晴れた海は美しく、荒れた海は生きている ~十三湊~ | Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用

Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用




晴れた海は美しく、荒れた海は生きている ~十三湊~

The sea on a sunny day is beautiful and the sea on a stormy day is alive ~tosa minato~







 Dawn has come. Even when sleeping in a ryokan room, the sound of snow sliding down from the roof was heard during the night.

 I worried about the car outside, he thought he would have been buried in snow last night and cold, even though he slept warmly in the garage until yesterday.

 I woke up at about 5:30, so I got up and went to take a bath in the morning.



 The hot spring at this hot spring inn was a sulfur-smelling and really hot water that seemed to have a medicinal effect. When you take a bath, you can see that you are smelling sulfur. I didn't plan to stay, so I didn't prepare anything for shampooing, so I just took a bath last night and this morning.

 The heat is just right, and my heart pounds when I am soaked in my chest. But it was a happy time to soak in the sulfury hot water. I felt like I got out of the hot water a few times, went back in, and purified with the smell of sulfur.




 I changed clothes, rented boots at the ryokan, and went outside to check that my car was safe. It's already bright. "I'm sorry," I told him, driving off the snow on the car. And I looked up at the inn building, took a picture, and saw the sight.

"It was a mistake to drive in such a deep snow place with normal tires on a front-wheel-drive vehicle."

 By that time the road had already been cleared of snow.




 At the ryokan's front desk, I asked which way to go back to those who responded yesterday. She says it is safe to return to Aomori City and head for Hachinohe on the national highway. She said that snow had probably been removed, but that it was better to leave in the warm hours.

 I thought that I had to search for the route that goes through National Route 4 with the navigation system again.

 When I go outside again, the snow-removed road is not frozen. As expected it is spring snow. If you remove the snow, it melts and turns into water. It doesn't slip when I walk. Can I go?









 Since I had nothing to do until breakfast, I found a snow shovel (scoop) and removed the snow without permission. Then the owner of the car parked in front of the entrance came in to load their luggage and shuffled deep snow. I helped with snow removal.

 "Where did you come from?" I asked him and he paused for a moment. And "From Tokyo". He replied, "I've escaped."

 At first, I didn't know why he was stuck. Then I didn't understand what he meant to escape. I thought it simply meant they had escaped the hustle and bustle of the city and had come to the countryside, which was rich in nature.

 However, I suddenly came across while removing snow. Yes, corona!

 The metropolitan area has many corona infected people. So they would have been afraid to suspect that they might also be infected. And they came to Aomori on escape from Corona.


 I ate breakfast because a little exercise and it would be better. (Yes, that's why I had that kind of heart)


 And I left the ryokan before 9 o'clock. Thank you, they really took care of you.

 あ、ちなみに、この旅館は「十和田八幡平国立公園八甲田山 国民温泉 酢ケ湯」というところでした。建物は古いけど、情緒があって、周り中が温泉と水に囲まれていて、山が綺麗で、木が生命力があって、素敵なところでした。



 By the way, this ryokan was called "Towada Hachimantai National Park Hakkoda National Hot Spring Sugayu". The building was old, but it was emotional, the surrounding area was surrounded by hot springs and water, the mountains were beautiful, the trees had vitality, and it was a wonderful place.

 I just knew from the receipt that I didn't eat dinner, but it seemed that the price included dinner.

 Well, thank you for staying.




 After that, go out to Aomori City, search again with Navi, and take Route 4 toward Hachinohe. Run along the sea and admire the blueness of the sea. I saw a torii gate on an island floating in the sea and watched the sea for a while. There are few people.

 I thought beautiful is the sea on a sunny day, but what is alive and dynamic is the stormy sea.



 On the way, I suddenly saw a white torii gate and stopped my car unintentionally.


 The only roadside station I stopped by was "Shichineno". At around 12 o'clock, I bought Camembert cheese France and ate it, and drink the hot water from the ryokan. I also bought horse oil.







 After that, I slept for about 30 minutes at Towada Roadside Station.

 Return home around 16:00.

 I washed my car for the first time at a gas station. I hit the tide at the seaside, and maybe even a snow-melting agent, so I washed the bottom of the car.

 One thing I felt.

 Daisy(my car) is a boy.

