CNN10 Astronomers rethink the structure of the | amnn1のブログ







Astronomers rethink the structure of the universe | September 26, 2024

I’m here to help you get your mind fueled up

Send billions of dollars in Aid to support

and space out the delivery of supplies

made some offensive gains over …
began counter offenses to regain region lost to Ukraine

support Ukraine with aid

uphold the UN charter 「国連憲章を守る」

bring an end to the hostilities





We must hold those responsible for war crimes accountable

hold ...  accountable」「~に責任を問う」

Rolling out those safety updates

Is going to start looking a little different


By default
as a standard setting

as the default option

make all teen accounts private by default


get their parents okay to make their Instagram settings less restrictive

If you click on that, it takes you to a popup that will tell you

We do have other safety technologies in place or

Put you through an ID check in order to verify and make sure that you are the age that you’re stating.

1,000 light-years away

Ginormous black hole

Have a reputation of being the garbage disposals of the universe

Inhaling anything that comes near them

Some of the materials are ejected before they get drawn in forming these powerful jets

get drawn in」「吸い込まれる」=> pulled in」「sucked in

Found So enormous our entire Milky Way Galaxy


Dormant black hole Gaia BH1

*dormant -temporarily inactive or inoperative:

The width of 140 milky way galaxies


Octopuses have long been known to do their own thing but

Might not be as solitary as we once thought

Super intelligent cephalopods have been found to seek


Using their tentacles to puch on cooperative fish as punishment to get them to leave the group


Turned out a lot better

Private gripe or complaint can do

She may share for a while down the road




Major Hurricane Could Hit Florida | September 25. 2024

Olympic gymnast

an action-packed show

pick up pace and rapidly intensify into hurricane Helen

be bracing for what could be the United States' most powerful hurricane this season

make landfall

had maximun sustained winds of 120 mph


「sustained winds」は、気象予報などでよく使われる専門用語


have paused their operation

a paramilitary group in Lebanon are escalating

both sides are trading waves of air striked over ...

the number of displaced people in ...

as tens of thousands flee their homes



change the equation


a war of extermination in every sense of the word

escalatory stratefy is 

were give just 2 hours notice vefore ...

as smokeengulfed swaths of Lebanon

as the prospect of all out War now looms larger than ever

all-out war 全面戦争、総力戦


resplendent show 


What do you like to do for healthy alone time?

If I'm doing healthy alone time, it's 


Boujee リッチで高級感のある様子

be steered back to safety



shining brillianty, characterized by a glowing splendor



First came the earthquake. Now the floods | September 24, 2024


Let's get this show on the road


spend money appropriated

set aside for a specific use by

bill need to be passed by Monday

cease all non-essential functions


flight delays 

will start making its way through 


be devasted by 

has now been hit by treacherous flooding and landslides


treacherous 「危険な」裏切りをする, そむく

  • treachery: 名詞形。裏切り、裏切り行為。
  • treacherously: 副詞形。裏切りに満ちて、危険に。

torrential downpours

caused over a dozen rivers in the area to breach their banks in what officals call the heaviest fainfall there

it's reeling from what the Japanese weather agency said

the heaviest rainfall that it's ever seen 


and again the city became like a scene out of a movie in septemver

I cannot help thinking the Noto region might be cursed or something 

having to start all over again

part of the destrction that we've seen from these floods could have been exacerbated by the damege caused from that earthquake earlier this year


the damage caused to embankments and preventment


rescure any remaining survivors

assess the exact extent of the damage caused


nanoparticle powder


crime fighting

examining a breakthrough in forensic science

there's always room for improvement

powder dusting method to identify fingerprints 

be utilized since the 19th century

there's only so much this earlier technique can detect

left residue behind

luminous substance

made form tiny particles of matter and a suger found on the exterior of shellfish


fluorescence in this new powder

there's no chance you mistake the detail for the bank note

reasonably optimistic about this

will inevitably be some residue lefe 

make fingerprints easier to detect while ...

obsserve microscopic images


fruitfly embryos




time-lapse photos 

(time-lapse photography)一定の間隔で撮影した静止画をつなぎ合わせて動画として再生する撮影方法


a cell in the spinal cord of a zebrafish

scientific imagery


harp root veggie a shovel a fingerprint

the unicode consortium

will see these rolled out in the next few month



becoming a social media sensation

weighs a whopping 50 pounds=lbs

eat twice as many fish the average adult penguin eats

shrink down some when he sheds his fluffy brown baby feathers for the classic black and white tuxedo look





