英会話タイムトライアル「2月DAY3」 2月7日(水) | amnn1のブログ





family name <> given name


My email address starts with my family name.


address each other



address 住所
address 呼ぶ


How should we address each other?


At the office


How should we address each other at the office?


At the office, we address each other by our family names.


given name <> family name


We address each other by our given names.

* our given names



My English name is Taylor.


Do you have an English name?


Just call me by my English name, Taylor.




Climb the latter in India.


How are you doing?


How's your new job going?


How's everything going?
Thanks for everything the other day.

How's the new website going?
-The new website is going well.



looking forward to ...+ noun


I'm looking forward to seeing the new website.


I'm looking forward to seing the factory in Munbai.

I'm looking forward to the factory tour in Munbai.




I'm looking forword to woking with you.

- I'm looking forward to working with you, too.


I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


<> be waiting => 催促するニュアンス!!


I'm looking forward to seeing you at the reception area at 10.



These are great phrases to use at the office.

You can ask how everything's going?




I was born and raised in Japan.


Climb the latter in India.

climb the latter 出世する

Hi everyone. This month we are working in India in Mnbai, the business capital of India. You start work there this week. See you in the office.



Hi everyone. I'm ...


I used to ...

I used to work for a Japanese bank.

Now I work for an Indian bank.
Now I'm working for an Indian bank.


The accounting department 経理部


I used to work in the accounting department.



The salse department


Now I work in the salse department.


I was born and raised in Japan.

I grew up in Japan.


I moved to India five years ago.

I just moved to India last month.

Before I moved here I lived in Hong Kong.


How did you do?
Now, you're ready to introduce yourself at an office or anywhere else in the world.





Today, I'll invite you to the world of meditation in India.
Oh, the world of meditation. We can experience meditation today.


Today, you will have a special experience at an Indian meditation center.

I'll lead the meditation.And you will have a very peaceful meditation.

And then we'll have a nice meal in silence.

Did you imagine today's situation?

-I feel like meditating.


So try to have a six turn conversation as you come to my meditation center.


Namasute. Good morning. Are you looking for the meditation lesson?

-Yes. Is this the right place?


We are in just the right place, and just the right time.
Some rules. No arguing. No guests allowed and... Is that your phone?

- Oh, my apologies. I'll turn off my phone.


Now you are ready to meditate. 

Have you ever done meditation before?

-Yes, I tried meditation at a temple in Kyoto once. So this isn't my first time. I wasn't very good at it. I hope I do it the right way today.


Come in and have a seat here.
Just close your eyes and breathe.. like this. Listen to your breath.

Now, just open your eyes slowly. You meditate very well.


How do you feel now?

-I feel peaceful and a little sleepy.


Wonderful. Namasute. Let's have lunch.

Do you know the proper way to eat in India?

- Well, we eat with our right hands. Anything else?


Do not overeat. Eat light. And enjoy the meal in silence.

Do you have anything to say before we begin to eat?

-Thank you for this meal and our meditation session. Let's begin.



Good job this moth everyone. I'm sure that you can talk about rights and wrongs far better than before.

We are talking about, work!





We have lunch at 12.
We wait for everyone and then we eat.

Did everyone wash their hands?

In India, we bow like this.

Yes, like that. Great job.

I finally found the right teacher.


--Is this the right ... ?

Is this the right ingredient?


In Japan we do .. like this.

In Japan we wear kimono like this.


In ... we ...

In the temple we pray like this.


pray <> play


Imagine you're trying meditation.


Is that your phone?

- Oh, my apologies. I'll turn my phone off.

= turn off my phone 

> I apologize.


How do you feel now?

> Just imagine the situation and reply in your own words.


How do you feel now?

- I feel peaceful and a little sleepy.



Have you ever done meditation before?

- Yes, I tried meditation at a temple in Kyoto once. I wasn't very good at it. I hope I can do it well today.


speak up


Tomorrow let's finish strong. We have something special for you.





make a gesture for..


Today we'll explain some 作法 in English.

And our key phrase today is, like this. + gesture

This technique is easy to use and very easy to understand.


In India we bow like this.

And we say Namasute.


I'll try. Like this?

Yes, like that. Great job!



Great job!







When we meditate, how should we breathe?


We breathe like this.

We don't breathe like this.


And the subject we can be about the people participating in a meditation session.


Next, we have a sentence about a way of sitting. 正座


We sit like this. (showing 正座)


It's so easy. When you use like this and show someone something.
Now try to say the next sentence with that technique.


