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Listen: Holidays are over, and we've landed in 2007. Now, it's instance to see if you're genuinely preconditioned for this year's even rougher and tougher Google AdWords combat zone.

If you can statement 8/10 of the shadowing questions correctly, you're likely embattled. If you can't, you're in all probability going to be eaten for tiffin by the more clued-up AdWords PPC sharks this twelvemonth.

Answers are at the lower of the leaf. No peeking, OK?

1. Google AdWords allows the behind phrases in ad text;

a. 'Click Here'

b. 'Start Here'

c. 'Look Here'

2. True or False? Google allows you to have a popup ad on your landing leaf.

a. True

b. False

c. It depends

3. You should optimise your Google PPC ads for;

a. CTR (Click Through Rate)

b. ROI (Return On Investment)

c. Both CTR and ROI

d. Entertainment value

4. Mentioning the damage of your product or service in your ad record is;

a. Recommended by Google

b. Not recommended by Google

c. Mandatory in trustworthy categories

5. Using your site's Home leaf as a platform leaf for your Google ads is a;

a. Good idea

b. Bad idea

c. Very, incredibly bad idea

6. What's a proved influential way of ensuring your ad is displayed, when someone searches for your competitor's products?

a. Bid on keywords that are your competitor's marque identify or products

b. Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion

c. There is no legitimate way to do this

7. Which of these should you believe the principal weaknesses in the majority of today's Google ad campaigns?

a. Overbidding

b. Insufficient group of keywords to specific Google PPC ads

c. Weak headlines

8. The #1 character in Google PPC grades can often be a penniless establish to aim for because;

a. It generates soaring traffic, but stinky results when the potency hits your platform page

b. It's regularly an undoable post to achieve, as big advertisers have ingrained a strangle-hold on that position

c. It removes the useful 'pre-qualification' mathematical function performed by high posting competitors' ads

d. All of the above

9. Which of the pursuing words has research proven to be the most significant at increasing a representative Google ad's CTR?

a. 'More'

b. 'Why'

c. 'Killer'

d. 'How'

10. Having a search out keyword in your ad's fair URL is well-tried to;

a. Increase your Google ad's Quality Score

b. Decrease your Google ad's Quality Score

c. Have no issue on your Google ad's Quality Score


1. B. 'Start here' is allowed (the else two aren't).

2. B. False. According to Google, 'We do not permit links to landing pages that make pop-ups when users enter or depart your platform folio. We study a pop-up to be any window, careless of content, that opens in complement to the ingenious window.' (Yes, I do realize at hand are distance in circles this - but we're not active to chat just about 'black-hat' stuff here).

3. C. Optimize for some CTR and ROI. Why? Achieving a soaring CTR next to loads of low-quality assemblage that doesn't convert, is futile. But as well isn't having a broad ROI and single one chink a day a debris of juncture too? Solution; optimize for the correct mix of both.

4. A. Recommended by Google

5. C. Don't even think roughly it. Chances are your Home leaf does not have the tailored contented called for to human asymptomatic as a landing leaf for your Google ads. Create a trim page for each ad elite alternatively. Don't have one? Switch your ads off...and get one!

6. A. Bid on keywords that are your competitor's heap scorn on cross or products

7. B. If your ad facsimile matches the keywords exactly, change for a meaningful zest in your Click-Through-Rate (CTR)! Keywords should e'er be integrated in your ad. If the careful keywords viewing up in your ads, they get highlighted in bold. In particular, try plus the strict keyword(s) in the ad's head.

8. D. All of the preceding.

9. C. Believe it or not, the word, 'killer' is verified to be a actual attention-getter in Google ads. Why? Who knows - but it building complex.

10. A. Having the prod keyword in your ad's demonstration URL is tested to pass your ad a in good health rank aid - for free!

Did you pass? If you did, cured done! For the put your feet up of us, here's the foundation line:

If you impoverishment to abstain from proper Google's 2007 Least Likely to Succeed, possibly it's circumstance to brush up on your Google AdWords skills. What are you ready and waiting for?