【再】ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~176 - 180 | amnn1のブログ



tichet(s to ...

join us -> = join






Who will go to the concert?


Akari and her friend.

Akari, her friend and the man.


Does is show?

in a good mood

won a ticket


sound(s like fun


Which of the following is true?

Yayoi will fly business class to Hawaii.

Yayoi's going on a busines trip.

There's a Hawaiian music concert on Friday.


Can I ask you a big favor?

you still owe me for the last one

go ahead / ask away

can you give me a ride to the airport?

If we leave by 2 p.m., it'll ...



What does the woman want to do?

Start an ecotourism business.
Join an eco tour.

Help Doug.


feel like  ..ing

it's too cold out

I'll do whatever I can


What will David be joining?

A new program.

A party.

See a line dance.


How was this year for you?

am dying to ..

Would you be free to join us?

I have nothing lined up.


It's me. I came up with a brilliant business idea. Wanna hear it? Do you have time after work?

I'm sorry, but I have plans tonight. I'm really interested in the idea though.

When else is good for you? I'll book a table at a usual restaurant. I can't waint to hear it.



binge watch



Hi! You know what, I'm planing to binge watch horror movies with some friends at my place. Would you like to join us? If you can come, please come dressed in white.The scarier, the better, right?


Hey guys. Do you like horror movies?

Yeah, I love horror movies. I was actually in a horror movie when I was in college. 

How about you? - I'm big fun of Sadako, you know.

How about you? -My favorite scary character is this guy, he's kind of tall and he has short hair and wears glasses and his name starts with O and..

Are you talking about me? 

Yeah, how would? did? you know?





You're always welcome here.-Thank you so much.


Would you be free to join us? -> join?


Hey David, how was this year for you?

This has been one of the best years of my life.

Really? Because you joined this program?

Well, that's one reason. There are others.

Others? I'm dying to hear them.

Oh, David. Oonishi-sensei is having an end of the year party on Friday.

A 忘年会? 
Yeah, would you be free to join us?

Friday? Hmm, sure, I'd love to. I have nothing lined up.
Oonishi-sensei loves a good party, you know.
So, I've heard.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I'm dying to hear them.
  • I have nothing lined up.

---Typical Expressions

Would you be free to join us?



Today I want you to close your eyes and focus on the rhythm of these sentences. You should be able to feel a softness from the rhythm and the tone.

Okay, here's our first.


Would you have time to..?

Could you spare some time for me?

Have you got time to spare?
Have you got a minute to spare?


Will you be able to join us?


Here are a few open questions.
When is convenient for you?

When is good for you?


Does that work for you?

When works for you?


Great job everyone. Really good work


---Typical Expressions in acton

  • All of us are having brunch together on Sunday. Would you be free to join?
  • I'm planing to pick you up around seven p.m. Does that work for you?
  • I'm free all afternoon tomorrow. When is convenient for you?

Oh boy. You both are party animals, aren't you?




You really got me with that one.


I'm planing to start a new business here on this island.


Doug, do you have some time to talk?

Sure. I don't feel like surfing today. It's too cold out.

Well, we're both going to be busy soon.

Why is that?

I'm planing to start a new business here on this island.

What kind of business?

I'm thinking of doing ecotours.

I've arrnged to meet some friends who are interested.

An eco tourism business. Sounds interesting.

And I need your help, Doug.

Sure. I'll do whatever I can.


  • It's too cold out.
  • we're both going to be busy soon.

---Typical Expressions

I'm planing to start a new business here on this island.


We are donwn to one sentence each this time.

But that doesn't mean you can relax. Let's jump into it and do our best.

That's right. Okay guys? Ready to practice?


  • I've arranged to meet some friends.
  • I'm scheduled to arrive in London on Tuesday.

Let's keep up that momentum.

  • The plan is to sell commemorative t-shirts.

That word is a mouthful, commemorative. Some people say the "O" and some people skip over it. So you may hear commemorative, or commemorative.

commemorative /kəˈmɛm(ə)rətɪv/

  • I'm thinking of doing Eco tours.
  • I'm thinking we invite local celebrities.


How did you feel in today's practice? Do you feel you did well?
I'm thinking you did a great job.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I'm planing to start a cultural exchange program. Would you be interested in joining?
  • I'm shcedule to speach at the opening ceremony. What should I wear?
  • I'm thinking of serving Bekou-zushi. I think visitors will love it.


Hey David. How did you know about Becou-zushi? Have you tried that?
To be completely honest. No, I haven't. But it's on my list of things to try.

Island sushi is very interesting. I really like shima-zushi.




It's fine. I think.


I fly to Hawai on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?


Hi Jonas, can I ask you a big favor?
Sure, Yayoi. But I think you still owe me for the last one.
I do?

