ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(37) 6月10日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(37)

Marketing strategy


The discussion has transitioned to marketing strategies. Focusing on what can be learned from strategies employed in China and Taiwan. 


What is vital to the success of the marketing strategies?

-Understanding and respecting the local culture.


What marketing strategy implications can we draw from China and Taiwan?

-I beleve, we all agree that harmonizing marketing efforts with key Cheinese festivals and celebration was crucial to our success. For instance, promoting matcha flavored chocolate as a festive treat during the Chinese New Year proved effective. This approach could also work well in Southeast Asia. 

-I fully endorse your view. We should consider integrating cultural elements into our marketing campaigns. The contrie's art, festivals or symbols for example. Understanding and respecting the local culture is vital to the success of our marketing strategies. Establishing a stronger cnnection with the locla audience.

- I couldn't agree more. Do you have any other thoughts or ideas to consider?



festive <- festival



vital to

I couldn't agree more <>- can't 



integrate ... into ...

  • We should consider integrating cultural elements into our marketing campaigns.
  • Can you integrating these design elements into the overall concept?
  • Let'd disscuss how we can integrate customer feedback into our product development.

incorporate ... into

It may be worth incorporating cultural elements into our marketing initiatives.


include ... in ..

Why don't we consider including cultural aspects in our marketing efforts?



Taking cultural elements into account is a great idea. How do you think we could practically integrate these cultural aspects into our marketing materials or campaings?


I couldn't agree more. How do you think respecting local culture can specifically impact our marketing strategies? Are there any case studies or sccess sutories that come to mind?






ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-1)

Kailene Falls



Why was it difficult for Kailene to find a job?

-Because she wasn't really aware of the job searching system in Japan.


Kailene Falls, welcome to our program. It's great preasure to have you with us you today. 

-I'm very happy to be here today. Thank you. 

-So, you study graphic design and Japanese at the University without any prior connections or work experience, finding a job in Japan right after university must have .. presented some challenges.

-It was really difficult. I wasn't really aware of the job serching system in Japan where students usually use the last year of university to heavily looking for jobs. And my plan had been to graduate American University and then send my portfolio off to a number of different Japanese comapanies. Unfortunately, I kept getting the same response, it wasn't the hiring season. So the first half a year I was still interning at an American fashion boutique doing their graphic design while trying to find a job in Japan. And I tweeted about my troubles saying that I can not find a job in Japan. And .. somebody responded saying have you looked at any job hunting sites, 転職サイト, and I had not heard of the term before and so they gave me a few to try and I was just very fortunate to find a company whoes president liked American design and was interested in hiring somebody that had an American background because of the upcoming Olympics. I spoke Japanese to a certain extent at that point and had an American design education, and I was able to use that in finding my job. They got my visa and moved to Japan in January of 2014. So, yeah, a little over 10 years ago. 

-That must have been a stressful process.

-It was stressful but it was exciting because I had decided that I wanted to move to Japan when I was maybe 15 or so. And so a seven year dream was finally became and realized. I had studied Japanese in university, but there was a lot of specific vocabulary, uh.. in the design field that I didn't know. And I hadn't quite gotten the skill of understanding which parts of a sentence I 100 percent need to understand and what parts I can sort of ignore. I think that a very important thing in language learning is realizing that you don't need to know 100 percent of what the partner is saying, but you need to know the primary concepts and understand the rest from context.


send off

In this case, send off or send something off, means to send it to the relevant people. To mail or submit something. Send and send something off are very similar, but phrases like send something off or send in sound more specific and the nuance of something like the task has been cmpleted. For example, I sent my resume off to the company. , sounds more like the applicant has finished their part and is waiting for an answer. But I sent my resume to the company. makes the listener feel they may need more information.


intern verb





Coming soon, approaching like a deadline. Something that you're expecting to happen soon. Something that is upcoming describes something that is about to happen. For example, I have to study for my upcoming test. means I have to study for a test that I'll have soon.


to a certain extent

In a way. To degree. Not completely.  Kailiene said that at that time she spoke Japanese to a certain extent. meaning that she could speak Japanese but wasn't completely fluent. Here's another example, I can help you to a certain extent, but you have to finish the project on your own.



adaptable 適用力のある

I'm highly motivated and adaptable with a strong passion for marketing.


hit the ground running

I'm confident that I can hit the ground running and make an immediate impact on your team.


bring energy and enthusiasm 

I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my energy and enthusiasm to this role.