If that's not confortable, we can sit like this.


足を崩して座る , we can show someone and use the phrase sit like this.


We make a gesture for OK like this.

And we make a gestre for not OK like this.





Today, we practice phrases about getting sudden telephone calls.

What would you say? 
And we have some phrases we use before meals.

And just a reminder...


When the phone rings... just say those sentences.



Oh, that's my phone. Excuse me for a minute.


-> The way to think of it is, That's (今の音は) my phone. And then, Excuse me for a minute. / Excuse me for a moment.


I'll be right back.
I'll be + right  back.


I'm back. I'm sorry about that.


-> In English to say どうもすみません, You can say, I'm sorry. but I'm suggest adding on about that. I'm sorry about that. <- adding sincerity


My appologies.
<- My appologies is a little more elegant way of apologizing.

I apologize.


Did everyone wash their hands?


Did everyone sanitize their hands?

Did everyone turn off their phones?


---Sentences about meals


We have lunch at 12.


We wait for everyone and then we eat.



We eat slowly.


try not to ...



We try not to overeat.


Let's begin! いただきましょう!





And do you remember our theme for this month?

Rights and wrongs around India.

On Friday, we will meditate at an Indian meditation center.

It will be a special experience. So see you Friday!



Is this the right place?

Is this the correct place?

> But right is shorter. So instead of correct most people use right.


address 住所


Is this the right address?


"the right" is sometihng to remember as a set.

Is this the right way?
Am I doing this the right way?

Am I doing this right?





This isn't the right tool.



The right person


She is the right person for the job.


Next is a phrase about fomace.


She is the right person for our son.


My daughter met Mr. Right.

I finally found the right teacher.




I found the right mirror for my living room.



All set.


Here's our Navigator to the beautiful country of India. 

Today, we gonna go to a nice Indian restaurant.


And tody let's talk about rights and wrongs for having meals. 

Imagine this, we found a highly rated Indian restaurant. Let's go there.

So, at the restaurant there are some things we're supposed to do and something we are supposed to do.

Let's follow the rules and customs and let's have a great time and a great meal together in India.


Did you imagine today's situation?

So, try to have a seven turn conversation as we arrive at the restaurant.



This is the restaurant from the website. After you. 

-Oh, thanks. It's beautiful.


Um... I see some open seats. Is it okay if we go ahead and sit down. 

-That might be okay, but let's ask first.


Okay, are you getting hungry?

-Yes, I am. Something smells delicious. 

We can try some authentic Indian food.


Oh, are you left-handed or write-handed?

-I'm righte-handed. Why do you ask?

I'm asking because we are supposed to eat with our right hands and not our left hands. Is that okay?


-I see. Okay. When in Rome, as they say, I'll do my best. I'm right handed anyway. But I will try not to use my left hand. Just curious. Why is that?


In most of India, the right hands is used for clean things, the left hand is used for unclean things like garbage or shoes. 

Oh, here's the host. Namaste. Good evening.

-Namaste. Good evening.


Shoes go there and have a seat anywhere you like.



All set. We probably should order a drink first.

What would you like to drink?

-I'll have sparkling water if they have it.


How did you do? Were you able to reply better this time?


I'm heard that so many people are vegetarians in India. Is that true?

The majority of people area vegetarians in India.

And how about you?

I eat anything. 

I see.

Is there a dish that you really miss from India?

I really miss Masala





We take a shower firs. * rule=> we do ...

It's our turn. Let's go.

Do we take off our shoes here?

Yes, we take off our shoes here.

Plastic bottles don't go there. They go here.


What's the proper way to...?

What's the porper way to bow?

-It's a good one to ask even in Japan. What's the proper way to bow?


When do we ...?

When do we start the meal?


... goes here. / go here.

Chopstick go here.

-That's a good sentence for setting the table.


Are you getting hungry?

- Yes, I am. Something smells delicious.


Is it okay if we go ahead and sit down?

- That might be okay, but let's ask first.



We are suppose to eat with our right hands and not our left hands. Is that okay?

-I see. Yes. When in Rome as they say, I'll do my best, btu I might need to use my left hand once in a while.


* When in Rome, do as the Romans do.




So we talk about the proper place for things.



put? -> go

Suitcases go here.


... go ... はここに置きます


Suitcases don't go there.



baby stroller


Where do strollers go?

Actually strollers don't go there. They go here.


plastic bottle(s


Do plastic bottles go in this garbage can?


