The Ukrainian War and Okinawa (2)

-The fluctuating UN "security system"-


In recent years, democracies have been taking a number of hard and soft measures to curb China's vigorous expansion of politico・military power as well as trade& economic power in the world. However, Russia's invasion against Ukraine has inevitably shifted their imminent attention from China to Russia. The urgent task of democracies is to overcome the present Ukrainian crisis, keeping in mind of preventing the outbreak of World War III and of protecting the flawed United Nations system.


Democracies are required to continue to provide appropriate military and humanitarian support for Ukraine. In addition, they are required to establish an early siege against Russia by non-military means such as trade, investment, and finance, and thus to kill Russia's ability to continue the war,


Under such circumstances, democracies need to take great care to prevent Putin from using tactical nuclear weapons as well as to prevent a direct military clash between the NATO and the Russian army. We have to admit that there are so many challenges that face democracies.


It is not known how long the Ukrainian war will last. It's really hard to see the blood of many people shed, but defending Ukraine's sovereignty is a top priority when envisaging future ceasefire, peace and reconciliation. In this sense, it is important to realize "Russia without Putin" by the peaceful means pointed out last time.


We should focus on the UN functions for this purpose and let UN decide to refuse a dictator who is doomed to be accused of a serious violation of the international law from attending the important UN meetings. While Russia can veto a UN Security Council resolution, she will not be able to stop the UN General Assembly from adopting it. This can be a powerful message.


It is naturally important to create a suitable environment where Putin will opt voluntarily for a honourable resignation from the power. Countries like China, Belarus and Turkey among the others can play an important role for this. Let’s see how Xi Jinping, Lukashenko, and Erdogan will move in due course.


It is imperative for the democracies to urge the “lawless” nations to move back, at least for the time being, to the status of “authoritarian” nations in the ordinary sense. The UN collective security system is fragile. However, it is needed to realize “Russia without Putin quickly withing the UN framework