
Yesterday morning I went to my company and worked before I left to go to my hometown in America, St. Louis 


Yesterday morning my company's container arrived so after I unloaded the products from our container I headed to Narita Airport in the afternoon 




Then in the afternoon I arrived to Narita Airport safely and it looked as though there wasn't too many people going to ride the plane but there was a lot of people on the plane 



Then I arrived safely to Chicago Airport and waited about 2 hours to catch my next plane 



Then I finally arrived to St. Louis and while I was waiting for my sister to come and pick me up at the airport the sunset was very beautiful 


そしてやっと妹が迎えに来て実家迎えました~にひひ音譜 昨日のディナーは僕が大好き父さんの手作りチリ・ビン・スープ食べました~ウシシチョキ

Then finally my sister came to pick me up and we went to my home! For my dinner last night I ate my favorite Dad's homemade chili bean soup 



坊主之腹筋 さん【行って来ます~!ありがとうございます、無事に実家セントルイス着きました~(^o^)/】

ico さん【ありがとうございます、無事に実家セントルイス着きました~(^_^)v 日本帰る時気をつけて帰ります、いつもありがとうございます~(^_-)-☆】

Janki さん【ありがとうございます、無事に実家セントルイス着きました~!いい動画取れたら見せますね~(^ー^)ノ】