

>"内閣府再エネタスクで大林ミカ構成員の提出資料に『中国国営企業ロゴ』の透かしが入っていたことに、 河野大臣の答弁"

>"島田洋一氏「河野太郎と中国共産党直結かつ『福島みずほ応援団の中心メンバー』大林ミカ氏との関係は深く、長い」「壁には朱 鎔基の肖像。関係を隠そうともしない」「日本政府の中枢に河野太郎を確保している以上、彼らが大胆になるのも無理はない」"

> 内閣府の再エネタスクフォース資料に中国企業「国家電網公司」の透かしが発見され炎上!河野太郎氏「チェック体制の不備」に批判殺到が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/25)


> 熊本知事選の結果に「阿蘇をこんな風にした自公推薦の副知事当選。投票率 49%。半分の人が投票に行かない。そして開票開始の20時当確。投票に行かないとやりたい放題」との声。
> 国政選挙も同じ。
> 絶望的なまでの政治への無関心が "媚中国家日本"を創り上げた。
> このまま中国の属国になり果てる祖国が悔しい

On the results of the Kumamoto gubernatorial election, it's X-posted the the deputy governor, recommented by the LDP and Komei Party, who made Mt. Aso what it is, is elected. The turnout was 49%. Half of the eligible voters didn't vote. Then, at 8 pm when the vote counting started, it was announced that he won. If eligible voters don't vote, they can do whatever they want."
The same goes for national elections.
Desperate indifference to politics has created "Japan, the pro-China country."
I feel sad that my home country will continuously become a puppet state of China.



> 保守・現実派の自民中田宏氏が岸田首相に「外国人、外国資本が我が国の重要施設、例えば自衛隊、海保、発電所、港湾の周辺や内部の土地を買う事はあってはいけない。歯止め策を講じるべきだ」と迫ったが、首相は「安全保障を巡る内外の情勢などを見極め、更なる政策対応の在り方の検討を進めたい」とペーパー棒読み。
> 岸田さんでは中国の侵略は止められない

UH lawmaker Hiroshi Nakada (LDP, conservative & pragmatist) urged PM Kishida that "Foreigners and foreign capital should not be allowed to purchase lands around or inside Japan's important facilities, such as the SDF, Japan Coast Guard, power plants and ports. We should take preventive measures." However, the PM read the read in a monotone that "I would like to ascertain the domestic and international situation surrounding security, and progress consideration of the way of further policy responses."
It's impossible for PM Kishida to halt the invasion by China.



> 玉木雄一郎氏が「河野防衛相時代に自衛隊施設への電力供給の再エネ化が推進されたとは知らなかった。理論的に外国関与の小売電気事業者が電気使用量データから自衛隊の動きを分析する事が可能。自衛隊施設に電力供給する事業者にもセキュリティクリアランスが必要」と。
> 中国の利益の為に働く政治家が怖すぎる

DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki X-posted that "I didn't know that, during Defense Minister Kono period, it's promoted to change to use renewable energy in electricity-supply to SDF facilities was. Theoretically speaking, it's possible for a foreign retail electricity company to analyze the moves of the SDF based on electricity usage data. Businesses supplying electricity to SDF facilities are also required "security clearance."
Politicians who work for China's interests are too scary.



> 国家電網 "ロゴ"事件で日本の電力の生殺与奪を中国が握ろうとするアジアスーパーグリッド(ASG)なる国際送電網構想がクローズアップ。
> そんな折も折、経産省の認可法人「オクト(電力広域的運営推進機関)」が北海道と東京を結ぶ送電網を1兆 5000億円以上投じて新設する事が明らかに。
> 玉木雄一郎氏は「投資拡大はいいが送電網の整備は誰がやるのか?誰の所有になるのか?ランニングコストは誰が払うのか?全部東電か?再エネなら何でも OKという風潮に懸念を感じる」と。
> これも "岸田破壊"の一環か

Due to the "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China case, the international power grid concept called "Asian Super Grid" (ASG) -- in which China attempts to grasp the right to make live or kill of electricity of Japan -- is in close-up.
In just such timing, it's announced that the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO), a corporation authorized by the METI, will invest over \1.5 trillion to build a new power transmission network connecting Hokkaido and Tokyo.
DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki X-posted that "Increasing the investment is acceptable, but who will construct the power grid? Who will possess that? Who will pay the running costs? Will all be done by TEPCO? I'm concerned about the trend that anything is OK as long as it comes to renewable energy."
Is this also part of "Kishida-destruction"?

>"再生可能エネルギー拡大で送電網新設へ 1兆 5000億円以上を投入"


> 内閣府での中国企業ロゴ問題が経産省と金融庁に波及。
> 渦中の大林ミカ氏から "資料を差し替えたい"と連絡があり、ロゴを確認。
> 経産省の総合資源エネルギー調査会の下の "電力・ガス基本政策小委員会"と金融庁 "サステナブルファイナンス有識者会議"での事。
> 役所の審議会まで中国の支配下。
> これが日本

The "Chinese company logo issue" at the Cabinet Office has spread to the "METI" & the "Financial Services Agency."
Mika Obayashi, who is in the midst of a problem, contacted them saying that she wanted to replace the materials, and the logos were confirmed.
It's the matter at "electricity & gas basic policy buscommittee" under the umbrella of the METI's "Agency for Natural Resources and Energy" and the Financial Services Agency's "Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance."
Even government councils are under Chinese control.
This is Japan.

>"中国企業ロゴ問題 経産省と金融庁の会議体でも確認、非公開に"


> 話題の国家電網 "ロゴ"事件の『自然エネルギー財団』(孫正義会長)は、やはりアジアスーパーグリッド(ASG)実現を目指していた。
> 見事に中国の思惑と合致。
> アジアの自然エネルギー資源を各国が相互に活用できるようにする国際的な送電網構想だが、これは中国が日本の電力を思うように制御できるシステム。
> 中国の日本侵略はここまで進んでいる

As expected, "Renewable Energy Institute" (chaired by Masayoshi Son) of the much talked about "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China case has aimed to realize the "Asian Super Grid" (ASG).
This perfectly matches China's intention.
It's an international power grid vision that will allow countries to mutually utilize Asia's natural energy resources. However, this is a system that will allow China to control Japan's electricity as it wishes.
China's invasion of Japan has progressed so far.



> 日本の電力の生殺与奪を中国が握ろうとするアジアスーパーグリッド(ASG)なる国際送電網構想。
> そこへ向かってひた走る勢力が日本には存在する。
> 日本の山野の緑を潰す太陽光発電を推進し、国民から尚、再エネ賦課金を徴収する勢力だ。
> この #国家電網ロゴ事件 に対して河野太郎氏は "チェック体制の不備"と一言。
> いえ、そんな生易しいレベルの問題ではありません

An international power grid vision called the "Asian Super Grid" (ASG), in which China attempts to grasp the right to make live or kill of Japan's electricity.
There are forces in Japan that are rushing towards that goal.
It's powers that promote solar power generation that destroys the greenery of Japan's mountains and fields, and collects renewable energy charges from the nationals.
Concerning this # "logo of the State Grid Corporation of China case," LH lawmaker Taro Kono (LDP) simply said that "The checking system is inadequate."
That's not true, it's not such a simple problem.