Ref.>"「君が代」で批判浴びた韓国 KBS、今度はロゴが「日本語に見える」と物議"



> 韓国の光復節で日本巡査に水鉄砲を打つ祭りが開催される←行政が主催かよ... #shorts

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; The Liberation Day in Seoul = as criticized "to encourage anti-Japan feelings," an independence forces combat experience of shooting water guns at Japanese police officers was canceled

>"光復節:日本人巡査に向かって水鉄砲を撃つ独立軍戦闘体験中止、「反日感情を助長」と批判受け / ソウル"

> ソウル市西大門区「独立ムードを出すため… 催し開始前に変更」
Seodaemun District in Seoul City "intended to create an independence atmosphere... but changed it before the event was kicked off"

> 日本の植民地支配からの解放記念日「光復節」(8月15日)に日本人巡査の服を着たスタッフに水鉄砲で水をかける催しを企画したソウル市西大門区が「反日感情を助長している」と批判され、この企画を突然中止した。
The Seodaemun district in Seoul City -- which planned an event in which staff dressed as Japanese police officers are sprayed with water using water guns on the "Liberation Day " of Aug. 15, the anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japanese annexation (* not colonial rule) -- was criticized for "encouraging anti-Japan sentiment" and suddenly canceled the event.

> 西大門区では14日から15日まで西大門刑務所歴史館と西大門独立公園で「2024西大門独立祭り」を開催すると広報していた。
> 当初の計画によると、女獄舎付属倉庫前の広場で事前予約した小学生約 60人が日本人巡査の服を着たスタッフに向かって水鉄砲を撃つ「独立軍戦闘体験」という催しが計4回行われる予定だった。

Seodaemun District authority announced in advance that the "2024 Seodaemun Independence Festival" would be held at the "Seodaemun Prison History Museum" & "Seodaemun Independence Park" on Aug. 14 and 15.
According to the original plan, an "independence forces combat experience" event was scheduled to be held totally four times in the square in front of the warehouse attached to the women's prison, in which about 60 elementary school students who had made reservations in advance would shoot water guns at staff dressed as Japanese police officers.

> このような催しについて、「子どもたちに対して反日感情を助長するのは教育上、不適切だ」という指摘の声が上がったため、西大門区は14日にこれを中止した。
> この催しは、水鉄砲を撃ってくす玉を割るという催しに変更された。
> 日本人巡査の服を着たスタッフも会場からいなくなった。

The Seodaemun District authority canceled the event on Aug. 14, as a voice of criticism emerged that "encouraging anti-Japan feelings among children is inappropriate from an educational perspective" about such event.
The event was changed to the one in which participants would shoot water guns and burst paper lanterns.
Staff dressed as Japanese police officers also disappeared from the venue.

> また、この催しで日本人巡査の服を着たスタッフたちは模型の銃や刀などを持つ予定だったが、批判を浴びて巡査の服だけを着るように変更されていたことも分かった。
> イベントスタッフのコ・ピョンソンさん(23)=男性=は「もともとは独立軍戦闘体験イベントに投入され、小道具として模型の銃などを受け取る予定だった。予定が変更され、黒い鞘と巡査の服だけが提供された」と語った。

In addition, it turned out that, in this event, the staff dressed as Japanese police officers were scheduled to carry model guns and swords, but as criticism emerged, it was changed that they would only wear the police officer uniforms.
Event staff member Ko Pyeong-seon (23 years old male, correct spelling is unknown) said that "Originally, it was scheduled to be used in an independence army combat experience event and receive model guns and so on as props. But the plan was changed and only black scabbards and police officers uniforms were provided."

> 西大門区の関係者は本紙の電話取材に「独立当時のムードを出そうという狙いだった。しかし、『このような催しは子どもたちの反日感情を助長するなど、教育上、不適切だ』という指摘があったため、催しの内容を変更した」と説明した。
> 西大門区は 2010年から毎年、西大門独立祭りを開催している。

A Seodaemun district official explained to this newspaper in a phone-coverage that "Our aim was to recreate the atmosphere around the time of the (* fake) independence (* S. Korea was under U.S. junta from 1945 -48). However, we were pointed out that [such event could encourage anti-Japan feelings among children, it's therefore inappropriate from an educational perspective]. We therefore changed the content of the event."
Seodaemun district authority has been holding the "Seodaemun Independence Festival" every year since 2010.