"The Reality of Life" Volume 2-13 | 山人のブログ



The mysterious power of the heart

Reporter: By the way, whether the idea of ​​light is American or Japanese, the spirit that pierces it is, as you said one day, "Believe and think of yourself as a great person, and if you think this is the case, from that moment on. , That's how you and your surroundings begin to build. " For me, inventors, poets, prophets-these people belong to the same class. This kind of person is a spiritual person. He has some sort of insight, or spiritual sensation-more than just a normal person. Before the average person, something that cannot be understood by human power is informed by contacting someone in some way. And what I want to ask you is, have you ever experienced in your heart or experience the power that we can touch, which is greater than us? I want to hear about it. You might call this power God, but is it possible for you to always assimilate it? Are you aware of it? Do you make regular and conscious efforts in your daily life to experience this power?

Ford-I came to the spirit world and realized that power was everything. Everything is there. We just acknowledge that power. The essence and essence of everything is there. There is only one substance that we call spirits. Spirit and matter are one whole. I don't want to think that there is a completely different opposite of "spirit" or "matter", these two are exactly one. It's the front and back of the whole. The way to come into contact with this power is to make your life right, trying to do the greatest number of good things to the greatest number of human beings. To make my life right is to try to do the most good to the greatest number of people.

Reporter-Is that all?

Spiritual element body like an angel of happiness

Ford: I'll explain it from now on. Each person is a universe of oneself. At the same time, it is a part of the whole universe. We live in the whole universe, the "whole". I am the center of the entire universe. This self-centered body attracts small spiritual bodies (the invisible spiritual elements of life) to build oneself. The spiritual element of this life is attracted and added to the activity that you are doing, and it makes that activity bigger. Whatever we wish for, it concentrates our minds on achieving it, and as we move toward the realization of that purpose, the spiritual elements of this life will come together to help us and our hopes. It builds what you do into shape. Anyone who is doing the right thing or the beneficial thing can get the help of this spiritual element. This spiritual element of life comes from the outside and helps, but it also goes out from the inside-going out with your thoughts as a vehicle and bringing what you need. .. This spiritual body is the substance that shapes our progress. The nature and quantity of this spiritual body is determined by the type of thought of each person.

Ford-(in addition to the word) it is wrong to think of this spiritual body as being away from us in a mysterious distant place-everyone is here. Everything is prepared. Everything is right here. Inside and outside of us, we are surrounded by it. It's a kind of living substance that Indian yoga practitioners call prana. We can receive and use it by our thoughts. This conveys thoughts, good or bad. Clearly see what you want to achieve. Then, the vibration of Plana begins to move around that idea. This spirit body comes to help. This spirit body also goes out from me. Necessary elements and inspiration come together, and things are carried smoothly.

Reporter: If you clearly think of how your goals are being achieved, the state that comes to your mind will begin to take shape from that point on.

Ford: That's right. This spirit body flies around our hopes and constantly begins to take shape. Envisioning the realization of hope in your mind, seeing it clearly in your mind, that is, creating a template of things in your mind-this is your belief. Beliefs become the substance of what is about to take shape. It seems that many human beings still do not know how experimental or "substantial" beliefs are. I use the word "substantial" where others are spiritual. Because I'm thinking about the substance of "life" and "universe". Human beings are one universe, and innumerable spiritual bodies, that is, "spiritual element bodies of life," live in that universe. And it can be said that human beings themselves are great lives and kings who control and command these innumerable spiritual bodies. Some people refer to humans as "spirits," but spirits are just the "real" of things.

Reporter: I think your theory of "the spiritual element of life" is quite interesting. Assuming this spiritual body, the method and process until the cause that occurred in the mind appears in the result of form is clear. For the cause must have an actual transfer of force for it to have an effect. In other words, the substance or vitality that realizes the actual work must move. Earlier I used the word "spiritual person". He talked about a keen intuition or someone who also had a sixth sense that was different from the average person.

Ford-But it's a matter of experience. Some people seem to think of it as a special talent or a natural gift, but I think it is the result of the long experience of those who have lived many times in their lives. To live life many times, I must refuse to assume that I believe that human beings are reborn. You, we are all reborn. We have many generations of experience. And store some experience. Some lives are older than others. At first glance, it may seem like an intuition, but it's the result of a lot of hard work. This is where it became clear that I was about to come to the spirit world.

Reporters-So you foresaw things like inventors, poets, prophets ... and those who understand the depths of things better than the average person lived in the premortal life until they were reborn. You say that you have more experience than the average person.

Ford: That's right. All of these people are the elders of life. Even though Christ was thirty years old, his life was elder.

