出る単予想 復習問題 24 | 難単攻略



1.Collins Cobuildの単語の定義の見出し語を下の単語の中から適当なものを選び、必要ならば形を変えて()に入れてください。単語をクリックすると、Collins Cobuildの単語ページが表示されます。

A If you say that something such as an idea, remark, or story is (     ), you mean that it is dull and boring because it has been said or told too many times
B If you say that someone (     ) a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this.
C If someone or something is (     ), people hate them intensely or show their hatred of them.
D If a government or a group of people in power (     ) a law or agreement, they officially withdraw it and state that it is no longer valid.
E If you say that someone is (     ), you are critical of them because they deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm.
F If you describe something such as clothes or decorations as (     ), you mean that they are cheap and show a lack of taste.
G If you cannot (     ) something, you are unable to understand it, although you think carefully about it.
H Someone who is (     ) gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that there might be.

1 rescind、 2 revile、 3 tawdry、 4 trite
5 usurp、 6 vigilant、 7 vindictive、 8 fathom





A If you say that something such as an idea, remark, or story is (4 trite), you mean that it is dull and boring because it has been said or told too many times
B If you say that someone (5
usurps) a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this.
C If someone or something is (2
reviled), people hate them intensely or show their hatred of them.
D If a government or a group of people in power (1
rescind) a law or agreement, they officially withdraw it and state that it is no longer valid.
E If you say that someone is (7
vindictive), you are critical of them because they deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm.
F If you describe something such as clothes or decorations as (3
tawdry), you mean that they are cheap and show a lack of taste.
G If you cannot (8
fathom) something, you are unable to understand it, although you think carefully about it.
H Someone who is (6
vigilant) gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that there might be.


1 rescind、 2 revile、 3 tawdry、 4 trite
5 usurp、 6 vigilant、 7 vindictive、 8 fathom


A (意図・理由など)を見抜く
B (危険や犯罪に)警戒する
C (言葉・考えなどが)使い古された
D (地位・権力・仕事など)を不当に奪う
E (怒り・嫌悪をこめて)非難する
F (不当なまでに)恨みを抱いた
G (法律・命令・契約・決定など)を公式に無効にする
H 安ぴかの、下品な、不道徳な





1 rescind  G (法律・命令・契約・決定など)を公式に無効にする
revile  E (怒り・嫌悪をこめて)非難する
tawdry  H 安ぴかの、下品な、不道徳な
trite  C (言葉・考えなどが)使い古された
usurp  D (地位・権力・仕事など)を不当に奪う
vigilant  B (危険や犯罪に)警戒する
vindictive  F (不当なまでに)恨みを抱いた
fathom  A (意図・理由など)を見抜く