  • I believe my interpersonal skills will be a great asset to your company.
    *interpersonal skills  対人関係の

A very important thing in language learning is realizing that you don't need to know 100 percent of what the partner is saying.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(36)
6月6日(木) 次の展開について


Subject: Thank you.

Der Gabriella, 

Thank you for attending our forum yesterday! We hope you enjoyed the event. I understand a dedicated feedback form has been sent to you. We'd appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts. It was a pleasure connecting with you. I was particularly impressed to learn about your copany's commitments in reducing CO2 emissions across all factories. I'd be happy to explore potential avenues for collaboration.

Best regards,




*a decicated feed back form 専用の
*avenue -- menue revenue

  • I'd be happy to explore potential avenues for collaboration.


  • It was great to exchange ideas with people from diferent industries.
  • It was a pleasure shring thoughts with individuals from diverse Industories.
Dear Ryu,
Thank you for your message. It was great to exhange ideas with people from different industries. I've just submitted the feedback form. I hope my observation will be belpful. Regarding our potential collaboration, could you please provide a couple of available dates for detailed discussion? 
Many thanks,
Subject: Thank you.
Dear Ryu,
I just wanted to express our gratitude for your effort in making this deal happen. There were moments where we thought the negotiations might hit a deadlock. But your cooperation and open communication save the day. We're thrilled about the prospect of strengthening our relationship with your company.
*we're thrilled about ...
Jenny, regarding this email's key point, what does Petra appreciate about Ryutaro?
-Negotiations were tough, but Petra is thankful to Rytaro for his cooperation and open communication, which saved the day.
  • We're pleased to have built a trusting relationship.
What other forms of expression are possible? 
-It's also possible to say, 
  • We're delighted to have established a relationship built on trust.
Yes, you can also say that.
* a relationship built on trust  信頼の上に築かれた関係


Dear Petra,

Thank you for your kind words.

We sensed your determination to move things forward instead of giving up. We're pleased to have build a trusting relationship. Looking forward to future collaborations.


* we sensed ...


  • Thank you for your active particpation in the seminar. Your presence made a difference. 
  • It was wonderful to have you join us at the reception
  • A heartfelt thank you for participating in the reception. Your presence meant a lot to us.
  • We're grateful for your cooperation and navigating the complex deal.
    *navigating 舵取り
  • We appreciate your commitment in making this transaction a reality.
    *commitment in...



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(35)

The ongoing discussion revoleves around taste with Hiroshi and Iris exchanging ideas on how to harmonize the fravor of fruit and matcha.


In what way will gathering insights directly from potential clients help the team?

-It will help the team fine-ture their approach. 


By blending the flavor of matcha with chocolate and fruits, we can create premium snacks. This approach ensures that our products won't directly compete with local scacks. 

-That makes sense. However we may encounter a cost effectiveness issue here. From a marketing perspective, it would be ideal to maximize customization. But doing so might require additonal production lines. How do you propose to strike the right balance?

-Well, conducting a customer survey in each target market could be beneficial. Gathering insights directly from potential clients will help us fine-tune our approach.

-Excellent. Input from our target audience will undoubtedly help refine our strategy. In terms of taste, it's about how to combine matcha, fruits and chocolate. Well then, let's brainstorm some ideas for the marketing strategy next.



cost effectiveness 費用対効果


strike a balance


fine-tune 微調整する




strike a balance

  • How do you propose to strike the right balance?
  • I believe there's a way to strike a balance for mutual benefit.
  • It is important to strike a right balance between savings and spending.
    * savings and spending


achieve a balance

What's your plan for achieving the optimal balance?


maintain a balanced approach

What measures do you propose to maintain a balanced approach?




