

1. Opening the Meeting
A: Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining today's legal affairs meeting.

B: Good morning! I'm looking forward to discussing our current legal matters.

2. Setting the Agenda
A: Before we begin, let’s quickly review the agenda. We have three main topics to cover today: compliance updates, contract negotiations, and dispute resolutions.

C: Sounds good. Shall we start with compliance updates?

3. Transitioning to the First Topic
A: Yes, let’s dive into compliance updates. Could you provide us with the latest information, please?

D: Certainly. We’ve implemented the new regulations across all departments, and we are currently awaiting feedback.



John (法務部長):
"Good morning, everyone. Thank you all for joining today's legal meeting. Let's get started by reviewing the agenda."


Sarah (メンバー):
"Good morning, John. Could you briefly walk us through the key legal issues we’ll be discussing today?"


"Sure. First, we’ll address the compliance issues with the new regulations. After that, we’ll move on to contract negotiations with our new client. Lastly, we’ll review the recent updates on the intellectual property dispute."


Michael (メンバー):
"That sounds good. Are there any deadlines we need to be aware of?"


"Yes, we need to finalize the contract negotiations by the end of this week. Also, we have a compliance report due next Monday."


"Understood. Should we assign specific tasks to the team members now?"


"That’s a great idea. Let's go over who will handle each issue. Sarah, you can take the lead on the compliance report, and Michael, you’ll handle the contract negotiations."


"Noted. I’ll make sure to liaise with the client before Friday."


"Excellent. If there are no further questions, let's proceed with the first item on the agenda."



  1. "Let's get started by..."
    例: "Let's get started by reviewing the documents."

  2. "Walk us through..."
    例: "Can you walk us through the new policy changes?"

  3. "Address the issue"
    例: "We need to address the issue of late payments."

  4. "Move on to..."
    例: "Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda."

  5. "Finalize the contract"
    例: "We need to finalize the contract by tomorrow."

  6. "Due"
    例: "The report is due next Monday."

  7. "Assign tasks"
    例: "Let’s assign tasks to the team members."

  8. "Take the lead on..."
    例: "She will take the lead on the negotiations."

  9. "Liaise with"
    「〜と連絡を取る」という意味で、ビジネス上のコミュニケーションを取る際に使われます。例: "You should liaise with the marketing team."

"liaise with" は「〜と連絡を取る」や「〜と調整を行う」という意味のビジネス英語表現です。主に異なる部署やチーム、取引先などとの連絡役や調整役として関わる際に使われます。


  • "I’ll liaise with the marketing department to ensure the campaign runs smoothly."

  • "Could you liaise with our legal team to confirm the contract details?"


  1. "Compliance issues"
    例: "We need to resolve the compliance issues."

  2. "Contract negotiations"
    例: "The contract negotiations are ongoing."

  3. "Intellectual property dispute"
    例: "We are dealing with an intellectual property dispute."


"intellectual property dispute" は「知的財産権の紛争」という意味で、特許、著作権、商標、営業秘密など、知的財産に関連する権利の侵害や所有権の争いを指します。


  • "The company is currently involved in an intellectual property dispute over patent rights."

  • "Resolving the intellectual property dispute could take several months."


  1. "If there are no further questions..."
    例: "If there are no further questions, let's proceed."

  2. "Proceed with..."
    例: "We will proceed with the implementation of the new system."

  3. "Key legal issues"
    例: "Let's discuss the key legal issues at hand."