ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(40) 6月13日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(40)



Subject: Grateful for a lovely evening. 
Dear Manuela,

Thank you for the wonderful dinner yesterday. I truly appreciate your hospitality. Trying Portuguese cuisine was a unique experience for me and I must say for a simple meal of grilled fish and rice, the flavors were distinct and absolutely delicious. Our diverse conversation was truly enjoyable. I've expanded my knowledge of Portuguese wines and hearing about the values that Pourtuguese people hold dear sparked my interest. Once again, thank you for a memorable eveneing
Warm regards,



hold dear


  • Please feel free to use the restaurant for a private occasion next time.
  • Please do try using the restaurant for a private occasion next time.
Dear Rew,
Thank you for your thoughtful email. It seems you enjoyed the Portuguese cuisine and wine as much as I didPlease feel free to use the restaurant for a private occasion next time. Learning about the Japanese perspective on religion was very informative for me. See you in the meeting next week.
Rew, Thanks a lot for taking us around Kamakura today. Mark looked super happy meeting you with Akiko. The great Buddha was awe-inspiring and walking thrugh the serene Temple grounds was a soul refreshing experience. It'a memory will treasure for a lifetime
Again, a huge thank you.

Jenny, did you notice any casual social media expressions?

-Instead of delighted or pleased, super happy is used. And instead of impressive, awe-inspiring is used.


*great Buddha



  • It's been a while since we were in Kamakura.

What other forms of expression are possible?

-Using "It's been quite some time since", you can also say,

  • It's been quite some time since we last visit Kamakura.
Emily, great to hear. I've talked to Akiko about you and Mark a lot. So it was a cool chance to finally meet. It's been a while since we were in Kamakura. So we enjoyed the sightseeing too. Alright then, let's give it our best shot with the project too.
Are there any expressions in this message that are typically used for chat?
-Yes, phrases such as great to hear, cool chance, alright then.
  • Thank you for the lovely dinner. Your cooking is amazing.
  • This is a quick note to thank you for the wonderful lunch.
  • Your hospitality and company made it truly special.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(39)

The brainstorming session has now reached its final topic for the day. Discussing whether to focus on in-store sales or online sales. 


Why do online sales have a siginificant impact in China?

-Because the digital landscape is robust.


So our final topic today is in-store sales versus online sales. In China, the digital landscape is robust, so online sales have a significant impact. To what extent should we prioritize online sales in Southeast Asia. 

-From my understanding, there's still a strong inclination toward in-store experience. Many customers value the personal touch.

-Interesting observation. What specific strategies do you propose for in-store sales?

-We might want to explore partnerships with local upscale retailers, hotels and restaurants, incorporate cultural elements into our displays and organize tasing events. 

-That's make sense. Amanda, Iris, thank you for your contributions. We had a fruitful brainstorming session today.

- It seems we need a nuanced approach for each region to maximize our success.





personal touch 温かみ・ひたしみ=>お店でのやりとり



nuanced 微妙な違いのある > nuance


From my understanding,

  • From my understanding, there's still a strong inclination toward in-store experience.
  • From my understanding, the product launch has been postponed.
  • From my understanding, the training will be conducted online.
As far as I can tell,

As far as I can tell, the preference for in-store experience remains strong.


From I what I gather,

From I what I gather, there's a prevailing preference for the in-person retail experience.



The next stop is to share these thoughts with the product development. I'll send out a summary of today's discussion and I encourage you to share any additional thoughts or suggestions via email.



As a follow-up, let's schedule a brief meeting next week to dive deeper into these concepts. That will give us an opportunity to work out a strategy before discussing things with the product development.



It's good if you have an idea that the participants are interested in. But you don't always come up with a good idea, do you? 

-Well, I think there's pressure to contribute to brainstorming sessions, otherwise, the preson could be seen as uninterested, preoccupied or lacking skills in creativity. They may be seen as not being a team player or not trying. For some, it's a chance to prove themselves and gain respect.

-Hmm, to cope with that kind of pressure, I think it's important to consider what to say beforehand rather than speaking off the top of your head.



off the top of (one's) head
よく考えないで, 即座に
From memory or without much or careful consideration.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(38)

The discussion shifts towards product variations with a continuous flow of fresh ideas from Amanda and Ilis.


In Vietnam, what does the lotus flower symbolized?

