英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY15」 4月19日(金) | amnn1のブログ




And here's your conversation partner around the Pacific. 

Hi everyone! I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.

It's going to be fun!


Imagine this.. You and I will meet up near the train station.
After we meet, let's go to the station and let's talk about trains in Hawaii and Japan.

We go through the ticket gate to get on the new Hawaian train.

Did you imagine the situation?


So try to have a seven turn conversation with me. Let's get on the new Hawaiian train.


How are you doing?

-Good thanks. How are you?

Good. Well, the train station is this way.

-This way. Got it.

Do you take the train often in Japan?

-I use the train almost everyday. I take the train to work.

Well, here's the ticket gate. Just tap your smart card here, like this. Go ahead.

-Like this. Got it. Okay.

For the trains in Japan, do you use smart cards like this one?

-There are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app. So I use my smarphone for the trains in Japan. 

Oh, here's the train now. It's a driverless train. Aafter you.

-Oh thanks. This is a nice train. 

Oh, it's not crowded. Shall we sit towards the front or towards the back?

-Let's sit in the very front. What a nice view of Hawaii!


How many times did you reply?

Steve will show you one way to complete the conversation with me. Listen carefully.


Did you understand our conversation?

By the way Catherine. I have a question for you.
-Okay Steve.

Did you have a train in your hometown in New Zealand?

-Well, we have a train but you can only take it twice a day.

So you're from a small town in New Zealand?

-Well, it's not very big. It's called Hamilton, New Zealand.

So how do you get around Hamiliton?

-Well, I usually walk but most people use a car or they take the bus.


We are going to New Zealand next month!

I'll introduce New Zealand to you!





Long time no see.

What a coincidence!

How have you been?

I've been busy. How have you been?

The bus leaves at 2:30.

2:30 Got it.

Is this present for me? I'm speachless.


Do you ... often?

Do you come downtown often?


... is that way.

The post office is that way.


.. was a priceless experience.

Swimming with Dolphins was a priceless experience.



How are you doing?

-Good thanks. How are you?


Shall we sit towards the front, or towards the back?

-Let's sit towards the front.


towards the front

towards the back


Do you use smart cards like this one in Japan?

-Yes. There are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app. So I use my smartphone for the trains and shopping in Japan.







The apprication is paperless.




Hawaii's new train is driverless.



His questions were endless.



There are countless examples.



Surfing in Hawaii was a priceless experience.



Is this present for me? I'm speachless.





This is such a good technique.

It's an easy and useful technique.


Steve, I'll see you at the fifth floor after the show.

-The fifth floor. Got it.



The bus stop is that way.

- That way. Got it.


It's that way.

The bus stop is that way.


two thirty 2:30


The bus leaves at 2:30.

-2:30. Got it.


The bus leaves at 5:30.

-5:30 Got it.


The bus is on the left. It's number 24.

-Number 24. Got it.

-On the let. Number 24. Got it.


The cruise ship leaves at 5 p.m.

-5 p.m. Got it.


Just tap your card here like this.

-Like thins. Got it.


Confirming information is really useful in conversations.

Great job today.




Hi everyone. It's Catherine. Your a conversation partner. On Friday, we get on a train in Hawaii. It's brand new. So let's check it out. Bye for now.


Long time no see.

-Yeah, long time no see.


What a coincidence.

- Yeah, what a coincidence.


How are you (+doing)?

- Good thanks. How about you?


How have you been?

-I've been busy. How have you been?


Do you come here often?

-Yeah, I come here every Friday.


Do you take the train in Japan often?

Yes. I take the train almost everyday.








Our conversation partner is...

Hi everyone. I'm Catherine Leland. I'll be your conversation partner as we go around Hawaii.
Let's all welcome Catherine to eikaiwa-time-trial. Great to see you!

-Thank you.

-Now everyone, my accent is American, Catherin's accent is not British and not Australian. 

-Not asutralian.. the answer is...

I'm a Kiwi. I'm from New Zealand.

- I'm not a bird.

Kiwi is a bird and a fruit, right?

-Indeed. A kiwi fruit.

-And that one symbol of New Zealand.


Taiwa karaoke around the Pacific.


Imagine this. You've just arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii. I'll welcome you there as a guide. And I'll give you a guidebook with coupons and a special Hawaian gift.


And when we talk, tell me your plans for enjoying Hawaii.