Can AI News Anchors Protect Journalists? | September 20, 2024


bunker 貯蔵庫


AI avatars

the brainchild of a group of media organizations


a crackdown on free scpeech

experience political and economic strife

astronomical prices and shortages of goods

take to the streets to protest 

the authoritarian regime

all but four of them are still behind bars for charges like terrorism

 led these journalists to get creative

government censorship


front a newscast

doesn't come without its own risks 


in the wrong hands


erode trust in institutions

a collective of journalists 

proclaim  宣言する

under hate incitement laws

how can I be sure that 

AI is sometimes touted as a threat to reliable information and a risk to democracy but...


has the highest salinity or soncentration of salt.

thanks to factors like large drainage areas and trade winds.


trade wind

blowing from east to west above and below the equator.


 bore occurs when the leading edge of an incoming tide creates a wave that surges up a river.

Tide watching is a Chinese tradition of the mid-autumn festival, which falls on a full moon.


go bonkers
To be or become extremely excited or enthusiastic (about something).

To be or become wild, restless, irrational, or crazy; to act in such a way.

To be or become very angry or upset.


a refurbished bunker 14ft underground

be nestled 14 ft below a contry field

roughly the size of a garage

this cozy decommissioned bunker retains some of its original charm

features like an as bes as fire blanket 燃性の素材で作られた簡易消火用具

vintage binoculars

this ominous cold war hotline phone

has sought-after upgrade



can't put a price on that

volatile real estate market

thermonuclear blast

this craggy crib

crib ベビーベッド/ 貯蔵所


the uber-unique home of 

Covered in everything from pipestone to pink quartz to volcanic rock,  there`s more here than meets the eye[見かけ]以上のものがある」

a world champion caliber home







Traveling Billions Of Miles Into Space | September 19, 2024


catch up on ...

be starting to come under control

those high prices came down a bit

finace a car, a house or business loan

carry a balance on some credit cards

hanging in the balance is the American job market

be fed up with


to make it past what boundary in outer space



fired up a set of ruster

they ran into an issue

had to get creative with ways to keep the Aging craft going

from a scientific standpoint

? out through Helio sheep across a helops and as far into space as we can make that data last

the electrons , protons and the particles that are around 

a lot going on in a place where you can't really 

the solar wind

Neptune encounter in order to repurpose the memory for 


Mangrove estuaries

it's going to inhibit the natural growth of the mangrove

rise and fluctuate 

a staggering amount of 

loaded on to a barge
get made into different products or upcycled 
to recycle (something) in such a way that the resulting product is of a higher value than the original item
a fair living wage
is only a band-aid for now
out of commission rail car
are being sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic
in conjunction with 
wreath babitats for mine wildflife
stay alert for one of your words
new teen account setting 
all in an effort to
time limit reminders nudging them to leave the app
will default to sleep mode ...
change the app back to their preferred settings 
after a trove of insider documents 
-> trove of 膨大な
a time lapse tour of the planet
nearest flyby of Mercury
jaw dropping
large asteroid or Comet impacts 
ruugh and rugged でこぼこの
athletes equinity 
equine nature or character
came out on top with ... medals
cross off some amazing places on our bcketlist
I was born blind
require several volumes of braille in may case
<> scalp
brick line cistern 
stellar words 
平静, 沈着, 落ち着き
calmness and composure especially in ifficult situations
We've got lots to get to
hold up an agreement
in-person negotiations 
at all times
smuggling weapons into 
look what they've left behind
in pursuit of your objectives
demolish it
have a stronghold 
embedding in the population 
a narrow view
we can get firsthand
Arizona has been the nation's leading producer of copper
as a foster parent and adoptive mother
fill in the gaps and provide resources for Native American Youth and their families
there's such a huge need
most of my connections that I might have had to my past were kind of severed when
it's a surreal experience
come complete with ...

Explaining A New Dynamic Kickoff | September 13, 2024

 This major tributary of the Amazon, 
 tributary -支流をなす/貢献する.
 the record drought is upending the lives of hundreds of thousands of people while it damages the jungle ecosystem.