How do you propose to strike the right balance?

--Well, conducting a customer survey in each target market could be beneficial.


Gathering insights through customer surveys will help us make small adjustments to our approach, even if striking a balance proves challenging.

* prove(s challenging


Gathering insights through customer surveys will help us improve our approach and come closer to achieving an optimal balance.
*come closer to ...ing

*achieve an optimal balance




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(34)

The brainstorming continues facilitated by Hiroshi. The opinions are exchanged on what local flavors should be incorporatead.


What kind of flavors are popular in Southeast Asian desserts?

-Flavors such as coconut and mango are popular.


Toropical fruit tastes, I see. Do we have data on popular local ingredients or flavors? 

-Yes. According to research data from a consulting firm, flavors such as coconut and mango are popular in Southeast Asian desserts.

-Integrating these into our product lineup could enhance its acceptance in these markets. 

-Are you suggesting that matcha flavors are not very popular in the region?

-No. That's not the implication. Matcha itself can be well received. But I believe flavors have to rosonate with regional preferences. That way, we can positon our brand as both globaly recognizable and locally appreciated.

-I see. Assuming that fruit flavored snacks are already abundant. What we need to consider is how to differenciate our snacks from existing sweets that are already popular locally. 


ingredient <- material

integrate ... into...


implication <- imply

be well received

resonate with ...に響く


resonate with...

  • I believe flavors have to rosonate with regional preferences.
  • Rechard's powerful speech resonated with me deeply.
  • The movie's theme resonates with viewers of all ages.


harmonize with 

In my view, flavors have to harmonize with reginal preferences.


connect with 

I believe flavors have to connect with local preferences.


  • Are you suggesting that matcha flavors are not very popular in the region?
  • That way, we can positon our brand as both globaly recognizable and locally appreciated.
-I see. Matcha isn't local flavor, but it has a global appeal and is recognized for its uniquess and health benefits. What are your thoughts on including matcha flavor?
-I understand. We can present our brand as widely known globally and also valued locally. I like the idea of integrating coconut and mango into our product lineup. But do you think it's worth incorporating matcha flavor?



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(33)


Hiroshi, the head of the Asia marketing group for a Japanese confectionary manufacturer is about to start brainstorming with his team about dveloping Southeast Asian market. 


What is a common inclination between the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets?

-It's a love for sweetness.


Good morning. Today I'd like us to brainstorming our marketing strategy for Southeast Asia. Following the success of Matcha chocolate delights in mainland China and Taiwan, it's time for us to expand our reach to Southeast Asia. Starting with Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. It's crucial to understand the unique aspects of these markets. So, let's start with indentifying similarities and differences between the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. Any insights or suggestions?

-Allow me to begin with flavor variations. There are some common inclinations, such as a love for sweetness, but specific flavor preferences can vary. Chinese consumers might lean toward traditonal flavors like red bean or Matcha, but Southeast Asians may favorite tropical fruit tastes.


Mainland China


flavor - a town with a nostalgic flavor 趣・味わい




lean toward 

  • Chinese consumers might lean toward traditonal flavors like red bean or Matcha.
  • Investors often lean toward safer assets during times of economic uncertainty.
    * safer assets
    * during times of economic uncrtainty 経済が不安定なとき
  • I lean toward exotic cuisines when dining out.
    *exotic cuisine(s
    *when dining out 外食するとき

be inclined to の傾向がある

Chiniese consumers could be inclined to choose classic flavors like red bean or macha.


tend to 

Chinese customers tend to opt for a traditional flavors such as red bean or Macha.





Your active participation is key today. Don't hesitate to jump in with your toughts. Let's buid on each other's ideas to create something remarkable.
*build on ... の上に立てる


I'm excited to see what we can accomplish today. Our goal is to think outside the box. So don't hold back on any ideas. There's no such things as a bad idea here.

