
>"日立造船、元徴用工訴訟で、日本政府の立場と反する賠償金相当額 660万円を裁判所に供託していたことが判明 ⇒ 原告側、供託金から賠償受ける意向 ⇒ネットの反応「なんてことをしてくれたんだ!」"

>【ゆっくりニュース】日本政府 サムスン半導体拠点へ 200億円支援へ

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '23. 12/30)


> 韓国のサムスンに日本国民の税金から出す 200億円の補助金。
> 韓国との "異常な関係"こそ岸田首相の命取り

A subsidy of ¥20 billion from the Japanese nationals' tax money will be given to Samsung Electronics in S. Korea
How will the nationals listen to Koji Hirai's pointing out that "Actually, this is just to support the transfer of Japan's three-dimensional packaging technology for semiconductors to Samsung Electronics, which won't even build a factory in Japan. It's not in Japan's national interest at all."
It's "abnormal relations" with S. Korea, PM Kishida's lethal weak point is.




> 永田町で "自分のこと"でなく国家や国民を第一に考えている男性議員には滅多に出会えない。
> だが高市早苗氏、有村治子氏、山谷えり子氏、杉田水脈氏、小野田紀美氏ら女性議員には大いに期待する。
> 面子や嫉妬ばかりで国家・国民が二の次の男性議員とは違うからだ。
> 日本を救える政治家は女性の中にいる。

In Nagatacho, it is rare to meet a male lawmaker who prioritizes the country and its nationals at first, not just himself.
However, I have high hopes for female members, such as Sanae Takaichi, Haruko Arimura, Eriko Yamatani, Mio Sugita and Kimi Onoda.
The reason why is that they are different from male lawmakers who are only concerned with saving face and jealousy, while the country and its nationals come after that.
The politicians who can save Japan are among females.
