The power of giniuses;emotion & imagination | KJeightのブログ



Not only by overwhelmingly wide recognition range for visual/hearing field of retina/ears, the rapid spatial recognition ability is exerted on real-time visual/audible information input from the retina/ears as well as visual/audible information stored in memory. This is why geniuses have high analytical and insight skills.
Furthermore, if a large amount of information can be stored in the brain, a large amount of space can be recognized in a time-series and parallel manner. This, coupled with the symbolic ability of abstraction/materialization through imagination which use the same space of recognition, allows complex symbolic models to be represented by mathematical expressions.
(Actually, I am not so good at complex symbolic thinking.)

No matter how genius, there is a limit to the amount of information that can be handled by the brain. Minimize input information from sensory organs, improve memory ability to process information already stored in the brain at a high level, and specialize in processing input information from sensation rather than increasing memory ability. The extreme consequences may be that the former will result in mental illness, such as autism, and the latter will result in mental illness such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.
The ordinary human brain has a narrower recognition range than a genius so as not to be overloaded with a large amount of information, and selects information to be memorized, through emotional weighting.(Recognition range is also narrowed by emotion weight)
So the balance between recognition skill and symbolic ability is important for the development of the best intelligence with normal emotional development.

Therefore, it is more convincing to consider intelligence as one of emotions, rather than intelligence and emotions separately. In other words, it is appropriate to think that the logic in thinking is one form of emotional conditional reflex, the same as laughing or crying acquired by learning.
In addition, attention and concentration to enhance brain memory, recognition, and reasoning are also aspects of emotion.

And then consciousness refers to the state in which emotions work for the senses. It develops with learning.