*think outside the box 既成概念にとらわれない


Today, we're here to generate some innovative ideas together. Your perspectives are valuable. So let's create an open and inclusive space, where every idea is welcome.

*inclusive 多種多様な意見を受け入れる・どんな考えも受け入れる














ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-8)

亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏
Lekh Raj Juneja


What I gather from the interview with Dr. Juneja was the rational behind the traditional rice confectionary manufacturing company hiring a foreign CEO. His mission is to propel the business on to the global stage with innovative ideas and reshape the mindset of the employees. 

-That's right. Dr. Jeneja explicitly outlined the compnay's goal of targetting eight billion people world wide. Additionally, he emphasized the compnay's role in contributing to the environment, improving nutrition, and positively infulencing the lifestyle of society. These messages must have resonated strongly with the employees. 

-I think so too. From the moment Dr. Juneja entered the studio for this interview, he exuded the bright aura towards all around him. So I can easily emagine that his cheerful and positive personality serves as a driving force in leading employees. 

-Just by listening to the in terview, I got a sense of his positive attitude. I was struck by his story that he made an effort to assimilate into Japan by continuously eating sashimi. That must have been no ordenary feat.

-Indeed. It's importnat to approach challenging situations with a positive mindset. But it's easier said than done. Dr. Jeneja also said that internal job transfers can be an opportunity to learn new tasks while getting paid. What are your thoughts on his ideas?

- I found his idea quite refreshing. In Japanese compnanies there has traditionally been a culture of leaning various jobs through internal job rotations. But there has been a shift toward nurturing specialists instead. So Dr. Jeneja seems to be capitalizing on the strength of traditional Japanese corporate culture. 

-Last, but not least, in terms of learning English, he highlighted the significance of expressing one's thorught without excessive concern about mistakes. This is common advice among several interviewees who have taken part in this probram. I encourage our listners to be mindful of this aspect. 



rational 理由付け・理論的根拠

A reason. A logical basis for something or an explanation why. A basis. Mr. Shibata talked about the company's rational for hiring a foreigh CEO. Meaning the reasoning process or reason behind hiring a foreign CEO. 



To push forward with force or set something in motion like an airplane. For example, the company's success was propelled by their innovative product. I have never heard of the company before thatm but they're a household name now.


explicitly はっきりと・明確に

Very clearly. In not uncertain terms. In a way where there can be no confusion or misunderstanding. I mentioned that Dr. Jeneja explicitly outlined the company's goal. Meaning that he explained the exact goal with precise detail to avoid confusion. Another example would be, Childrean, I explicitly told you not to go outside. Here, look at my note. It says do not go outside. 


resonate with の共感を呼ぶ

In this case, if something resonate with a person, thay may feel an emotional connection or agree. To vibe with something. To feel seen. I mentioned how Dr. Jeneja's message must have resonated with his employees. Meaning that the employees felf a deep connection with his messages and agreed with them. 



To give off. To show a lot of a particular characteristics or feeling such as confidence. An example would be, She exude confidence. That means we can see that he is conficent even without speaking to her. 


driving force

Impetus or motivation for doing something. The power that makes something happen. Mr. Shibata talked about Dr. Jeneja's personality traits as a driving force in leading employees. Meaning that his personality is the thing that has a strong influence when it comes to leading employees. 


assimilate into に同化・順応する

To assimilate into something, means to become part of a group that is quite different from what someone is used to. To become similar or like others in a group. I mentioned how Dr. Juneja made an effort to assimilate into Japan or how he made an effort to fit in.



A feet spelled f e a t is an achievement. That is not attained easily and active bravery, great skill, hard work or a combination. For example completing a marathon is quite a feat. It takes a lot of hard work patience, skill and strength. It' a respectable achievement. 


It's easier said than done. 