-It's a symbol of purity and beauty.



How about offering limited time regional variations?

- This approach wouldn't only showcase our adaptability, but olso highlight our uniqueness. 

-Interesting suggestion. Can you provede a couple of examples?

-Sure. We could introduce unique flavors inspired by local preferences or seasonal ingredients. Needless to say, a touch of matcha flavor should be added as well. For Thailand, maybe mango infused chocolate. As for Vietnam, how about a chocolate variation inspired by the iconic lotus flower, a symbol of purity and beauty in Vietnamese culture. It would not just pay homage to the country's cultural symbolism, but also unveil a distinct and elegant flavor profile.

-Sounds great. And for Malaysia, perhaps a bold and distinctive durian flavored chocolate.

-The innovative ideas just keep on coming. I'm impressed.


showcase アピールする


needless to say

a touch of .. 少量の~

infused 味などを加えた・注入した <-mango infused マンゴーの風味が加わった

pay homage to .. に敬意を表する





needless to say,

  • Needless to say, a touch of matcha flavor should be added as well.
  • Needless to say, attention to detail is essential in quality control.
  • Needless to say, learning from mistakes is important in personal growth.
    * in personal gwowth 個人の成長

Naturally, we should include a touch of matcha essence.


It goes without saying that

It goes without saying that we should add a bit of matcha flavor.


  • How about offering limited time regional variations?

How about capturing the essence of spring with delicate chocolate with a subtle aroma of cherry blossoms?

*capture 取り入れる


How about exploring a unique blend featuring kinako powder, which would provide a nutty and toasty flavor to complement the richness of the chocolate.


*nutty and toasty <- roasted soybean flour / powder
*complement 引き立てる<- 補完する


How about creating a special edition incorporating the sweet and earthy notes of sweet potato.

*special edition

*note <- earthy notes 土の香り





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(37)

Marketing strategy


The discussion has transitioned to marketing strategies. Focusing on what can be learned from strategies employed in China and Taiwan. 


What is vital to the success of the marketing strategies?

-Understanding and respecting the local culture.


What marketing strategy implications can we draw from China and Taiwan?

-I beleve, we all agree that harmonizing marketing efforts with key Cheinese festivals and celebration was crucial to our success. For instance, promoting matcha flavored chocolate as a festive treat during the Chinese New Year proved effective. This approach could also work well in Southeast Asia. 

-I fully endorse your view. We should consider integrating cultural elements into our marketing campaigns. The contrie's art, festivals or symbols for example. Understanding and respecting the local culture is vital to the success of our marketing strategies. Establishing a stronger cnnection with the locla audience.

- I couldn't agree more. Do you have any other thoughts or ideas to consider?



festive <- festival



vital to

I couldn't agree more <>- can't 



integrate ... into ...

  • We should consider integrating cultural elements into our marketing campaigns.
  • Can you integrating these design elements into the overall concept?
  • Let'd disscuss how we can integrate customer feedback into our product development.

incorporate ... into

It may be worth incorporating cultural elements into our marketing initiatives.


include ... in ..

Why don't we consider including cultural aspects in our marketing efforts?



Taking cultural elements into account is a great idea. How do you think we could practically integrate these cultural aspects into our marketing materials or campaings?


I couldn't agree more. How do you think respecting local culture can specifically impact our marketing strategies? Are there any case studies or sccess sutories that come to mind?






ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-1)

Kailene Falls



Why was it difficult for Kailene to find a job?

-Because she wasn't really aware of the job searching system in Japan.


Kailene Falls, welcome to our program. It's great preasure to have you with us you today. 

-I'm very happy to be here today. Thank you. 

-So, you study graphic design and Japanese at the University without any prior connections or work experience, finding a job in Japan right after university must have .. presented some challenges.

-It was really difficult. I wasn't really aware of the job serching system in Japan where students usually use the last year of university to heavily looking for jobs. And my plan had been to graduate American University and then send my portfolio off to a number of different Japanese comapanies. Unfortunately, I kept getting the same response, it wasn't the hiring season. So the first half a year I was still interning at an American fashion boutique doing their graphic design while trying to find a job in Japan. And I tweeted about my troubles saying that I can not find a job in Japan. And .. somebody responded saying have you looked at any job hunting sites, 転職サイト, and I had not heard of the term before and so they gave me a few to try and I was just very fortunate to find a company whoes president liked American design and was interested in hiring somebody that had an American background because of the upcoming Olympics. I spoke Japanese to a certain extent at that point and had an American design education, and I was able to use that in finding my job. They got my visa and moved to Japan in January of 2014. So, yeah, a little over 10 years ago. 