Just kidding. Go ahead. Ask away.

I fly to Hawai on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?

Oh, sure. What time?

If we leave by 2 p.m., it'll give me plenty of time.

Okay. Hawaii, huh? You know I love chocolate with macadamia nuts.

I got you Jonas.


  • I fly to Hawai on Friday on business. *on stage
  • If we leave by 2 p.m., it'll give me plenty of time.


I fly to Hawai on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?



Context is key. So we say the situation and then make our request. It's time to practice.

  • Your flight boards at 210. Please have your boarding pass ready.
  • Tomorrow is my birthday. Have you booked a table at a top restaurant?
  • I'm going to visit Tokyo. Can you show me around?
---Typical Expressions in action
  • The shcool year ends in two weeks. Pleaes turn in your final pojects by then.
  • I'm going to be in Tokshima this weekend on business. Can you recommend a place to stay?
  • My flight leaves at 5:45. Could you pick me up at two?
Hey guys. My flight leves at 5:45. Could you ...
Oh man, I just remembered I had plans.
How about you?
Oh, I'm sorry, I have work.



I'm just picturing 48 Oonishi-sensei's lined up on stage.
How did you like it? - Oh yeah. For sure...


I'm going with my friends. Would youn like to join us?


Hi Akari. You seem to be in a good mood.

Does it show? Actually I got some good news.

What happened?

I finally won tickets to Hiroto 48.


I'm so excited. I'm going with my friend, who also won tickets.
Would you like to join us?

But I don't have a ticket.

My friend has a textra ticket

Okay, I'm not a fan but it sounds like fun.





---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • What happened?
  • I'm going with my friend, who also won tickets.

---Typical Expressions
I'm going with my friend. Would you like to join us?


These phrases are a one-two punch. The first set the stage and the second asks the question. So be sure to remember both. Let's try these together.
Here's our first.

  • I'm going to the supermarket. Won't you come with me?
  • I'm leaving at 9 tomorrow. Please have a taxi ready.
  • I'll get my bags. Please bring the care around, Okay?


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • Your grandma is coming over tomorrow. Be on your best behavior.
  • Chris is attending our lecture tonight. Let's surprise him with the cake.
  • Dinner will be ready just a few minutes. Please wash your hands and set the table.
Hey gusy. I'm going to the supermarkent. Won't you come with me?
Yeah, sure. While we're there, can you get me some chocolates and um... some dessert and ..
Oh, I'll go too, if it means you buy me some blueberries.
I want blueberries...
Oh I want to make smooth... 




Has Hiroki decided to buy a condominium?

A No. He decided to buy a new house.

B No. He hasn’t decided yet.

C No. He gave up buying a condo.


high potential client

decided on a location

be considering one now

enlarge it

I hadn't thought about that


What mistake did Frankie make?

A He bought the wrong Christmas tree.

B He gave Jennie flowers she doesn’t like.

C He took some flowers from someone’d garden.



have an eyes for beauty

I appreciate it. -> It'd be appreciated ...



Why does Cynthia quit as manager of the Desperate Rats?

A Because she wants to be a teacher.

B Because her teacher told her to do so.

C Because she doesn’t like Bill.


quit as manager of...

leaveing us

I had no idea you were interested in teaching

Desperate rats



Which of the following is true?

A Mr. Smith decided to go to Vienna as soon as he can.

B Mr. Smith went to Vienna in his dream.

C The woman suggested Mr. Smith go to Vienna during winter.


winter break


keep talking about ...

Mozart Beetthoven Btaum's

when it's warmer




---Say it in English



-Hi, Guess what? I've decided to move to the country side. You know, I've always wanted to have goats. It's a dream comes true. I will never move back.

-Wow! That sounds exciting. Go for it! Your campany allow you to work from home, right? There's no time like the present. By the way, I love sheep very much. Does your have an extra room?





Which do you prefer, goats or sheep?
If I'm on a farm, either is okay, really. I'd just sit on the fene all day.

Well, personally I prefer neither. I prefer horses.




Fortune favors the bold

mjunɪk] みゅにっく =>ミュンヘン



It’s now or never.


So Mr. Smith, do you have any plans for winter break?

I was thinking about going to Vienna.

You keep talking about going there, but you never go.

I know. It's been my dream forever. It's the city of Mozart, Beethoven and Bram's.

Just go! It's now or never.

I was planning on going but it was hard to travel abroad at that time.

But everything's fine now, right?

Maybe in the spring when it's warmer.

Go now.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Do you have any plans for winter break?
    Any ->何でも・どれでも-> 聞き手に選択の自由を与える
  • You never go. 現在形-> 広く一般的な状況

---Typical Expressions
It’s now or never.