To stand, set, or turn on one end:
To invalidate, destroy, or change completely; overthrow: 
incredible feet high above the earth, 
exited the capsule
take up
and see if everything still works
jiggling and 
there is no way to get air back into the cabin
do an emergency deorbit back to Earth
a titanium plate
there is a whole new look in ....
in  hopes of making the game safer
a driver for injury
something that creates and fuels activity, or gives force or impetus
audacious 大胆な, 不敵な
Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold.  adventurous, brave
something pretty radical, getting rid of ... the most iconic 
they see a 33% decrease in concussions  across the league
Parents certainly like the idea, and it turns out, so do the players.
altogether まったく, 完全に
all options are on the table
preserve the elements of the game
sprinting down the field to try and tackle the receiving team
is still in the concept phase

Tracking Hurricane Francine | September 12, 2024


Why is it that 

we park on a driveway 

but drive on a parkway and

when we send something by ship it's called cargo

but by car it's called shipment.



  • Originally, a parkway was a landscaped street or avenue, often with trees and grassy areas on either side. It was designed for leisurely driving and enjoyment of the scenery.
  • The term "drive" in "driveway" is related to the concept of driving through or along a path, and a parkway, being a scenic route, fits this idea.


  • A driveway is a private road leading to a house or garage. It's primarily used for accessing a property.
  • The term "park" in "driveway" likely comes from the idea of parking vehicles on a private space, as opposed to parking on a public street or in a parking lot.


the best darn viewers in news

darn >>>>「とても」「ものすごく」
「the best darn viewers」「最高の、とびきりな視聴者」
Used to express dissatisfaction or annoyance.


sped up < speed

made landfall

be forecast to reach major hurricane status

or get any stronger than the category 2

pack a punch 「強い影響力を持つ」「一撃を詰め込む」
To be able to punch powerfully.
By extension, to have a powerful effect or impact.

outside of the levy protection system

is expected to unload a whole lot of rain on parts

rainfall rates could reach up to a whopping  inches per hour

a foot of rain 非常に大量の雨が降ったことを示す

flash flooding


there feel like some are taking the whole fur baby concept to a whole new level

chose pet over having children

pets are even on track to outnumber kids

point to pets as the problem


the number of pets in urban China is expected to surpass the number of children ages 0 to four by the edn of the year.

there could be nearly twice as many pets in ... than

chose not to have kids

offering things like financial incentives and time off from work

doggedly try to boost China


sounds a little cheesy but..

this little bit of litter had a whole lot of environmental effect.

aside from the risk of ...

for a good reason 「正当な理由があって」「もっともな理由があって」

the snacks soften by the cave's humidity fromed a perfect environment to quickly spread mold and fungi 

curious critters like insects


to mitigate the effects



a hollow alphabetic sentence used every at least once


there are two powers at work keeping some people glued 

cognitive science







A National Day of Remembrance | September 11, 2024



zip you through

a first of its kind liftoff to outer space

after a series of delays

the major drain on oxygen suplies

be bracing for 

the storm is quickly nearing hurricane status

and could strengthen to a category 2 storm by landfall

a hurricane of that strength can do a lot of damage to homes

widespread power outages

predicted flooding


reacord heat have prompted evacuation

contain the blazes


figure out exactly what happened

coordinated attacks against 

as the nation pauses to reflect and remember those who lost their lives on that tragic day

sit in the original location of 

sit in the precise footprint of the World Trade Center

striking display of the sheer scale of the destruction 

with poignant reminders of the tragedy at every turn


poignant (poin′nt)
胸を刺すような, 激しい, 強烈な
Arousing deep emotion, especially pity or sorrow; touching: 



running from the dust cloud

escape to safety

the move met with mixed emotion from their families

chilling reminders of the day

handmade flyers for the missing across emerging from the wreckage 

everyday items simply left behid

artifacts 人工物, 工芸品


one small exhibit has been the biggest source of controversy

why give any time to the terrorists

It's one way to look at it is 

a holocaust museum

the Nazis

committed those atrocities 暴虐, 非道


Noone in any way think that we are indicting an entire religion which we in no way are


indict (ĭn-dīt′)
To accuse of wrongdoing or criticize severely:





we can be a little better each day than we wre the day before

the books that made a huge impact on their lives

a bit of a speech impediment

favorite book growing up

the big takeaway 

had such a profound impact on me

coonhound アライグマ用の猟犬

in my view, biased 


may have been flummoxed by

watching these dirigibles take off


まごつかせる, めんくらわせる

bewildered or perplexed


dirigible = airship 飛行船
able to be steered. 操縦できる