Plastic bottles don't go there. They go here.


Do umbrellas go here?

First, wet umbrellas go in this bag.

Then we bring our umbrellas with us.


wet umbrellas

Wet umbrellas 


Coats go here. コートはここに掛けます。






The proper way

The proper way + to ...

The right way



Do you know the proper way to use chopsticks in Japan?

Do you know the proper way to eat in India?


What is the proper way to eat this dish?



be supposed to...


We are supposed to use our right hand.


右利き right-handed

左利き   left-handed


Are you right-handed or left-handed?

In most of India, people use their right hands for clean things

and people use their left hands for unclean things like shoes.


We're not suppose to carry shoes with our right hand.


We're not supposed to point at people.




Rithts and worngs around India.

Hy everyone. Your special navigator around asia.

And this month, we are in India together.

On Friday we go to an authentic Indian restaurant. See you then!


rule -> We 

Do we ...? - We (do).  (ことになっている)


So let's use "we" for the subject of a few good sentences.


Do we take off our shoes here? (ことになっている)

Yes, we take off our shoes here.




When do we bow?


It's our turn. Let's go.

It's not our turn. We need to wait.


Where do we order?
When do we pay?


hot spring

bathing suit


Do we wear our bathing suits in the hot spring?

We don't wear our bathing suits here. We wear our birthday suits.


We take a shower first.






So glad to be with you all again. I'm from India, and I'll take you around my country this month. 

-Welcome back to akiaiwa time trial.

-Which part of India are you from?

-I'm from the southernmost part of India a state called ... Kerala?

-And most people speaks English in you state?

-In India, every state has its own language but a lot of people studying English medium school and they can speak English.


We are going to the golden temple in the state of Punjab in north of India.

But we need follow the rules. So as we get in the queue for the tample, let's talk about the rules. Did you imagine today's situation?



It's a long queue for the golden temple, isn't it?

-Yeah. But it'll be worth it.


Oh, look at this poster about the rules for the temple. Tte first rule proper clothing is required. No shorts
Well, are we dressed properly?

-I think so. We're wearing long pants and our heads are covered.


And the poster says, no chewing gum.
Is Japan strict about chewing gum in public?

-Not really, but most people don't chew gum in public. So it feels like we are not supposed to chew gum in public.


I'll take a picture of this rule poster. Is it okay to take a picture here?

-Well, it says inside the golden temple photography is prohibited. So since we are outside, it might be okay to take a picture.


Okay, and I'll just take one picture over there. I'll be right back.

-Well, just a sec. That might not be a good idea. You might want to stay in line. People might get mad at us if we go in and out of the queue.


Oh, it's our turn to go in.

Yey, let's take our shoes off. And we walk through this water to wash our feet.

How does the water feel?

-Oh, it feels good, actually. 



Have you been to the golden temple before?

- Yes, I have.

-Really? So, do you remember going through to wash your feet?

-Yes, I do.

-And was there long queue to get it?

-There is a long queue to get in. Yes.

-Well, that's the scene for our dialog.


How did you do? Were you able to talk about rights and wrongs at the temple? Great job.  


Next week, let's go to a restaurant in India and talk about the rules for having meals.





We can't wear shorts.

Do you have a collared shirt?

We need to wear proper clothing.

Just wear a long-sleeved shirt.

Is it okay if I leave now?

You might want to stay in line.

The yoga instructor got mad at me.


*collar / collared shirt


I don't think we can 

I don't think we can sit here.


... got mad at ...

My boss got mad at the sales team.


You might want to..

You might want to wear a swim cap.


It's a long cue for the golden temple, isn't it?

-Yeah, but it'll be worth it.


Are we dressed properly?

- I think so. We're wearing long pants and our heads are covered.


If you have time, maybe you can make two sentences.

Are we dressed properly?


Is it okay to take a picture here?

- Well, it says inside the golden temple photography is prohibited. So, I don't thik it's okay. It might be okay to take a picture outside though.


Tomorrow you'll talk about the rights and wrongs at an Indian temple.






Can I leave now?

Is is okay if I leave now?



Is it okay if ...



Can I ...

May I ...



It might be okay.



Is it okay if I go get a drink now?
-It might not be okay.


You might want to stay in line.


you must 

you have to 

you should


-> You might want to...


fix your collar


You might want to fix your collar.


Why did she get mad at you?


*get mad at ... <- get angly at


The Yoga instructer got mad at me.

If you play music here, people might get mad at you.





Why is that mother disciplining at her child?