

>"【光復節】「日本人投手を先発させるな!」斗山ベアーズで日本人の白川恵翔投手、8月15日先発登板巡りファンが大論争「国民感情」「人種差別」⇒ ネットの反応「その野球選手と関係ないだろ!」「それなら今日も日本へ旅行にくる同胞に怒れよ」"

> 韓国で論争の的になった白川恵翔に関する雑学#プロ野球 #海外の反応 #韓国

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 8/15)


> 米 MLBで 8.15日を理由に、活躍中の大谷や鈴木、菊池などの主力を先発メンバーから外す馬鹿なマネはしないだろう。
> 米国にとって日本に対する劣等感はないから🙄

In the U.S. MLB, they would not do something so foolish as to remove key players who are playing well, such as "Otani," "Suzuki" & "Kikuchi," from the starting lineup because of Aug. 15.
Because the U.S. has no inferiority complex towards Japan.

> 日本の独立リーグ出身で、現在韓国プロ野球で活躍している白川恵翔選手
> 今日予告先発で登板予定だったが、一部のファンの間で
> 私はこれこそヘイトで差別行為だと思う🤔

"Keisho Shirakawa," who is a baseball player from a Japanese independent league who is currently playing in S. Korean professional baseball.
He was scheduled to pitch today as a pre-announced starter. However, some fans has started protesting, saying that "What is the team thinking, putting a Japanese player in the starting line-up on Aug. 15 Liberation Day (commemorative day of ending the war)? Change it!"
I think this is hate and discriminatory act



> 日本に反感を持っている割合。
> 女性が男性の2倍以上🙄
> 若い女性ほど騙される人が多いからね🧐

[Young S. Koreans]. Survey on favorability towards Japan.
The percentage of persons who have a negative attitude towards Japan.
More than twice as many females as males🙄
The reason why is that, the more young females, the more likely they are deceived🧐