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真実をリポート Addictoe Report

Star Blazers 


$作家集団Addictoe オフィシャルブログ-くがつ

$作家集団Addictoe オフィシャルブログ-barasa



ヤマト • この宇宙に真実の愛を求めて
Yamato Quest for The True Love in This Space
Yamato's Quest for True Love in Space


Who can believe that it was just a brief illusion that calm beautiful city and above crystal clear sky leading to infinity, as if all the past holocaust and miserable cruelty were forgotten?

Who can believe it was just a brief illusion, that calm, beautiful city and crystal clear sky above leading to infinity, as if the past holocaust and all the miserable cruelty were forgotten?


And how can it be accepted that the day of departure for the new battle will come....

And how can it be accepted that the day of departure for a new battle will come...


What seen deep in your eyes while standing inside the bridge is possibly not the space far beyond but the still frozen image of burning fire as well as the lone profile of the dead beloved....

What can be seen deep in your eyes while standing on the bridge is possibly not the infinite space beyond, but the frozen image of flames and the lone outline of the beloved dead...


But you, encourage yourself despite of galactic blow tempting melancholy.

But you encourage yourself despite a galactic blow that tempts melancholy.


You once knew well ‘not to fight but love’.

You once knew well 'not to fight but to love.'

が、真に求めるベきは、「愛か闘いか」 の二者択一ではなく、「闘いながらの愛」なのだ。

But what to pursue is not the alternative of love or fight but love in fighting.

What to pursue is not the choice of either love or war but love in war.

「愛する者のために死ぬ」 ことではなく、 「愛する者のために生きぬく」 ことこそ美しい。

It is truly beautiful not to die for the beloved but survive for the beloved.

It is truly beautiful not to die for the beloved but to survive for the beloved.

そして、冷厳なる 「死」 を粂件づけられた人間にとって、 「愛」こそが永遠に至る道に通ずる扉の唯一の鍵となり得るのだ。

And for the human-beings destined to die unavoidably and distinctively, it is only love can work as a key to infinity.

And for the human beings destined to die unavoidably, only love can work as a key to infinity.


You, think of love more than anyone else ever, it is time to show your love by your action without a word.

You think of love more than anyone else, it is time to show your love by your actions without a word.


Can you yet believe your love, even at the midst of horrible trials to come?

Can you yet believe in your love, even in the midst of the horrible trials to come?


Sturdy iron has to be trained in the burning fire.

Sturdy iron has to be tempered in the burning fire.


By this example, I trust you completely.

With this example, I trust you for all.


$作家集団Addictoe オフィシャルブログ-gannjinn
We still have much to learn.