-That must have been a stressful process.

-It was stressful but it was exciting because I had decided that I wanted to move to Japan when I was maybe 15 or so. And so a seven year dream was finally became and realized. I had studied Japanese in university, but there was a lot of specific vocabulary, uh.. in the design field that I didn't know. And I hadn't quite gotten the skill of understanding which parts of a sentence I 100 percent need to understand and what parts I can sort of ignore. I think that a very important thing in language learning is realizing that you don't need to know 100 percent of what the partner is saying, but you need to know the primary concepts and understand the rest from context.


send off

In this case, send off or send something off, means to send it to the relevant people. To mail or submit something. Send and send something off are very similar, but phrases like send something off or send in sound more specific and the nuance of something like the task has been cmpleted. For example, I sent my resume off to the company. , sounds more like the applicant has finished their part and is waiting for an answer. But I sent my resume to the company. makes the listener feel they may need more information.


intern verb





Coming soon, approaching like a deadline. Something that you're expecting to happen soon. Something that is upcoming describes something that is about to happen. For example, I have to study for my upcoming test. means I have to study for a test that I'll have soon.


to a certain extent

In a way. To degree. Not completely.  Kailiene said that at that time she spoke Japanese to a certain extent. meaning that she could speak Japanese but wasn't completely fluent. Here's another example, I can help you to a certain extent, but you have to finish the project on your own.



adaptable 適用力のある

I'm highly motivated and adaptable with a strong passion for marketing.


hit the ground running

I'm confident that I can hit the ground running and make an immediate impact on your team.


bring energy and enthusiasm 

I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my energy and enthusiasm to this role.



  • I believe my interpersonal skills will be a great asset to your company.
    *interpersonal skills  対人関係の

A very important thing in language learning is realizing that you don't need to know 100 percent of what the partner is saying.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(36)
6月6日(木) 次の展開について


Subject: Thank you.

Der Gabriella, 

Thank you for attending our forum yesterday! We hope you enjoyed the event. I understand a dedicated feedback form has been sent to you. We'd appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts. It was a pleasure connecting with you. I was particularly impressed to learn about your copany's commitments in reducing CO2 emissions across all factories. I'd be happy to explore potential avenues for collaboration.

Best regards,




*a decicated feed back form 専用の
*avenue -- menue revenue

  • I'd be happy to explore potential avenues for collaboration.


  • It was great to exchange ideas with people from diferent industries.
  • It was a pleasure shring thoughts with individuals from diverse Industories.
Dear Ryu,
Thank you for your message. It was great to exhange ideas with people from different industries. I've just submitted the feedback form. I hope my observation will be belpful. Regarding our potential collaboration, could you please provide a couple of available dates for detailed discussion? 
Many thanks,
Subject: Thank you.
Dear Ryu,
I just wanted to express our gratitude for your effort in making this deal happen. There were moments where we thought the negotiations might hit a deadlock. But your cooperation and open communication save the day. We're thrilled about the prospect of strengthening our relationship with your company.
*we're thrilled about ...
Jenny, regarding this email's key point, what does Petra appreciate about Ryutaro?
-Negotiations were tough, but Petra is thankful to Rytaro for his cooperation and open communication, which saved the day.
  • We're pleased to have built a trusting relationship.
What other forms of expression are possible? 
-It's also possible to say, 
  • We're delighted to have established a relationship built on trust.
Yes, you can also say that.
* a relationship built on trust  信頼の上に築かれた関係


Dear Petra,

Thank you for your kind words.

We sensed your determination to move things forward instead of giving up. We're pleased to have build a trusting relationship. Looking forward to future collaborations.


* we sensed ...


  • Thank you for your active particpation in the seminar. Your presence made a difference. 
  • It was wonderful to have you join us at the reception
  • A heartfelt thank you for participating in the reception. Your presence meant a lot to us.
  • We're grateful for your cooperation and navigating the complex deal.
    *navigating 舵取り
  • We appreciate your commitment in making this transaction a reality.
    *commitment in...