Ref.>"「日本国憲法はアメリカがつくった」 バイデン副大統領が明言"

US wrote Japan's Constitution 2016/08/15

Translation of X (* tweet) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 5/5)


> 平和憲法 (笑)
> 平和憲法という、まやかしの嘘の宣伝文句がどれだけの日本人を奴隷状態に置いているのか?
> この8年前のバイデンの本音の言葉こそ、嘘つきが言う〈平和憲法〉という記号の本質だ。
> 差別と偏見とヘイトに基づく占領憲法がそんな嘘の言葉の正体に他ならない

The pacifist constitution (lol).
How many Japanese people are being held in "slavery state" by the fake and false advertising slogan of the pacifist Constitution?
This Biden's true-intention words eight years ago is the essence of the symbol called the "Pacifist Constitution" which liars say.
The occupation constitution based on "discrimination," "prejudice" & "hate" is nothing but the true identity of such fake words.
