Danger Man established an exciting new genre, of contemporary action adventure, one which would become a dominant force on British television throughout the 1960s It represented a landmark show It was in its original, halfhour format (196062) that Danger Man 8216made it new8217 The later, hourlong series (196467) would offer more scope for character and plot development, and technical experimentation The first run, though, was the one which threw down the creative gauntlet The limited, twentyfiveminute time frame would require fastpaced, tightly structured scripts Drake8217s character remained a largely mysterious or enigmatic one throughout the thirtynine episodes, with almost nothing established about his private life, and very little about the people who employed him That was part of the charm of the original series, as was the globetrotting glamour, effectively captured by a mixture of stock footage, studio backlot, inventive sets and Britishbased location filming Add a palm tree and we were away, off to the four corners of the world