Reporter-By the way, you know Swedenborg. Swedenborg, as you know, was one of the most famous scientists in the world at the time. He settled in Stockholm, but he was in a city that was a hundred miles away, and one night he was having a supper with the mayor. High-ranking gentlemen were lined up at the dinner table. Suddenly Swedenborg stood up and went out to the balcony with some excuses while the supper was in progress. Immediately after that, the mayor also went to the balcony. Swedenborg then explained to the mayor and everyone else that there was a big fire in Stockholm now. Vividly explain the details of where the fire started and where it is burning now-in time the fire went out, but clearly stated where it went out. The mayor is so rare that he wrote down Swedenborg in detail. Later, when the messenger brought a report of the fire in Stockholm, it was no different than what Swedenborg said at the dinner party. How can you explain this kind of ability of this scientist?

Ford-Swedenborg was capable of sending and receiving the spiritual elements of the example inside and outside of himself. This can only be done by high-class spirits who have been reborn many times.

Our invisible collaborators

Reporter: Does your spiritual element body mean that thoughts are life forms and thoughts are entities?

Ford: I can't easily find a suitable word. We can't dig it out with a pickaxe. The important partner is the heart. We have no other collaborators to work from our hearts. The doctrines such as Nemami and Mental Hado seem to be the most definitive theories for me so far. With a little research, the explanation seems to be very simple. In my opinion, thought is power. In other words, thoughts have life-both of which I would like to interpret as you like, but anyway, thoughts are a flow of small life forms that come and go from us. It is a wave and a particle of life at the same time.

A spiritual and intelligent small life form that connects the self and the outside world

Reporter: It seems that you are gradually grasping the meaning of what you said as "spiritual element body" or "spirit body". This "spiritual body" is the vital force that controls the physical body and probably causes mental effects in the brain. Do you want to call it spiritual intellectual energy with a spiritual body? In my opinion, each of our physical cells has a single spiritual center. Even if it is not the so-called brain, I think that human beings must finally discover that they have at least spiritual intelligence and are defeating the "spiritual intelligence small life form" that should be the center of that spiritual intelligence.

Ford-Cells also have small souls. There is also a small spirit body in the outside world. This psychic small life form is systematically assembled like our physical cells. It is united with each other to shape our personality. When we think of a person's purpose, some of the energy of our personality rides on this spiritually intelligent lifeform and reaches that person and the object. And this spiritual and intelligent life form is not only inside us, but outside of us. It's the atmosphere that surrounds us and has a lot of influence on our personality, mental state and health. We travel and relocate when we want to change our mood or change our health. And when I try it, I see that it has a certain texture. Why do you think That's because I'm rushing into a group of spiritual bodies that are creating a new atmosphere, leaving behind the spiritually intelligent small life forms that always surround me and no longer have a fresh influence. It is convenient to go as far as possible with rapid power to leave the atmosphere of the past. I believe in the effects of changing homes and land. By changing homes and lands, we can escape from the old atmosphere and come into contact with new "spiritual and intelligent life forms." This is useful in the spirit world. With the power of thought, you can freely go over long distances without vehicles.

Reporter: You say that "spiritual and intelligent small life forms" are gathering inside and outside of us to create an atmosphere.

Ford-Our life is one center that attracts this "spiritual and intelligent small life form" around each of us by the power of that thought. This little creature that has been attracted to the surroundings eventually becomes a part of ourselves and acts according to our personality, as we direct it.

Reporter-In my opinion, there is an "infinite life" at the root of all things in the universe, which keeps everything alive. It supports all beings. So, this infinite great life is the spiritual root of all beings, but your theory is that this great life has its own individuality and how it appears in various phases, in other words, one great life takes individual expressions. I think it's interesting to explain the process that appears around us. "Thoughts" and "existences" are exactly the same things to me.

Ford: That's right. "Thought" and "existence" refer to exactly the same thing. There is no "existence" without "thoughts", and wherever there is "existence", "thoughts" always appear there.

Reporter: We have to admit that the thoughts of the mind, or thoughts, are power, but if the thoughts are power, we can develop this power in some way and make it more effective than ordinary people. There must be a way to use it. By guiding thoughts in a certain direction through spiritual unity?

Stay focused on what you want

Ford: Focusing on your thoughts creates a central magnetic force that attracts spiritually intelligent lifeforms. For example, if you concentrate your thoughts on a business, the magnetic force of that thought will bring together all the elements necessary to accomplish that business. If you think about what you want to do very constantly, it will be drawn to you. The reason why we try various businesses and do not succeed is because we do not always think strongly and enthusiastically about what we want to do. In order to invite what you want to do, you must be patient and maintain your hope and enthusiasm without interrupting your thoughts. Don't be impatient and disappointed right away. It can take three or four months, and sometimes six months, to attract the right conditions for the thing to be fulfilled. In any case, the continuous concentration of thoughts for a long period of time is the magnetic force that attracts the necessary things. That is, the elements necessary for the fulfillment of the thing-the spiritual and intelligent life forms gather around the person, and it naturally works for the fulfillment of the thing. In short, if you don't stop focusing on what you want to do sustainably, the thing itself will be completed by itself. That is because thoughts are the substance of things. You can say that it is a thoughtful thing.

