The Tempest 05 2017 07 22 (Sat)

PROSPERO:  I pray thee, mark me.  I, thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated  To closeness and the bettering of my mind  With that which, but by being so retired,  O'er-prized all popular rate, in my false brother  Awaked an evil nature; and my trust,  Like a good parent, did beget of him  A falsehood in its contrary as great  As my trust was; which had indeed no limit,  A confidence sans bound. He being thus lorded,  Not only with what my revenue yielded,  But what my power might else exact, like one  Who having into truth, by telling of it,  Made such a sinner of his memory,  To credit his own lie, he did believe  He was indeed the duke; out o' the substitution  And executing the outward face of royalty,  With all prerogative: hence his ambition growing--  Dost thou hear?   プロスペロ:   いいか、よく聞け。私は、このように世俗のことを顧みずに、すっかりひきこもり、精神の修行に励んだ。  ああまで、こもりきったことはさておき、世の人々の理解を超える域に達した。だがそのために、  腹黒い弟の邪悪な部分が目を覚ました。良い親が、悪い子を産むように、私の信頼は奴の中に、  それとは反対の不実を生んだのだ。その大きさは、無限ともいえる私の信頼に匹敵した。  こうして領主を気取ると、奴は私の収入で懐を肥やすばかりか、私の権力を笠に着て、手当たり次第に取り立てた。  ちょうど本物の役を演じる、嘘を突き通しているうちに、おのれの記憶を罪人にし、嘘を真(まこと)と思い込むように、  奴は自分を大公だと信じ込んでしまった。私の身代わりとなり、表向きは大公で通し、権勢をほしいままにするにつれ―  奴の野心は膨れ上がり― 聞いているか?   
MIRANDA: Your tale, sir, would cure deafness.   ミランダ: 耳の聞こえない人でも、このお話には耳を開かれます。

worldly ends = 世事. odds and ends = がらくた。
 closeness = seclusion
 but = merely
 sans bound = unlimitted.
 sans = without
 out = as a result

PROSPERO:  To have no screen between this part he play'd  And him he play'd it for, he needs will be  Absolute Milan. Me, poor man, my library  Was dukedom large enough: of temporal royalties  He thinks me now incapable; confederates--  So dry he was for sway--wi' the King of Naples  To give him annual tribute, do him homage,  Subject his coronet to his crown and bend  The dukedom yet unbow'd--alas, poor Milan!--  To most ignoble stooping.   プロスペロ: 奴が演じる人と、演じられる人の境目をなくすために、奴は本物のミラノ公である必要があった。  あわれな私には、私の書斎が充分広い王国。奴はやがて私には俗事が不可能と考え、支配欲に燃えるあまり、 ナポリ王と連合をくみ、年貢をおさめ、主従関係を結び、ミラノの冠をナポリの王冠の下におき、かつて頭を下げたことのない 我が皇国に―ああ、あわれなミラノ、平身低頭の屈辱を強いたのだ。  
MIRANDA: O the heavens! ミランダ:まあ、そんな

 temporal royalities = practical rule
 dry = thirsty, eager.
 confederate = poin in league with
 wi' = with
 sway = 統治、支配。
 do him homage =
 homage = 臣下の誓い、主従関係。