Ref.>"フィリピン、ドゥテルテ前大統領が進めていた中国の「一帯一路鉄道プロジェクト」を破棄、日米が引き継ぎ「ルソン経済回廊」整備へ ⇒ ネットの反応「インドネシアを見てて勉強したね」"


Translation;"We would like to construct Taiwan-Japan friendship relations" = Taiwan's legislators and others visited the grave of former PM Shinzo Abe

>"台湾の立法委員らが安倍晋三元首相の墓参り 「台日の友好関係を築きたい」"

> 日本の若者の台湾留学を支援する「台湾安倍晋三友の会」(陳唐山会長、元外交部長=外相に相当)と、台湾の立法委員(国会議員)ら約170人が 21日、山口県長門市にある安倍晋三元首相の墓を訪れ、墓前に花を手向けた。
> 曇り空の下、涙を浮かべながら手を合わせる人もおり、思い思いに安倍氏の冥福を祈った。

On April 21, around 170 persons -- "the Taiwan Friends of Abe Association"(chaired by Tan Tong-san (Mark Tan-sun Chen), former foreign minister), which supports Japanese youngsters to study in Taiwan, Taiwan's legislators, etc. -- visited the grave of former PM Shinzo Abe in Nagato City, Yamaguchi Pref., and laid flowers in front of the grave.
Under the cloudy sky, some persons clasped their hands together with tears in their eyes, and prayed for Abe's soul respectively.

> 陳氏は、墓参後の昼食会で「台湾有事は日本有事」という安倍氏の発言を引きながら「日本有事は台湾有事という気持ちで台日の友好関係を築いていきたい」と語った。
At a lunch meeting after visiting the grave, Tan Tong-san said that "With the mind that a Japanese contingency is a Taiwanese one, we would like to construct Taiwan-Japan friendship relations," while quoting the remark by Abe that "a Taiwanese contingency is a Japanese one."