It's easy to just say something but actually doing it is much harder. That's what we mean by It's easier said than done. Mr. Shibata said it's important to approach challenging situations with a positive mindset but it's easier said than done. This means that a positive mindset takes more work and skill  than one might realize. 


internal job transfer. 

Changing jobs within the same company. In this case, internal refers to something within a company or for use only within that company. In example, is a company's internal newsletter or their internal communications. There are not be be shared with others who are not part of the company. 


capitalize on

To unilize something you have to its fullest advantage. to use a situation in an advantageous way or for profit. To take advantage of something. An example would be, People are traveling much more since the pandemic. Our local covernment wants to capitalize on this trend to attract morevisitors.
a side note

In somesituations to capitalize on something can mean to exploit or use in an unfair way. So be careful with context. 


Last, but not least

Last, but not least is a phrase often uded in speech concludions or at the end of a list. Just because something is mentioned last, does not mean that it is less important. It is just as important as the other items mentioned, maybe even more important. At the end of our conversation, Mr. Shibata want to highlight an important message about exression without being overly concerned about mistakes. So he made sure to use the phrase, last but not least ot indicate importance.



  • To propel the business onto the global stage with innovative ideas.
  • And we reshaped the mindset of the employees.
  • Dr. Juneja explicitly outlined the company's goal of targeting 8 bilion people worldwide.
  • He emphasized the company's role in contributing to the environment , improving nutoriton and positively influencing the lifestyle of society. These messages must have resonated strongly with the employees.
In negotiations with ABC Corp, I proposed maintaining the current quoted price. Let's shift the discussion away from the discount rate and focus on impruving after sales servies
-I was thinking along same lines. In the last meeting, they emphasized that there were critical factors other than just the price. I believe that implies a focus on after sales services. 





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(32)


Subjuect: Slides for client meetings in Singapore.

Hi Rie,

Thatnk you for sending me the initial draft of the presentation materials for a client visits in Singapore. The slides look great. Regarding the trends in sales and income over the past five years on the fourth page, I've createad the graph from the table. I believe the graph conveys a sense of sales and income growth more effectively than the table. Looking forward to welcoming you in Singapore. 



sales -> revenue

income -> profit / earnings 


  • Please click the link below to access the shared file.
    the link below -> the following link
  • Please open the shared file by using the link below.


Hi Michel,

Thank you for your valuable input. Yes, I also think the graph indeed illustrates the trends more clearly than the table. Following your suggestion to make it visible, I generated a pice chart from the market share table. I've just finalized the entire set of slides. Whenever it's convenient for you, please click the link below to access the shared file. Excited about visiting your clients in Singapore.



Thank you for your input.

-> Thank you for your valuable input.


Hey Rie, Thanks for the report on Southeast Asia. I had enough info on China and Korea, but Southeast Asia is a bit of a mystery for me. Your insight were really helpful. If there's anything I can do to return the favor, just let me know. Good day.


Can the word mystery be used in a email?

-The word mystery is more fitting for chats. It adds a tough of humore. In a polite email, you might express it like, I'm not so familiar with Southeast Asia. 

-It's evidence that the Rie and George are friendly terms.

  • Your insight were really helpful.


  • I have a bit of a personal attachment to Southeast Asia.

- What other forms of expression are possible? -It's alsopossible to say,

  • I'm somewhat emotionally attached to Southeast Asia.
Thank for your kind words. Did I tell you I spent a good four years of my childhood in Hanoi. I have a bit of a personal attachment to Southeast Asia. I'll think about what I'd like in return. Thanks.
Jenny, is there a sentence in this message that left an impression on you?
-The sentence, I'll think about what I'd like in return. has a bit of humore added to it. 
-Yes, Rie's pretending to take George's statements seriously, right?
  • If you have any materials that could contribute, please send them over.
    *could contribute 役に立ちそうな
  • How about adding a couple of slieds to cover this point more throughtly.
    * to cover this point  説明するのに
  • I'll share my feedback with you by the end of tomorrow.