
8月24日の日曜日に、舛添都知事に辞職を求める保守系の人たちのデモが銀座で開催されたと聞いたので、「舛添都知事 デモ」でGoogle検索してみたのですが、大手マスコミはこれを全く取り上げなかったみたいですね。それから、実は今回のデモは第二弾で、8月11日にも同じ趣旨のデモが新宿で開催されたそうですが、こちらもマスコミではほとんど取り上げられなかったみたいです。少なくとも検索結果の上位にはヒットしませんでした。

I heard that a demonstration was held on August 24th in Ginza by conservatives who are pushing for a recall of Tokyo Governor Masuzoe, so I did a Google search for "Masuzoe tochiji demo." It seems that the major mainstream media did not cover this event at all. As a matter of fact, this is the second such demonstration. The first one was held on August 11th in Shinjuku, and this one was given very scant coverage by mass media. At least no such coverage comes up high in the search engine.



I also read that the second demonstration was held not in Shinjuku where the city hall is located but in Ginza because the organizers were unable to obtain permission to use a park for a demonstration in Shinjuku.




However, a search of YouTube found lots of videos of the demonstrations. It is now easy for anyone with a smartphone camera to record a video and share it, so it's impossible to hide everything.



To be honest, I didn't watch too many of the videos, but the videos amply convey the passion and commitment of the demonstrators. Even though there were probably some demonstrators who are not residents of Tokyo, after all Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and citizens of other prefectures cannot be unconcerned about the actions of the Tokyo governor.



Although I live in Tokyo, unfortunately I am just a foreign resident of Japan and so do not have Japanese voting rights. Thus, I am going to refrain from stating an opinion about the recall efforts. However, as a resident of Tokyo I have discharged my duty to pay taxes here over the years, so I can't tolerate tax revenues in Tokyo being used for purposes not in the interest of the Tokyo residents.


Lacking voting rights in any gubernatorial election, perhaps I am a resident who can't be of much use, but I will be watching events from the sidelines even if the mass media continues to fail to report this issue.