
>"川勝知事が辞意表明… 東北大学教授「ぼくにとって、川勝はたった3本の論文で19世紀日本経済史の通説をひっくりかえした早熟の学者である」"

> 県政史上最悪の県知事・川勝平太の失言!自分で何が問題なのかわかってない子どもかよwww【ゆっくり解説】【まとめ】〜Janapese NEWS

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/8)


I heard many people said that "Please, please don't stop to step down as (* Shizuoka) governor.



> おっと、静岡県知事選挙は5月9日公示、26日投開票の可能性。
> 候補者次第では全国的なお祭りになるな。

Oh, the Shizuoka prefecture gubernatorial election will be announced on May 9, with votes likely to be counted on the 26th.
Depending on the candidates, it could become a national festival.


>"静岡の川勝平太知事、10日にも辞表提出の方針 知事選は5月9日告示の可能性"


"(* Shizuoka) Gov. Heita Kawakatsu is a person who deprives everyone's hardships as if his own achievements."



> サンモニの司会者が変わったそうだが、相変わらず「アベガー・モーニング」。
> いや、日曜に朝であっても、安倍さんのことを考えるのは右も左も同じってコトか。

It seems that the MC of Sanday-moning is replaced, but it's still "Abegar Morning."
No, even on Sunday mornings, it means that leftists and rightists are the same in thinking about Abe.



> 韓国ボーイズグループ Ampers&Oneのキム・スンモ(18)が「独島は我が領土」と発言すると、反日芸でおなじみのソ・ギョンドク教授が「おじさん1号ファン」をアピールして話題に。
> いろいろキモいんですけどー。

When Kim Seungmo (18), member of the S. Korean boy group "Ampers&One," said that "Dokdo is our territory," Prof. Seo Kyoung-Duk, who is well known for his anti-Japan performances, appealed to be "middle aged male fan No. 1," that becomes a hot topic.
It's disgusting in various ways.



> 韓国で日本製品を好む「イエスジャパン」が進む。
> 円安と日本旅行増加で、日本に対する好感度が高まり、日本語がそのまま残っているものも好まれているという。

In S. Korea, "Yes Japan," which prefers Japanese products, has been advancing.
Due to the weaker yen and the increase in travel to Japan, people allegedly become more favorable toward Japan and items retaining Japanes-language are also preferred.

>"韓国流通業界で広がる「ノージャパン」ならぬ「イエスジャパン」… 商品にそのまま日本語"


> 親中派の国民党の馬英九前総統が北京入り。
> 日米首脳会談に対抗して、わざわざ予定を10日に伸ばして、習近平主席と会談へ。

Former President Ma Ying-jeou of the pro-China Kuomintang (* Nationalist Party) arrives in Beijing.
In order to compete with U.S.-Japan summit meeting, he took the trouble to postpone the schedule to April 10 and held a meeting with President Xi Jinping.

>"台湾の馬英九前総統が北京入り 習近平氏との会談は10日に変更情報 日米首脳会談に対抗か"


> これ、中国秘密警察があるといわれている秋葉原のビルに同居している団体のパーティ。
> このビルはハニトラにやられたといわれる議員秘書の事件で家宅捜索されている。
> なぜ日本の元首相が祝辞を送るかな。

The following footage shows a party of an organization living together in a building in Akihabara, where a Chinese secret police is allegedly located.
This building was raided due to the case involving the secretary of a lawmaker (UH lawmaker Shinpei Matsushita (LDP)), who was allegedly trapped in a honey trap.
Why did former Japanese prime minister send a congratulatory message?



> 中国の飲料水メーカー「農夫山泉」のペットボトル茶のデザインが「日本にこびている」と国内で不買運動が広がる。
> 3月ごろから始まった運動で、トイレに捨てる動画などが次々アップされたとか。
> くだらない😏

A boycott has been spreading domestically, because the design of the plastic bottled tea made by Chinese beverage maker "Nongfu Spring" is "flattering Japan."
The campaign was kicked off around March, and footages showing such as throwing it in the toilet were allegedly uploaded one after another.
It's frivolous😏

>"中国で飲料水ボイコット拡大、デザインが「日本にこび」 社会の底流に金持ち憎悪と反日"