
1 石破さんが高市さんを抑えて自民党総裁に選出

2 ハリケーン、フロリダ北部に猛威

3 ネタニヤフさん、休戦協議も攻撃も継続するよ

4 ロシア、オデッサをドローン攻撃

5 米、china EVへの100%関税 課税開始

6 コロンビアを流れるアマゾン川の水位、90%低下

7 豪タスマニア、女性だけの美術鑑賞室は合法



A court in Australia as lifted a ban on women’s-only exhibition on the island of Tasmania. The state supreme court ruled that the lady’s lounge of museum of old and new art in Hobart did not discriminate against men. The original judgement was handed down in May following a complaint from a male visitor.