Reporter-Thoughts are power. Kind calls friends, the same kind of thoughts make up the same kind of things. So we always say that turning one's thoughts into success or failure, light or darkness determines a person's life, but this theory probably says. You also agree.

Ford: That's right. "Kind invites friends." If you want to cause hardship, think of hardship. Hardships come to that person.

In the text quoted on the right, the reporter's words are those of the famous American light thinker Waldow Trine. Dr. Harvey Hardman calls this spiritually intelligent microbody that works for us a "scilent partner." In order to achieve a business in cooperation with this "invisible collaborator", there is nothing better than deepening the awareness of being one with the divine infinite supplier, infinite wisdom, and infinite life person. It is necessary to gain a deep awareness that God, who is weak but infinite, will provide for me.

Many of the magazine friends of Seicho-no-Ie have a great deal of faith who can reach this belief, and they show us the infinite power of God every day. What I really need is the fact that someone mysteriously brings it to me. This is not a theory, a reasoning, or an imagination, and it is a fact that you can often witness and experience in your daily life.

About the launch of Seicho-no-Ie magazine, the small desk I used to use with my kids was too small and inconvenient to write manuscripts, ship magazines, and study for kids. Since I came, my wife said, "I want another desk. Please buy it." So, "I can't afford the economy because of the publication of Seicho-no-Ie, so please wait a little longer." The next day, Matsumoto in Osaka. I received a letter from Mr. Gaiji saying, "I'm thinking of building a desk for you." Just the day my wife wanted a desk, it was a letter written by Mr. Matsumoto, so when God knew what we had to do, we talked to each other and thanked him. was. I still use the desk for writing.

This kind of experience is not just for me, but for the deceased, Dr. Utsuken Imai and Mr. Shigemasa Sugie, who is in Amagasaki, are always experiencing this kind of experience. Everyone has a deep belief in being connected to God, and Mr. Matsumoto, who is told to make a desk for me, said, "I'm not ready for tomorrow." You won't be in trouble.

When this happens, we are no longer financially uncertain. This is because it is not a theory but an actual understanding that God always brings to us what is necessary for life through someone's hand. When all human beings reach this view of the economy, the circulation and distribution of goods will be complete and an economic paradise will be created on the earth. The only way for each individual to reach this point is to deepen the sense of unity between the self and God, that is, infinite supply. "Metaphysical healing" is the "healing of God" that arises from this "awareness of oneness between God and self" and heals illnesses like palm healing and other spiritual treatments. Not only is it given for everything that needs to be cured in our lives. Human beings, children of God, are not built to suffer from living difficulties, so as I said earlier, you will be able to get what you want economically from somewhere. This is not cured by the surgeon with spiritual power. The leader only opens the way to deepen the sense of unity with God through the "view of God", and the rest is only thanks to the person's training and depth of belief. This practice is mainly a "godly view", but the point is that if you deepen your sense of unity with God, the things that you must have will be gathered in your hands and healed as you wish. As a secondary training method, you must apply the method of "self-suggestion" explained in Volume 4 of "Faith of Life" and always try to read words that raise your faith. One magazine friend was told that the illness was cured just by reading Seicho-no-Ie magazine. Another magazine friend told me that when I put Seicho-no-Ie magazine in my pocket and went out, I felt bright all day and my work went smoothly. The reason for this is that there is a spirit wave of truth in books with the words of truth, so the spirit wave of words raises faith, and the spirit wave of faith attracts the good spirits of the spirit world to that person. It makes you feel cheerful and invites you to do something that is indispensable to that person. Some people may think that it is a superstition to say that the words of truth printed on a book have spirit waves, but since the written words have spirit waves as well as the words that are uttered. There is. From ancient times, it is due to the spiritual wave of the written words that the illness may be cured or the possession may fall just by flipping "Daiwakakei" in front of the sick person. In addition, amulets, amulets, and insect seals received from shrines are quite effective, and there is evidence that they are not necessarily superstitions. According to the spirit world communication from Mr. Tay Stett, "I may or may not be able to convince you, but the books you have-printed and bound dossiri heavy books are one from the spirit world. It is a light body. The life of a book is determined by the value of that light. " According to this, some thick books should be nothing more than scraps of paper, and some booklets should be as brilliant as the amulets of the gods and Buddha. Moreover, there are various types of Reiko, so even if you just put it by your side without reading it, there are various things that have an adverse effect on our hearts and those that have a positive effect. In general, the light emitted from books with bright words calls for good spirits, and the light emitted from books with dark words calls for evil spirits. It is thought that the fact that "Lotus Sutra" and "Kanro no Horain" have merit just by accepting, copying, and reading them is the essence of the spiritual wave of the word.

"The Reality of Life" (headnote version) Volume 2 <End>