少額投資をオルカン、 日本、S&P500 等で  世間のお話に踊らされて、2024年1月~始めた新NISAさん。

日銀利上げ契機??なのか??  =マネー逆流、株安・円高加速  が 少量投資の私にも影響来てしまいました。

上がるものは下がるし、さがるものは上がるらしいので無視してましたが、 まさかの元本割れが現実に。毎日、毎週、毎月積み立てを継続してしまってました。 なのでいくつかの項目を今日から少し停止にしています。 2/3はまだ継続。   株に関してはド素人な自分。  若干の恐怖を味わってます。


株価が4万超えた時、日本のポテンシャルは高いので8万円くらいまで上がるとどなたかがおっしゃってましたが・・・  素人市民をだます人たちだったのかな。  全ての責任は個人なので、市況を見る事ができない自分のせいですね。 放っておこう。


ちばりよ~RC夏合宿を 8/4昼少し前に終えて、セコマで冷凍ペットボトルを保冷用に買い、おにぎり食べて少し休んで、長女+孫1,2号を迎えに 新千歳空港へ向かいます。 とはいってもお風呂に入りたいので、「千歳(せんさい)の湯 えん 」にまず向かいました。65㎞位のドライブ。途中の「きのこ王国に」よりたい気分はありましたがそれはパスしました。

カラスの行水レベルの入浴でしたが、超冷たい水風呂ニ3回程入って身体を回復させ、 少し狭いのですが休憩室で 400円 のソフトクリームを食べて、11分 お昼ね。  最近強く感じますが、 20分迄のお昼寝は本当に大事ですね。 時間が確保できたら、10~20分でのお昼は大事です。

車の中の荷物を整理して、新千歳空港B 駐車場へ。  『空き』がついてましたが、 駐車する場所が到着口からずいぶん離れが場所になってしまました。JAL ならB駐車場ですが、ANA機だったので、A駐車場にすればよかったなどぶつぶつ思いながら孫の到着を待つこと約1時間。


孫1号は来年小学生。 確りしてきてます。成長著しいです。



その夜は 孫たちの帰省の為に買ったクーラでぬくぬくと涼しく入眠できました。


孫1号と ランコースの一部を朝散歩に向かいます。

孫ちゃん、流石来年は1年生。 歩き方も確りしており、少しはしりましたが、フォームも悪くなく意外と走れてびっくりしました。瞬間速度は㌔4分。 ゆっくりなら500m位は走れそうでした。


北海道の暑さもこれからが本番。昨年この時期は故障しており、あまり走れなかったので、それは無いように暑さに合わせて、ランニングも継続したいです。北海道マラソンまで3週間きってしまいました。 止まって水分摂取してもいいので歩かず完走目標で無理せず練習をします。

The 8th month of diving into the new NISA and the story of the grandchild's homecoming.

New NISA, who started investing a small amount in Orkan, Japan, S&P500, etc., based on the talk of the town from January 2024. Is it the occasion of the BOJ rate hike? Money flowing back, accelerated stock price decline and yen appreciation have affected even my small investments. Ignoring the saying that what goes up must come down and vice versa, I faced the reality of a loss of principal. I continued to make regular contributions every day, every week, and every month. So, I have decided to suspend a few items from today. Two-thirds are still ongoing. I am a complete novice when it comes to stocks and feeling a slight fear. When the stock price exceeded 40,000 yen, someone said that it could rise to around 80,000 yen due to Japan's potential, but perhaps those were people trying to deceive amateur citizens. Since all responsibility lies with the individual, it's my fault for not being able to read the market situation. Let's dig into it.

That's enough complaining for now.

After finishing the RC summer camp on 8/4 just before noon, I bought a frozen PET bottle for cooling at Secoma, had some rice balls, took a short rest, and headed to New Chitose Airport to pick up my eldest daughter and grandchildren 1 and 2. However, I wanted to take a bath, so we first headed to "Sensai no Yu En." It was about a 65 km drive. Although I felt like visiting the "Mushroom Kingdom" on the way, I passed on that. The bathing experience was at the level of a crow's bath, but I recovered my body by taking a cold water bath three times and then ate a 400 yen soft-serve ice cream in the small rest area before taking an 11-minute nap. I've been feeling it strongly lately, but a nap of 20 minutes or less is really important. When you can secure the time, a short nap of 10 to 20 minutes is important for lunch.

I organized the items in the car and headed to the B parking lot at New Chitose Airport. Although it was labeled as "vacant," the parking spot was quite far from the arrival gate. I waited for the grandchildren for about an hour, muttering to myself that I should have parked in the A parking lot since it was an ANA flight, not JAL. Grandchild 1 will be in elementary school next year and is growing up well. Grandchild 2, who I hadn't seen for two months since their mother's funeral, was tired from the long journey and was sleeping, but their sleeping face was also cute. Last year, when I picked them up, they were complaining about being tired, sleepy, and wanting to arrive quickly, but this time they were very well-behaved. We drove home calmly and safely without any trouble.

That night, I was able to sleep comfortably and coolly with the cooler I bought for the grandchildren's homecoming.

There is still some strain on my legs from the camp, and of course, Garmin recommends rest. I head out for a morning walk with grandchild 1 along part of the running course.

Grandchild, indeed, will be in first grade next year. They walk steadily, and although they ran a little, their form was not bad, and I was surprised that they could run quite well. Their instantaneous speed was about 4 minutes per kilometer. I felt happy that we could go for a morning walk or run together without them disliking it, as we will be spending about 10 days together.

The real heat of Hokkaido is yet to come. Last year at this time, I was injured and couldn't run much, so I want to continue running in line with the heat, as the Hokkaido Marathon is only three weeks away. I will practice without pushing myself too hard, aiming to finish without walking, and it's okay to take in fluids while stopping.