Aloha, welcome to Hawaii.
-Aloha. Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.

This is a Hawaiian lei for you. Here you are.

-Oh thanks. Mahalo. These flowers are beautiful.

And here's a gudebook with coupons for shopping. 

-Thanks. Do you have a map?

Here's a map.

What would you like to do in Hawaii?

-I'd like to go to Waikiki beach. And I'd like to try surfing or some water sports. I love the ocean.

Would you like to rent a car?

-No. I don't have a drivr's license actually.

The buses are really convenient. Here's the shedule for the buses.

And the schedule for the new train in Hawaii. 

-Thanks. If I have a time, I'd like to ride the new train in Hawaii.


You're doing great.


So Steve will show you one way to reaply.


Thanks. + sentence


You did much better the second time. Good on you!

Nex week, we have one more conversation together in Hawaii. I'm looking forward to it.





So try to repeat each phrase after me.


What's the name of this flower?

I think it's orchid.

Where would you like to go in Hawaii?

I'd like to go to Waikiki Beach.

Here's a guidebook.

THanks. Do you have any recommendations?


Did you express all those phrases quickly and smoothly?



What would you like to do in...?

What would you like to do in New York City?


So now try to create one more sentence with the phrase, what would you like to do in...?


I'd like to ...

I'd like to see a Broadway show.


Here's ...

Here's a list of shows on Broadway now.



Aloha, welcome to Hawai.

-Aloha. Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.


This is a Hawaiian lei for you. Here you are.

-Oh thanks. Mahalo. These flowers are beautiful.


So now try to reply with as many sentences as yoiu can. Here's the question.

What would you like to do in Hawaii?

- I'd like to go to Waikiki Beach and try surfing. If I have time, I'd like to ride the new train in Hawaii.





So just learn and use some local phrases.

It's time for your first try!

SPR training


Do you know how to say hello/ goodbye in Hawaii?




Aloha, here's my passport.

Aloha, is this store open now?



Mahalo = Thank you.


This map of Honolulu is so useful. Mahalo!





The flowers on this lei are beautiful. Mahalo.
This lay smells nice, especially the white flowers.

*smell nice => have nice smell


What are the common flowers used for lei?


Orchid 蘭
Plumeria プルメリア




What's the name of this flower?

I think it's an orchid.


How was your second try? Was it a little easier that time?

Now, you're ready to arrive in Hawaii. Be sure to use those phrases is no Friday.







Here's ...


Here's some tea.

Here's some tea for you.


Thanks. What kind of tea is this?




Here's a souvenir from Japan.


Thanks. What is this?


Here's a gudebook.


Thanks. Do you have any recommendations?

And here're some coupons. / Here's a coupon.

Thanks. What kind of coupones are they?  / ... is it?


Here's ... back.


Here's your charging cord back.

-Thanks. Were you able to charge your phone?


Could you ? 依頼の場合と混乱するので

Were you able to ..? がわかりやすい



How was your first tiry?


Well how did you do?


If you make good questions, you can have good conversations.

And today we learned a great technique for that.






Hi everyone. I'm your conversation partner, Catherine. On Friday, let's go to Hawaii. You'll arrive and I'll give you some information and a special gift. See you then.



I want to

Do you want to...?


I'd like to

Would you like to..?


Where would you like to go in Hawaii?


I'd like to go to Waikiki beach.

I'd like to go to Hanaluma bay.

I'd like to drive to Sunset beach.


What would you like to do in Hawaii?


I'd like to ride the new new train in Hawaii.

I'd like to to play golf.

I'd like to try surfing.

I'd like to hike Diamond mountain.



try on...



Which Aloha shirt woul you like to try on?


I'd like to try on that bule Aloha shirt.


So everyone, get on board and let's practice speaking together. 







Taiwa karaoke around the pacific.


Imagine this...

Let's get on board on the cruise ship. It's your first day on board. So you'll go to a welcome party. And then, I'll introduce myself and you will introduce yourself, too. And I'll offer you a welcome drink. Just tell me what drink you like.



Welcome to the cruise.

-Thanks. I'm so happy to be on the cruise.


May I have your name?

-Sure. My name is Steve Sorasi. 


Yes, I see your name on the list. I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you. 

-Nice to meet you, too.


We have a welcome drink for you. Would you like pineapple juice, guava juice or mango juice?

- I'll have some guava juice.

All right. Here you are.

- Thanks. It looks good.


