



> 敗れた高市氏 でも選挙に勝つためには高市氏 / 脱派閥の急先鋒だった石破氏が岸田派と茂木派の派閥の力でのし上がった【渡邉哲也Show】一般公開ライブ 20240927-591 Vol.2

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 9/28)


> 青木理氏がユーチューブ番組での「劣等民族」発言を「たとえ軽口とはいえ、極めて不適切だった。それについて謝罪して、撤回する」と釈明。
> テレビ番組の出演は当面自粛。

Osamu Aoki explained his "inferior ethnic group" remark in a YouTube program that "Even though it was just a frivolous talk, it was extremely inappropriate. I apologize about that and retract that."
He will refrain from appearing in television programs for the time being.

>"自民支持者「劣等民族」発言を撤回 ジャーナリストの青木理氏、地上波テレビ出演を自粛"


> 青木理氏が石破氏が勝利した自民党総裁選について。
> 発言主が「(日本人は)劣等民族」とヘイトをしていることを踏まえれば、石破さんが首相になる意味がよくわかる発言。

Osamu Aoki said about the LDP presidential election in which Ishiba won that "Even for the LDP, the minimum level of common sense, or so, like that kind of a judgment was worked."
Taking the fact that the speaker made the hate speech that "(Japanese persons) are an inferior ethnic group" in mind, this comment makes it clear what it means for Ishiba to become prime minister.

>"青木理氏 石破茂新総裁選出に「自民党としての最低限の良識が働いた」「打算も含まれてる」"


> 総裁選って、自民党の国会議員と党員の投票。
> これで高市さんを応援する党員が減れば、自民党だけでなく日本はますます長老支配・リベラル化する。
> それを防ぐには、保守支持の党員と若い党員を増やすこと。
> それしかない。

The presidential election is a vote casting by the LDP's "Diet members & party members."
If the number of party members supporting Takaichi decreases due to that, not only the LDP but also Japan as a whole will become increasingly elder-dominated and liberal.
The only way to prevent this is to increase the number of party members who support conservatives and young members.
That's the only one way.

> 総裁選の結果は残念だが、高市さんが混戦の中、トップで総裁選の決戦まで行って、議員票で半数近くをとったことは光明だと思っている。
> ここからが踏ん張りどころ。

The result of the LDP presidential election is disappointing, but I think that there is hope in the fact that Takaichi took the 1st place in the melee and made it to the runoff and winning nearly half of the votes from the Diet members.
Now is the time to persevere.

> 高市さんが総理になるべきだと思う方はぜひ自民党員を辞めないでください。
> 党員になってください。
> 衷心よりお願いいたします。

If you think Takaichi should become prime minister, please do not resign from your membership in the LDP.
Please become a party member.
I ask this from the bottom of my heart.

> 株価暴落に一言お願いします。
What can you say about the stock market crash?



> 石破茂氏が総裁選に勝ったあとの負のインパクトが酷すぎる。
> 就任前からマーケットにここまで信用されないトップも珍しい。
> マーケットはマスコミの情報誘導なんて無力だから、こうなるのは当然だが。
> ご祝儀相場すらなしになりそう。

The negative impact after Shigeru Ishiba won the LDP presidential election is terrible too much.
It's rare to see a leader, who is so distrusted by the market even before he takes office.
The media's information manipulation is powerless against the market, this is therefore only natural.
It seems that there won't even be a congratulatory gift market.