
>"【大阪】「自分は性同一性障害で、見た目は男性だが、心は女性」と説明 マッサージしながら女性にわいせつ 57歳の被告に懲役6年の実刑判決"

>"「自然エネルギー財団」の大林ミカ氏、国連や欧州連合(EU)の関連機関の会議でも中国国営企業「国家電網公司」のロゴ入り資料を提出していたことが判明 ⇒ ネットの反応「中国国営企業が書類を作成して、大林ミカが駒として動いていたと考えるのが自然だろ」"

> 中国企業ロゴが政府会議資料に "中国の介入ない"提出者が釈明 内閣府も調査【もっと知りたい!】【グッド!モーニング】(2024年3月28日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/27)


> 見た目は男だが "心は女"を自称し、複数の女性に性的暴行や猥褻行為に及んだ 57歳の男に大阪地裁堺支部が懲役6年の実刑判決。
> 行為の後「心は女だから悪い意味はないよ」などと嘯いていた。
> 女性と女児の命を危うくする LGBT法は一刻も早く廃止を

The Osaka District Court's Sakai branch sentenced a 57-year-old male, who looked like a man but claimed to be "female at heart" and sexually assaulted and obscenity assaulted multiple females to six years in prison.
After the act, he pretended that "I'm a female at heart, so I don't mean anything bad."
Politicians, who asserted that "this will never happen," should take responsibility.
The LGBT Law, that endanger the lives of females and girls, should be abolished ASAP.

>"【速報】「見た目は男性、心は女性」と説明 マッサージしながら女性にわいせつ 57歳の被告に懲役6年の実刑判決"


> 自民党の驕りと自惚れの体現者という点で "新スター"の長谷川岳参院議員。
> 吉幾三氏に機内での CAへの暴言と横柄な態度を告発され、次々と性格破綻の言動が文春 ONLINE等で公開。
> 本人は「過去の表現方法をめぐる報道がなされ、不徳の致すところ。以後、時代に即した表現方法に変えていく」と謝罪なしでブログに感想。
> いや、議員として、人として相応しくない。
> 辞職を勧めます

UH lawmaker Gaku Hasegawa (LDP), who is a "new star" in the meaning that he embodies the arrogance and conceit of the LDP.
He was accused of his abusive words and arrogant behaviors to flight attendants on the plane by Ikuzo Yoshi, and his character-defying behaviors were published on Bunshun ONLINE, etc. one after another.
Without apologizing, he himself posted his impression on his blog that "It's reported over my way of expression in the past, which is due to my immoral. From now on, I will change to a way of expression more in line with the times."
No, he is not suitable as a neither lawmaker nor person.
I recommend him to resign.

>"自民・長谷川岳氏「表現方法が時代にそぐわないものと痛感」 自身巡る報道受けブログで"


> 高度経済成長と米ソ冷戦時代に自身も成長した私達の世代は、日教組教育を受け、抑止力によって "命と平和"を守らなければならないという現実論に背を向ける人が今も大勢いる。
> 仰る通り

Our generation, which grew up during the era of rapid economic growth and the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, received the Japan Teachers' Union education, and there are still many who turn their backs on the reality that "life and peace" must be protected through deterrence even in nowadays.
I agree with the X-post to say that "I used to think that politics was the same no matter who did it and that Japan would be unshakable, but in nowadays, I'm changing to the feeling that politics changes depending on lawmakers, and Japan will disappear in the worse case scenario.
He has a point.



> このままでは日本が終わる、と危機感を持つ国民が多くなってきた事を感じる。
> 私自身、そういう人にどれだけ助けられたか知れない。
> 飯山陽氏も「実は私、再エネ会議の書類に中国企業のロゴが入っていたことを告発した人や、自民和歌山県連の半裸女ハレンチパーティーの映像を産経に提供した人のことを国を思う同志だと勝手に思っている」と。
> 私もそう思う。
> ここで日本の崩壊を何としても止めなければならない

I feel that the more and more nationals are starting to feel that Japan will end if it goes as it is.
I myself can't say thank you enough to that how much I have been helped by such persons.
Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan)] also X-posted that "Actually, I selfishly think that the person who complained about the logo of a Chinese company being included in the documents of the renewable energy TF, and the foorage showing the LDP Wakayama's half-naked females' shameless party to The Sankei Shimbun as comrades who cares about the country."
I think so too.
We must stop Japan's collapse at this time of the moment by all means.



> 国家電網 "ロゴ"事件で立憲中谷一馬衆院議員の質問に河野太郎氏が「規制改革の質問は所管の委員会でお願いしたい」などと "所管"を理由に計8回答弁を逃げた事が波紋。
> 国会が国権の最高機関である事をお忘れか。
> 当の大林ミカ氏は自分をタスクフォースに入れたのは "河野氏"と明らかに。
> 長尾たかし氏は「議事録を読みましたが酷いものです。委員会の所管外の質問は大臣本人がそこにいるのに、誠意ある対応とらず、部下に答弁を押し付ける。おそらく日常からそのような姿勢で仕事に取り組んでおられるのでしょう。絶対に上司にしたくないタイプ」と。
> これが未だ "総理候補"とは信じ難い

I has caused a stir that in response to questions by LH lawmaker Kazuma Nakatani (CDPJ) in the "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China case, Taro Kono ran away eight times from answerting due to "jurisdiction," saying that "questions regarding regulatory reform should be done at the relevant committees." Does he forget that the Diet is the supreme institute of the state power!?
Mika Obayashi herself revealed that it's "Taro Kono," who made her join the TF.
Former LH lawmaker Takashi Nagao (LDP) X-posted that "I read the minutes, and it's terrible. Even though the minister himself is there, concerning the questions that are outside the committee's jurisdiction, he didn't respond sincerely but forced his subordinates to answer the questions. Probably, he approach his work with such attitude on a daily basis. He is the type we never want to be our boss.
It's unbelievable that such person is still "promising prime minister candidate."



> 自然エネルギー財団の大林ミカ氏が内閣府のタスクフォースだけでなく国連や EU関連の会議でも中国企業のロゴ入り資料を使用していた事が判明。
> 産経は "国際社会で日本と中国が深く連携しているとの誤認を招く可能性あり"と。
> いつ知り合い、どんな知見があるので引き回しているのか、河野太郎氏は説明を

It's revealed that Mika Obayashi of the Renewable Energy Institute used materials with the logo of the Chinese company not only at Cabinet Office TF, but also at U.N. and E.U.-related conferences.
The Sankei Shimbun reported that "It will possibly lead to a misunderstanding in the international community that Japan and China are closely aligned."
Taro Kono should explaine when they met and what kind of knowledge she has.