Well, it’s time to practice. Many of these sentences are set phrases.
So try to memorize them as such so that you can easily take them out and use them in your conversations.
All right, it’s time to practice. If not now, when? Okay, here’s our first.

If not now, when? 

Seize the day.

Continuing on.
You’ll never get a better opportunity.

Now this next one is very common. So be sure to memorize it.

There’s no time like the present.

Good work so far. These phrases are used to encourage and give a gentle push to people. So put some passion into your words.

If you don’t do it, who will? 

If you don’t do it, someone else will.

Let’s continue to our last couple.
Who better than you? 

What better time than now?

Fantastic job, everyone.
There’s no time like the present to keep on practicining English. Great work!

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It’s now or never. You’ll never get a better chance to travel.
  • There’s no time like the present. Go for it! Fortune favors the bold, you know.
  • Look, if you don’t do it, someone else will. You’ll regret it every day.

Fortune favors the bold

Hey, guys. I ate an ice cream and I’m already regretting it.
Hmm? Regretting eating the ice cream or making that resolution?
Ice cream!
Well, I think you’ll continue to regret it every day.
I’m so sure about that.





 I wish my high school had a rugby team.


Please give it a rest.


I am going to go to that concert even if it kills me.

It’s my dream to see them live.


I will say no whenever you ask something of me.
something of me?

? = -> whenever you ask me something





I’m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.


Chynthia, I can't believe you're leaving us. So what are you going to do?

I want to be a high school teacher.

Really? I had no idea you were interested in teaching.

It's been on mind for a while I'm going to be a teather no matter what it takes.

I believe your, Cynthia.You can do it.

Thanks Bill. I'll never forget about the Desperate Rats.

Hey, we'll play music for your school festival.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I want to be a high school teacher. ->promise to decide to
  • It’s been on my mind for a while.

---Typical Expressions
I’m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.

Okay. Today’s practice is more determination. I’d like you to listen for the stress in these sentences. So, ears open. And let’s listen. Here’s our first.

I’ll master English no matter how long it takes

I won’t give up no matter what happens.

Let’s continue.
I’ll follow you wherever you go. 

I will say no whenever you ask something of me. ?

How’re you doing so far? Can you hear the points we’re accenting?
Let’s keep going.

I’ll do that even if it’s the last thing to do.

I’ll do that if it’s the last thing I do.

I’ll do that even if it kills me.

I’ll do that if it kills me.

Great work, today. Yeah! Great job!

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I won’t tell you no matter how many times you ask. Please give it a rest. いい加減にして
  • I will stay positive whatever the critics say. I believe in myself.
  • I am going to go to that concert even if it kills me. It’s my dream to see them live.

I will lose weight whatever it takes.
You said that last year, you know.
Sensei, I think the only thing you’re losing is your resolve.




 Maybe the letter will say, “I love you.”


I’m determined not to fall for this joke again.

*fall for 引っかかる


I won’t let you down again.


The Christmas tree turned out great, didn't it.

Yes, Dr. Stein, it's so pretty.

You have an eyes for beauty Genie.

So doese Frankie. He gave me flowers.

I heard about that. He took some flowers from somewone's garden, right?

Yes, he made mistake but he has learned. He said I won't let you down again. 

I'm happy you are teaching him, Genie. I appreciate it
Thank you, Dr. Stein. 



---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • The Christmas tree turned out great, didn’t it?
  • He gave me some flowers.


---Typical Expressions

I won’t let you down again!



Okay, guys. In today’s practice, I want you to pay attention to which words are emphasized.

Just like the illustration in our text, we want to emphasize words to show the fire in our hearts. Let’s get to it.


I will win. 

I will return. 

I will remember. 

I will pay you back. 

I will never give up. 

I will never forget this. 

I will never forgive you.


Okay. Let’s continue.

I’m going to be a writer someday. 

I’m going to marry him someday. 

I’m going to own a house someday. 

I’m not going to change my mind. 

I’m not going to disappoint you.


Do you feel the fire? Let’s keep going.

be determined to

I’m determined to find the truth. 

I’m determined to get first place. 

I’m determined not to fail. 

I’m determined not to repeat my mistake.


Well, you guys must have been determined to do a great practice round.

That was excellent. -Fantastic work.


--Typical Expressions in Action

  • I will never do it again. I promise! *現在形
  • I’m not going to break your heart. I swear. I love you.


I will never do it again. I promise.

Do you mean it?

No. I’m just practicing.

Ah, sensei, I will never forget this.

I’m determined not to fall for this joke again.

Well, he did it again.




Let's get started today's lesson. Let's do it!

He's on the fence.



He's sitting on the fence.


I am in two minds about getting a pet.

I'm of two minds about getting a pet.

