すいかチップス | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


うん、微妙💦(笑) すいません
Good day, I'm glad you're here.
Izumi Ring-san introduced watermelon chips on her Ameba blog. The package show that the watermelon chips is sold at Don Quijote as its original JONETZ brand. I got curious about the taste, so I got it. 
I tried it with my family. My family and I felt it tasted strange, but not bad. The chips is made by just watermelon and oil, according to the nutrition facts. It sounds safe for dogs as well. So, I fed it to my dogs, they looked they like the taste. I can't recommend this to everyone but to people who like something new or watermelon.

I had a business day trip to Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture before. I had a lunch at Gyutan Higashiyama. It seems that the flagship restaurant is located in Sendai city. As you know gyutan (beef tongue) is famous food in Sendai city, but I think Higashiyama is not popular in Sendai city because there is only one restaurant in Sendai city. I ordered beef tongue and pork tongue combo. It was around 2,000 yen. It was expensive as for lunch but I didn't care because my company paid that. But I would say the quality of tongue was lower than other popular beef tongue restaurants.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day, enjoy a FriYay!
I have a business trip to Osaka today. It is a good opportunity, I am going back my home after the task done.