels bad about her powerlessness.

"Hey, Moi."
"Was I pathetic?"
"Why do you think so?"
"Because I was slow and couldn't run very well."
"That's not true. It was your first time, right? That distance is quite long."
"Is that so?"
"Yes, it is."

She couldn't find the words for a while. Rose kept her head down and she was quiet for a moment.

"Moi, what should I do?"

Moi tilts her head.

"I feel like I'm not good enough right now. I feel bad for not being able to do everything."
"Oh, I don't think so. I just hope that Miss Rose stays healthy. I'll care for you, so you don't have to worry about anything."
"Hmm. I appreciate that, but..."
"Everyone's kindness is weighing me down somewhere in my heart. I feel like I have to do my best to be able to respond in some way to everyone's kindness."

Rose said with her head down. That was true, and she was extremely disappointed.

"Oh, that's what you're thinking, Miss Rose..."
"Yes. Sorry. Am I still weird?"
"No. Miss Rose is a very kind person. And it seems you are also very strict with yourself."

Moi lowered herself to Rose's eye level.

"Then, after breakfast, how about asking Lord Dalgodas to find a teacher to teach you studies and training?"
"To Father?"
"Yes. If you ask a specialized teacher to teach you anything, such as sewing, art, dance, or martial arts, you can learn them well."
"Is that so?"
"Of course. Now, let's hurry up and get ready in the morning. The sun is about to rise."

The two quickly returned to the room and prepared for breakfast.