チャック・ノリス・ファクト!!! | ササポンのブログ



・Chuck Norris makes onions cry.

・Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch; he decides what time it is.

・Chuck Norris doesn’t breathe; he holds air hostage.

・Chuck Norris is not afraid of death; death is afraid of Chuck Norris.

・When Chuck Norris does pushups, he doesn’t lift himself up. He pushes the world down.

・When Chuck Norris visits a prison, he need escorts for prisoner's protection.

・Attacking Chuck Norris, is known by law enforcement as "Suicide by Chuck".

・When Chuck Norris gives you the peace sign, he's not saying "peace" he's telling you exactly how many seconds you have left to live.

・Chuck Norris doesn't need a fallout shelter, HE IS the shelter.

・Why isn’t there a Chuck Norris Day? You're wrong, every day is a Chuck Norris day…
(「なぜ、“チャック・ノリスの日”がないのだろうか」だって? あなたは間違っている、それは毎日が“チャック・ノリスの日”だからだ...)

・Chuck Norris doesn’t actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.

・Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun.

・Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
・Chuck Norris isn't afraid of the dark, the dark is afraid of him. Because of this, Chuck Norris is always in the light.
・Chuck Norris does not have a religion. The gods worship Chuck Norris.
・Chuck Norris is not allowed in hell because the devil is scared of him.
・Some people break the laws of the state, Chuck Norris breaks the laws of physics.
・Chuck Norris doesnt need Twitter, he's already following you.
・Earth is not spinning around the sun. The sun is just desperately trying to keep a distance to Chuck Norris.
・Although the Earth does revolve around the Sun, the UNIVERSE revolves around Chuck Norris.