
  1. レバノン、2週間で既に数千人死亡、数万人避難 攻撃継続
  2. バイデン、休戦を勧めるもネタニャフは聞く耳持たず
  3. イラン、ヒズボラ指導者殺害を受け、安保理で緊急会議を提唱
  4. オーストリア総選挙投票中、極右政党台頭なるか
  5. ネパール洪水 死者数百人規模
  6. 今日のウクライナ ロシア戦争
  7. ルワンダの医療者、マールブルグ病で6人死亡
  8. ハリケーンハリーン、既に死者63人 現代の米国で最大損失



Rwandan government says 6 people have died of the highly infectious Marburg disease. Warren Bull reports: Rwanda’s Health Minister Sabin Nsanzimana said there’ve been 20 cases of the Marburg disease since the start of the current outbreak. He said most of the cases and deaths have been among healthcare workers mainly in intensive care units and that the institutions and health partners were trying to trace anyone who’d been in contact with infected individuals. Marble is a hemorrhagic fever from the same virus family as Ebola. It’s transmitted to humans by fruit bats and spread through contact with bodily fluids. 


