悩みはじめた大人肌へ★肌本来のうるおい機能に着目したとろぱしゃ化粧水 | b891ntのブログ





オルビス株式会社のオルビスユー エッセンスローション(医薬部外品)ですみずがめ座




*3肌荒れ防止有効成分として、デスクパンテノールWの配合が国内で唯一 2022年5月Mintel社データベース及び先行技術調査による当社調べ




*1 肌に潤いが満ち、維持されている状態

*2 乾燥など



I am working with ORBIS as a product monitor.

This is ORBIS U Essence Lotion (quasi-drug) from ORBIS Co., Ltd.みずがめ座

It focuses on the moisturizing function of the skin and is the only one in Japan that contains a high concentration of unique ingredients*3 to address the increasing problems such as dryness, lack of firmness, and dullness*1.ラブラブ

*1 Dullness due to dryness

*2 Pola Orbis Group proprietary ingredient “despanthenol W” (blended in lotions and moisturizers)

*3 The only active ingredient in Japan that contains Deskpanthenol W as an active ingredient to prevent rough skin. According to our research based on Mintel database and prior art research in May 2022.

The key to the future of skin is the quality of moisture *1 カギ

Adult skin tends to accumulate small damage*2, and its barrier function deteriorates, making it unable to maintain moisture and becoming more susceptible to damage, resulting in a negative skin condition spiral.ガーン

That's why it's important for adult skin to have early anti-aging care that approaches the barrier function, prevents skin roughness, and increases and maintains moisture.星

*1 A state in which the skin is filled with moisture and is maintained

*2 Drying etc.

Its texture is thick and sticky「TOROPASYA」, and it quickly penetrates into my skin.ルンルン