Ref.>"Understanding the LDP Leadership Election"

>"LDP Presidential Election: Can The Party Seize This Opportunity to Be Reborn?"



↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [YouTube Channel Seiron]. Who will be at the starting line in the LDP presidential election? = reporters Makiko Takita and Shigeyuki Mizuuchi explain

>"YouTube「チャンネル正論」. 自民党総裁選、スタートラインに立つのは誰か 田北真樹子、水内茂幸両記者が解説"

> 9月の自民党総裁選は、すでに立候補を表明したり、出馬を取り沙汰されている議員が10人以上いる。
> この中で、国会議員 20人の推薦人を集め、実際に出馬にこぎつけるのは誰なのか。
> 次期首相に直結する総裁選の前哨戦を、政治記者経験の長い田北真樹子、水内茂幸両記者が YouTube「チャンネル正論」で解説する。

More than 10 LDP members have already announced their candidacy or are rumored to be running for the presidential election in September.
Who among them will be able to gather the endorsements of 20 Diet members and actually run for the election?
Makiko Takita and Shigeyuki Mizuuchi, both are veteran political reporters, explain the preliminary battle of the presidential election, which is directly connected to the next prime minister, on the YouTube "Channel Seiron."

>【🔴ライブ配信】自民党総裁選 スタートラインに立つのは誰か