I'm torn between vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

tear-> torn 




So, Barbara, I understand that you have a high potentiol client.
You mean, Hiroki? Yes, he's interested in buying a condominium soon.

Has he decided on a location?
Yes, he's looked at several renovated condos and he's considering one now.

Is there any issue with it?

Well, he's on a fence. He says the closet is too small.

Why don't you talk to the contractors? Maybe they can enlarge it.

Oh I hadn't though about that.



--Grammar and Vocabulary

  • He's interested in buying a condominium soon.
    something interesting <> interested in 
  • Is there any issue with it?


---Typical Expressions

He's on the fence.

He's sitting on the fence.



Okay everyone. Today's practice is all about indecision. You are not sure yet which way to go. So feel the indecision in the intonation with these phrases, okay?


I haven't decided if I want dessert.

I haven't decided whether I want dessert.


I don't know if I'm ready for marridge.

I am not sure if I'm ready for marridge.


I am in two minds about getting a pet.

I'm of two minds about getting a pet.


I'm torn between vanilla and chocolate ice cream.


You guys did great. That's something I amn sure of. Great work!


---Typpical Expression in Actions

  • I haven't decided if I like this fravor. Let me try another bite.
  • Alex is still on the fence about our plan. Can you talk to him?
  • I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back to work yet. My kids are still very small.


Hey guys. You know, I used wark on a fence when I was a kid. 

Um.. I think you mean a wall, a fence is very thin. So it would be very difficult to walk on.

Um.. if it's made of stone or it's wide enogh to walk on, yeah.. maybe you shold call it a wall.







perspiration 発汗(作用)


an app that makes it possible to detect lies by checking heart rate and perspiration


The important thing is not to give up. 

underestimate the power of habits. 

They make all the difference

If you keep listening every day, you'll get there before you know it.


quit as your manager







What does Xaytoc think?

AI cannot be beat.

Aliens should take a test.

Humans should believe in themselves.


be overrated

has ever won against it

hasn't tested it on aliens

are the ones who created AI


Which of the following is true?

The kitchen is too small.

Hiroki has a lot of clothes.

The woman wants a rolling clothes rack.


rolling clothes rack

clothes rack

garment rack


be completely remodeled

way too samall


a lot of suits


What is the professor's new book about?

Kelly's show.
How to be an original thinker.

Humans in the past.


have a real treat for you


a fan of your show

be linking ... with ...


What will Cynthia do?

Write a new song.
Quit her job.

Give the band a different name.


hit charts
have been busy with other things
What about it?

don't sound so happy
I though you would be.

have reached a decision to quit as your manager.





before you know it


I tried Radio-eikaiwa, but I could only understand half of it.

-Don't worry. The important thing is not to give up. Don't underestimate the power of habits. They make all the difference. If you keep listening every day, you'll get there before you know it.




perspiration 発汗(作用)


What kind of app are you working on?

-Actually, I want to create an app that makes it possible to detect lies by checking heart rate and perspiration. Can you put your hand on my phone and say I love you?


lie lies


Hey David. This is a lie detector. Can you put your hand on my phone and say, I love you? 

Uh, put my hand here, like this?






I hope that grasshopper is getting ready for coming winter.





I've reached a decision to quit as your manager.

I've reached the decision to step down as mayor due to health concerns.


That’s for you to decide.

That was a tough call. => call 決定・選択-> 判断




hits chart



I've decided to do something totally different.


Cynthia, did you look at the hits chart today?

No, I've been budy with other things. What about it?

Well, two of our band's new songs are in the top ten.That hasn't happened in over 15 years.


You don't sound so happy Cynthia. I though you would be.

Bill, I've reached a decision to quit as your manager.

What? Why? Everything's going so well for us now.
I've decided to do something totally different.



---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I've been budy with other things.
    -> That hasn't happened in over 15 years.
  • I've reached a decision to quit as your manager.


---Typical Expressions

I've decided to do something totally different.



These phrases are not very difficult. So try to focus more on the rhythm and the way you say them.

That's right. With these kinds of chunks we just put them in your pocket and take them out whenever we need. Here we go.


deside -> make a decision (to ...)


I made a quick decision to..

I made a snap decision to...


Alright. Now let's try some differnt adjectives. 

I made a difficult decision to...

I made a big decision to..

I made a tough decision to...

I made a poor decision to...


I've reached a decision to..

I've come to a decision to ...


That was a tough call. * call 決定・選択-> 判断


It's your call.

That’s for you to decide.
It's up to you.


Well, if it was up to me, I would say you guys did an excellent job.



---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I've decided to sell my house and move to the country side.
  • I've reached the decision to step down as mayor due to health concerns.

Hey guys. What has been the biggest decision you have made?
Well.. the biggest decision for me is one I make each and every day what socks should I wear.
What about you?