


> 女王ナブラチロワがトランスジェンダー選手の女子大会優勝に苦言-公平じゃないわ

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 2/29)


> 今週も全ての女性の安心・安全と女子スポーツの公平性等を守る議員連盟や環境部会、環境・温暖化対策調査会合同会議、 林政対策委員会、 外交部会・外交調査会 合同会議等様々な会議に出席しました。
> 今朝の外交部会・外交調査会 合同会議では、山田重夫駐米国大使、金杉憲治駐中国大使、相星孝一駐韓国大使、鈴木浩駐インド大使にご出席いただき、意見交換を行いました。(続く)

This week too, I attended various meetings -- "lawmakers league to protect peace of mind & safety of all females and the fairness of women's sports (abbreviation is "protect females lawmakers league," whose correct names in English is unknown), joint meeting of "Environment Division" & "Research Commission on Environment and Global Warming Countermeasures," "Forestry Policy Committee" and joint meeting of the "Foreign Affairs Division" & "Research Commission on Foreign Affairs," etc.
At the joint meeting of the "Foreign Affairs Division" & "Research Commission on Foreign Affairs," Japanese ambassador to the U.S. Shigeo Yamada, ambassador to China Kenji Kanasugi, ambassador to S. Korea Koichi Aiboshi and ambassador to India Hiroshi Suzuki participated in it, and we exchanged opinions. (to be continued)

> 外交の最前線の現場にいらっしゃる大使のお話は大変参考になります。
> 日本のプレゼンスを増すためにも頑張っていただきたいですし、こちらもしっかり支えていきたいです。

I questioned ambassador Suzuki, with whom I was cared when I visited India last year, how to take growth power of India into Japan, and ambassador to S. Korea Aiboshi that how addressed the protest by Seoul to the ceremony on the Takeshima day, etc.
The talks by ambassadors, who are on the front lines of diplomacy, are very helpful.
I expect them to do their best to increase Japan's presence, and I would like to firmly support them as well.