


>【ゆっくりニュース】群馬県 朝鮮人追悼碑の撤去費、2062万円 県が市民団体に請求

Translation; The pref. authority charged the cost of the administrative subrogation procedure = the (* hypocrisy) civic organization that managed the (* fake) removed memorial monument for Koreans in the "Gunma Prefectural Forest Park" has decided to disband

>"撤去された「群馬の森」朝鮮人追悼碑、管理の市民団体が解散決定 県から行政代執行費用を請求された"

> 群馬県高崎市の県立公園「群馬の森」にあった朝鮮人労働者追悼碑が県の行政代執行で撤去されたのを受け、管理していた市民団体「追悼碑を守る会」は11日、前橋市の県教育会館で総会を開き、会の解散を決めた。
> また、県から撤去費用として 2062万円を請求され、県側に同日付で送付した解散通知書の中で「支払い能力がない」と回答した。

In response that the (* fake) memorial monument for Korean workers, which was installed in the "Gunma Prefectural Forest Park" in Takasaki City, was removed by using the administrative subrogation procedure of the prefecture, on May 11, the (* hypocrisy) civic organization "association to protect the memorial monument," which managed that, held a general meeting at a prefectural educational hall in Maebashi City, and fixed to disband the association.
Btw, it was charged \20.62 million by the pref. authority for the removal cost, and replied that "have no ability to pay" in the disband notification letter, which was sent to the pref. side on that day.

> 総会では、追悼碑の再建を目指して後日、新団体を立ち上げる方針も確認。
> 請求金のうち撤去費は 248万円、残りは目隠しの囲いや警備の費用といい、「現場にも立ち会わせず、県の都合で行ったことで納得しがたい」と活動報告した。

At the general meeting, a policy was also confirmed to form a new organization aiming to rebuild the (* fake) memorial monument.
Of the bill, \2.48 million was allegedly for the removal, and the rest was the costs for the blindfold and security, and an activity-report was done that "It's hard to accept that the pref. authority did that for its convenience without having anyone present on-site."

> 総会に先立ち、撤去後初めての追悼集会が開かれ、碑に設置していたプレート3枚が披露された。
> 宮川邦雄共同代表らが「県の代執行は稚拙な暴挙。反省と友好親善の重要性を改めて共有したい」とあいさつ。
> 約 200人の参加者はプレートに向けて献花した。
> 県立公園の碑の跡地では撤去前の姿をアプリで確認する催しが行われ、当時をしのんだ。
> アプリはアップル社端末向けに公開されている。

In prior to the general meeting, the 1st (* hypocrisy) memorial rally since the removal was held, in which three plates installed on the (* fake) monument were unveiled.
(* Hypocrite) Kunio Miyagawa, co-representative of the prefecture, and so on make speeches that saying, "The administrative subrogation procedure by the pref. was (* not) a childish outrage. We would like to once again share the importance of hypocrisy (* not self-reflection and friendship)."
Approx. 200 participants placed flowers at the (* fake) plates.
At the site of the (* fake) monument in the prefectural park, an event was held in which they confirmed the pre-removal scene by using an app and reminded those days.
The app is published for devices of Apple Inc.