Ref.>"岸田氏「女性の身体を触った不適切な事実はない」→男性参加者が女性の尻2度たたく 動画で確認(産経)"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. The ripples of the LDP Youth Division's "reckless spree"

>'[チャンネル正論]. 自民党青年局「乱痴気会合」の波紋'

> 昨年11月、自民党青年局の近畿ブロック会合で露出の多い衣装をまとった女性ダンサーが招かれ、「乱痴気騒ぎ」などと批判が起きた。
> 招いた理由として「多様性」などと説明していたが、関係者は平謝りで、党をいっそうの窮地に陥らせている。
> 月刊「正論」発行人、有元隆志と同編集委員、安藤慶太が解説する。

Last November, female dancers wearing a revealing outfits were invited to a Kinki regional block meeting of the LDP Youth Division, which has caused criticism as a "reckless spree."
The reason why to invite them is explained to be "diversity." However, those involved have apologized thorougly, and putting the party in even more difficulty.
Takashi Arimoto, the publisher of the Monthly Magazine "Seiron," and Keita Ando, editorial committee of the Monthly "Seiron," explain that in the following footage.

> 自民党青年局「乱痴気会合」の波紋