Summaries of NHK drama 'Hiyokko' #15 | NHK朝ドラを英語にします



ヒヨコToday's Summaryヒヨコ
A lot of village people helped them prepare the torch relay event;
The influential people of the town gave donations to the event. The chemistry teacher helped to make the torch. The P.E. teacher taught runners the right running form. Even the village headman was going to run the relay.

Finally the day of the torch relay came. Mitsuo ran, thinking about the beloved village that he had to leave soon. Tokiko ran, hoping that her appearance would fit in the eyes of a film production company. Mineko ran, thinking about her missing father.

お茶こぼれ話 (Digression)お茶
てるてるぼうず(teru teru bouzu)

Mineko and her siblings hung some paper dolls under the eaves. When I was a kid, I used to hang one beside the window the days before the excursion.

マイク今日の名言(quotation from today)マイク
They got donations from some influential people. In return, they decided to let these people run the relay.
Seeing the three highschool kids confused, Mitsuo's brother said this to them.
This is politics.