Ref.>"中国 SNS、領空侵犯に「報復」「よくやった」"

>"中国軍機が日本の領空を侵犯 → 百田尚樹氏「これ、マジで戦争一歩手前だよ!」"


> Indonesia hosts Super Garuda Shield multinational military drills amid South China Sea tensions

Translation; The U.S. and Indonesia will conduct the joint exercises "Super Garuda shield 2024," in which the Japan Ground SDF will also participate and conduct island recapturing training

>"米インドネシアが合同演習 陸自参加、奪回訓練も"

> インドネシア軍と米軍などによる合同演習「スーパーガルーダシールド」の開始式が 26日、インドネシアで開かれた。
> 昨年に続き陸上自衛隊も加わり、約 280人を派遣した。
> オブザーバーを含め約 20カ国が参加する。
> 9月6日までの予定で、島しょ奪回、降下訓練などを行う。

On Aug. 26, an opening ceremony for the joint Indonesian and U.S. military exercise "Super Garuda Shield 2024" was held in Indonesia.
Following last year, the Japan Ground SDF will also participate in it, while dispatching about 280 personnel.
Approx. 20 countries, including observers, will participate it it.
The exercise is scheduled to run until Sept. 6, and will include island recapturing and parachuting trainings.

> 米インドネシアは 2007年から陸軍の合同演習を実施。
> 22年から空・海軍のほか、他国も加わり拡大した。
> 中国は参加しておらず、米側は「米国とインドネシアの協力がインド太平洋地域の安定性を高める上で有効であることの表れだ」と強調している。
> 開始式はジャワ島東ジャワ州の州都スラバヤ近郊で行われた。

The U.S. and Indonesia have conducted joint army exercises since 2007.
Since 2022, the exercises have been expanded, in which, other than air forces and naview, other countries have participated.
China doesn't participate in it, and the U.S. side emphasized that "It's an expression that U.S.-Indonesia cooperation is effective to improve stability in the Indo-Pacific region."
The opening ceremony was held near Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province on the island of Java.