
5:00am in Fairmont Orchid Hawaii.

Sometimes I check Emails because business in Japan is going on.

朝5:00 フェアモントオーキッドホテル オーキッドはラン(蘭)の意。ときおりメールチェック。日本ではビジネスが動いてますからね^ ^

6:00am Sunrise run I love.

午前6時 ハマっている日の出ラン。

We have 4,000 or 30,000 on average.


Four thousand means that we have 4,000 weeks in a life, and 30,000 days also. A year consists of 365 days multiply 80 years on average equals approximately 30,000 days. And that works out to about 4,000 weeks.

4,000てのは大体人生で4000週間あると言う意味で30,000は3万日、365日× 80年は大体30,000日。だいたい4000週間ってことです。

That means we can only see 30,000 sunrise at most. And how many sunrises do you have in the rest of your life? 


It's the moment of awe.

And the moment of recognition of the rest of life.



One of my bucket list!!

See active volcanoes with the naked eye!



I called Uber and transferred from Kona side to Hilo side. It took us 1.5 hours, 100km far from the hotel. Because we couldn't have any available helicopters in Kona side. But fortunately, the driver could speak Japanese well and played as a guide of us. In addition to that, he took us around the city of Hilo with thoughtful information. That's fantastic MDRT magic.

Uberを呼んで西側のコナから東側のヒロまで100キロ、ホテルから1時間半大移動(コナ側のヘリは予約空きなしだったんですよねー😂) ラッキーなことにたまたま呼んだUber Driverが日本に住んでいた経験があり、日本語が流暢で、英語も楽しみながら日本語でガイドもしていただき、なんとヒロの街でヘリコプターが終わるまで待っててくれて観光案内までしてくれました。


The helicopter ride for 1 hour along the east coast side of Hawaii island and seeing the Kilauea volcano. The lasted eruption was occurred in 2018. 


Houses in lava rocks. I asked the pilot via microphone. How do they live there and why?


The reason is it's cheap to live, even though it has high risk of devastating lava again and no electricity and no water supply.


By the way, lava flow is so slow. So they don't need to  evacuate until the lava comes 300m away.


The driver, Guy was so nice. He took us to a famous confectionery shop, Big island candies and Poke.



 Poke Poke (pronounced poh-keh) is a traditional Hawaiian dish that typically consists of diced raw fish, most commonly ahi tuna or salmon, marinated with ingredients like soy sauce, sesame oil, onions, and seaweed. 


The word "poke" means "to slice" or "to cut" in Hawaiian, referring to the way the fish is prepared. 


During the drive, I enjoyed not only talk with Guy, but also with Izumi. He went into general life insurance agency 5 years ago. I wanted to know how he has built his current business from scratch after quitting the exclusive sales person at a certain life insurance company.


And also, what kind of items are used to what kind of clients and problems are interesting. 


He has expertise on seminars for general families in terms of money seminar. He has a team and he nurtures his team. The more I know about his business model, the more I feel his business is like a company.


For usual Life insurance sales advisor doesn't think  how to spend their cost in order to get more revenue. People think "Pay less, get more." But I learned by him "Pay more, if you want to get more." 


Backing to the hotel, taking a nap, and started running again. In this time, I headed to east. I could see only lava rocks in my sight.


7km 43min

I ran for 10k including the morning run.

朝と合わせて10キロ走れました^ ^

Sunset at Fairmont. Many Japanese TOT members have arrived at the hotel, we gathered and discussed something at the lobby.


Dinner. I felt something strange at first several years ago. Finally I decided to leave the past company and joined a life insurance agency. 


Had it not been for this group, I would have been in the past company yet. 


I appreciate this group.
