Ref.>"蓮舫氏演説会場で暴行 59歳の男を現行犯逮捕 抗議活動中に男性の手殴る"


>"【動画】東京都、都民が貧困で困っているなか 外国人には起業で1500万円支給"


> 都知事選 投開票まで1週間 ラストサンデーの訴え【スーパー Jチャンネル】(2024年6月30日)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; 70% of respondents were against cutting down trees in the Gaien, and the most respondents wanted Tokyo governor to prioritize "healthcare and welfare" = a telephone survey by Kyodo News

>"衆院選比例代表の投票先、立民がトップ 自民の苦境を反映 共同通信電話調査"

> 共同通信社が実施した東京都知事選の電話調査で、明治神宮外苑の再開発で多数の樹木を伐採することの是非について尋ねたところ、「反対」が 41.3%、「どちらかといえば反対」が 30.8%で計 72.1%に上った。
>「賛成」「どちらかといえば賛成」の合計は 27.8%だった。

In a telephone survey for the Tokyo gubernatorial election by Kyodo News, when respondents were questioned about for or against cutting down a large number of trees in the redevelopment of Meiji Jingu Gaien, 41.3% were "against" and 30.8% were "somewhat against" -- totally 72.1% were "against."
The combined total for those who replied "for" or "somewhat for" was 27.8%.

> 年代別では、「反対」「どちらかといえば反対」の合計は 70代と 80歳以上で8割以上、50代と 60代で7割以上となった。
> 一方、30代では「賛成」「どちらかといえば賛成」が 52.9%で過半数となった。

By age group, the combined total of "against" and "somewhat against" was over 80% for those in their 70s and 80s or older, while for those in their 50s and 60s, the figure was over 70%.
On the other hand, for those in their 30s, "for" or "somewhat in for" was the majority at 52.9%.

> 選ばれた知事に優先して進めてほしい政策は「医療や福祉」との答えが 22.7%と最も多く、「景気や雇用」が 22.4%、「教育や子育て」が 20.3%と続いた。
> 年代別に見ると、30代と 40代は「教育や子育て」と答えた人が最多。
> 50代は「景気や雇用」、60代は「行財政改革」、70代以上では「医療や福祉」が最も多かった。

When asked which policies they expect their elected governor to prioritize, 22.7% answered "healthcare and welfare," which was followed by "economy and employment" at 22.4% and "education and child-rearing" at 20.3%.
"Administrative and financial reform" was at 18.7% and "disaster prevention measures" at 11.2%.
By age group, those in their 30s and 40s were most answered "education and child-rearing."
Those in their 50s most answered "economy and employment," those in their 60s were most at "administrative and financial reform," and those in their 70s or older were most at "healthcare and welfare."