First Style Post

My camera hasn't been working so I haven't been able to take photos of my buys from local shopping.

I thought I'd atleast post what I've gotten via internet so far.

I'm not finished with internet shopping yet though. ラブラブ

I bought a pair of these. Thought they were really cute! ドキドキ

I found them from a seller overseas.

So, hopefully I won't be seeing anyone else

walking around with them on their feet. (haha)


I love this scarf and I got a really good deal on it. I decided to buy this color and 2 others. Grey and black. キラキラ


I feel like winter can't be completed without pom-pom scarfs. So, I got this in black and one in white. リボン


And for the ending of today's post, my new nails! キティ1


Just booked my flight for Alaska! ラブラブ

I'm leaving the 26th of this month.

I'm really excited and look forward to making lots of money to move to Tokyo next year. ケアベア パープル

Tomorrow I will go shopping for clothes to wear since it so

much colder in Alaska. 雪の結晶

So, look foward to a style post. リボン

Today I went tanning.ドキドキ

I could only tan for 15 mins though.

I think I will go again tomorrow to make up for the other

15 mins I missed out on.

I love tanning. It really relaxes me. 好

I hope I can find a good tanning salon in Tokyo.

I might be moving to Alaska soon. I am wondering if they have tanning salons there? haha

That is probably stupid to think but with all the snow I wonder.

Tanning is important. It's my addiction. かさ

I wish more gaijin gals would tan. I think a tan brings the whole gyaru image together.

Also, I think it is very weird how many gaijin gyaru find gyaru-o to be unattractive.

I find really tan gyaru-o to be sexy. ラブラブ

Maybe sentaa gai is not hot but gyaru-o is. IMO anyway.

Recently many Shibuya gal and gal-o have lightened their skin up. This makes me sad. パン子

See, sad face.