We're arriving in Hawaii soon. Enjoy the juice and the Hawaiian music.

-Thanks so much. I love this Hawaiian music. It's so relaxing. Nice talking to you Jenny.



Jenny, have you ever been on board a cruise ship.

I have Steve. Actually, I used to work on one.

You worked on one?

I did. I sang on a cruise ship. 

You sang on a cruise chip? Inside or outside?

Inside. The cruise ship was huge. So they had an ice skating rink inside the ship and I sang for the ice skating show. 

Yes, I sang. I definitely couldn' skate.


Welcome to the cruise.

Thanks. I'm so happy to be on the cruise.


Alright. Here you are.

Thanks. It looks good.





So try to repeat each phrase after me. So try to say it quickly and smoothly and copy my intnation.


Welcome to our home.

Would you like some tea?

I'll have some coffee for now.

I'll have the same.

Sure, here you are.

Nice to meet you. 

Nice talking to you.


Would you like ...?


Would you like some dessert?

Would you llike some tea?


May I have ...?


May I have some coffee with milk?

May I have your full name, please?


I'm so happy to be ...


I'm so happy to be here in Nagano with you tonight.

I'm so happy to be ..



Welcome to the cruise.

- Thanks. I'm so happy to be on the cluse.


Would you like pineapple juice , guava juice or mango juice?

-I'll have some mango juice.









Enjoy the juice and the Hawaian music.

-Thanks, Steve. I really like the Hawaian music. It's so relaxing. Mmm... and this juice is delicious


So I'll see you on the cruise




Those are important phrases. So let's practice the natural way to say them.






Welcome to our home!

Welcome to our condominium.


Thanks. + one sentence

Thanks. I'm so happy to be here.


to be here


Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.


Hi, I'm Jenny Skidmore.

Just call me Jenny.


Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you, too.



-Nice talking to you.

-Nice talking to you, too.


-Nice meeting you.



We learned welcome to ...

Thanks. I'm so pahhy to be here.


Hi, I'm Steve.

Hi, Steve. I'm Jenny.


Introductions are really important. So great job today, everyone.

Okay, get on board.





May I have...?
So let's master a really useful phrase, May I have...? 


May I have a blanket? (+ please)

May I have  some more rice?

-Sure, here you are.


Here you are. / Here you go.


May I have...?

May I have your name, please?

May I have your name again please?


-Sure, My name is Jenny Skidmore.


the spelling


May I have the spelling?


Family name / last name


May I have the spelling of your family name?


The spelling of my family name is Skidmore.



How was your first try?

And if you have our textbook, open it now and follow along. Here we go!





We're heading towords Hawaii first.

Hawaii is a great place to visit and have English conversations.




Whould you like some tea?



Yes, please.



Would you like some coffee?



No thanks. <= No thank you.



I'll have ...
May I have...?


I'll have that cake.
May I have
that cake?



I'll have the same.

I'll also have that ...



for now


I'lll have some coffe for now.


I'll have some water for now.



So everyone. Get on board. And let's practice speaking together!





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(1)


Hi everyone. This is Akino Rosa. To our new listners, Welcome. To those joining us from last year,  welcome back. This is going to be anothere exciting year of Rajio-Eikaiwa. Are you ready?

Hi everyone. I'm David Evans. It's so great to have you all here. I can't wait to see what we have in store. Let's do our best.


  • To do your best is important.

Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?

The one with the white horse?

Yes, I entered it in an art contest. And won second place.

Really? Congratulations. I knew it was special when I saw it.

To tell you the truth, I wasn't very confidnet. But I did my best.

I know you did. To do your best is important and other people can see that.

I want to keep painting more.

You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.



Grammar and vocabulary

  • Do you remember that watercolor I painted?
  • and other people can see that.

Target forms

  • To do your best is important.


To do your best ..


To do your best is important.


To relax is important.

To forgive is difficult.

To learn a new skill is challenging.



Okay everyone. It's time to practice. Today we practice two infinitives. The key is to make them nice and short. Don't stress "to". So for exaple, to relax. Let's try to relax. Keep that in mind.


Let's put it together.
Great rhythm.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


Grammar in action

  • To prepar is essential.  > very important
  • To make mistakes is natural.
  • To take noteduring meetings is normal.


We hope you guys had a fun first lesson! We're going to have a fanstastic time guys. Practice makes perfect. Don't give up, keep at it. And let's have a great year.