

>"【共同通信】杉田氏、再びアイヌ中傷 「存在しない差別話す人」"

> サインは「私に似ていると思った」 盛山大臣 旧統一教会関連団体の推薦確認書(2024年3月7日)

Translation; "Totally unsuitable" -- an opposition lawmaker criticized so, while the PM rejected to dismiss MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama

>'首相、盛山氏の更迭否定 野党批判「全く不適任」'

> 岸田文雄首相は8日の参院予算委員会で、世界平和統一家庭連合(旧統一教会)の関連団体から 2021年衆院選の際に支援を受けたと報じられた盛山正仁文部科学相について更迭を否定した。

At an UH budget committee on March 8, PM Fumio Kishida rejected to dismiss MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama, who was reported to be supported from a relevant organization of "the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification" (formerly the Unification Church) at the time of LH general election in 2021.
He said that "I would like him to continuously fulfill his job-responsibility."
He replied so to a question by UH lawmaker Mizuho Fukushima (SDP), who required him to dismiss him, saying that "He is totally a unsuitable person to be MEXT Minister."

> 自民党の茂木敏充幹事長の資金管理団体が使途公開基準の緩い後援会組織に多額の資金を移動させていた問題を巡り、福島氏は「制度を熟知した上での脱法行為だ」と非難。
> 使途を明らかにするよう求めたが、首相は「実態を最もよく知る本人が説明責任を尽くすべきだ」と述べるにとどめた。

Over the issue that a political fund control organization of LDP Secretary General Toshimitsu Motegi shifted large amount of fund to his supporters organization with which eased usage disclosure standards is applied, UH lawmaker Mizuho Fukushima criticized that, saying that "This is an unlawful act based on thorough understanding of the system."
She required him to disclose the way of using the fund, but the PM only said that "The very person, who know the actual conditions most, should fulfill the acountability."