Ref.>"「徴用工」に給料袋 適切報酬の証拠 遺族寄贈「歴史認識に活用を」"


>"旅行・観光ランク、日本は世界3位 1位米国、2位スペイン、8位中国、14位韓国"

>"「韓国のマンファは頻繁に日本のマンガの影響を受けている」 韓国協会が修正を要求もオックスフォード英語辞典側は無視"

> また約束を反故に?韓国が自称元徴用工訴訟の代位弁済に関し、日本企業も寄付に参加を・・・。【世界の〇〇にゅーす】【ニュース】

Translation; In a former conscripted workers lawsuit, the Gwangju District Court in S. Korea ordered KHI to pay compensation of \1.76 million

>"川崎重工業に176万円賠償命令 元徴用工訴訟、韓国の光州地裁"

> 日本の植民地時代に朝鮮半島から動員され労働を強いられたとして、韓国人元徴用工の遺族が川崎重工業に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の判決で、韓国の光州地裁は 22日、約1538万ウォン(約176万円)の賠償支払いを命じた。
> 同種訴訟では最高裁が日本企業の敗訴を確定させる判断を相次いで出しており、下級審でも同様の判決が続くとみられている。

In the verdict in a lawsuit in which bereaved family of a former S. Korean conscripted worker sought damage from Kawasaki Heavy Industries for having been mobilized from the Korean Peninsula and forced to work during Japan's annexation (* not colonial) period, on May 22, the Gwangju District Court in S. Korea ordered KHI to pay approx. 15.38 million won (approx. \1.76 million) in compensation.
In similar lawsuits, the Supreme Court of Korea handed down sentences to finalize the defeats of Japanese companies one after another. It's therefore forecasted that similar sentences will be continuously issued in lower courts too.

> 判決文などによると、当時10代だった元徴用工の男性は、1945年に約6ヶ月間にわたり神戸市の工場で働かされた。
> 戦後に帰国するも給料を受け取ることができず、2015年に死亡。
> 遺族が 20年に提訴した。

According to the written ruling and so on, the former conscripted worker, who was in his teens at the time, was forced to work at a factory in Kobe City for about six months in 1945.
Although he returned to Japan after the end of the war, he was unable to receive wages and died in 2015.
The bereaved family filed the lawsuit in 2020.