北海道マラソン迄残り15日。 本州の方々には笑われるかもしれませんんが、30度は蝦夷の人間には危険な暑さ。

北海道マラソンのスタートに合わせ練習・・・ は健康を考えると怖くて挑戦できないです。



孫1号 5歳とは朝の散歩がてら、少しだけジョグ。 なかなか良い走りをしています。



8月6日:6㎞ジョグが苦しすぎ。  ave.5'27

8月7日: 台湾サンダル黒で5㎞閾値走 25分。 その後ダウン 5㎞ 28分30秒    ダウンがきつかった。

8月8日:雨上がりの台湾サンダルジョグ。 6㎞。 ave.5'29

8月9日: やっぱり台湾サンダル。10㎞。 ave 5'48 蒸し暑くて苦しい走り。





そして日向灘と関東の地震。  非常に怖いです。 


Summer vacation has begun. It's an unfamiliar heat, so the policy is not to push too hard.

There are 15 days left until the Hokkaido Marathon. People from Honshu may laugh, but 30 degrees is dangerously hot for the people of Ezo. I'm afraid to challenge myself with training in preparation for the Hokkaido Marathon, considering the impact on my health. I think it was really good to introduce air conditioning in this heat.

My two grandchildren who came to Hokkaido on August 4th are doing well. The older grandchild, aged 5, went for a short jog during the morning walk and ran quite well.

August 5th: Just a walk with the grandchild.

August 6th: 6km jog was too tough. ave. 5'27

August 7th: Ran 5km at threshold pace in black sandals from Taiwan in 25 minutes, then a cooldown run of 5km in 28 minutes and 30 seconds. The cooldown was tough.

August 8th: Jog in Taiwan sandals after the rain. 6km. ave. 5'29

August 9th: Still in Taiwan sandals. 10km. ave 5'48. It was a tough run in the humid heat.

Running 10km has been the most I can manage in the past few days. From August 9th, I considered doing a long run during the valuable summer vacation, but I won't push myself due to the family's return and the running temperature.

And the earthquakes in Hinunada and Kanto. It's very scary.