AmebaPigg Engineer: Mr.Kuwano and Oinume-san | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 まあ、以前のOkuraさんの記事 も、理系学科を専攻する女性の間で結構取り上げられているようですし、こうなったら「理系女性の就職したい会社No.1」を目指すのもいいかもしれません。







Hello, folks.

I think most of students are now applying for a job these days. I'm one of interviewers of our company, so I usually check a lot of resumes. I feel many science side woman students apply for our company as well as they did last year. Is is a big surprise for me because I saw few women student in my university days or few woman engineers in my previous companies. Moreover, I feel most of woman interviewees are much clever than male in same generation. I suppose it has something to do with their firm, serious mind. Woman students who want to major in science already have firmer ways of thinking about their life than others. As you know, we aim to build self-disciplined organization, so the mind is plus point for our interview. As a result of their mind, it seems that the percentage of woman engineers in our department will increase in the next few years.

I'm sorry about that situation, because I'm male. However, it is a good thing for us to aim to build a best company for science side woman engineers.

Well...this week's articles are written by Mr.Kuwano and Oinume-san.

Actually, both Kuwano and I worked for the same company a few years ago. I didn't support him to enter this company. He chose this company, and passed a severe interview by himself. Currently, he is active in his business field. I'm very grad to hear his recent activities like his technical lecture at famous conference.

By the way, he is thirty three years old, and he is single yet. A few years ago, I tried for him to make his girl friend, but it failed. He is very shy.
If you've already know his character, and know someone who will match Kuwano, please let him know via Twitter. There is not a big problem someone is a foreigner or E.T.

A life of Oinume-san has strange coincidence with mine. Because when I worked for another company five years ago, I interviewed him. Unfortunately, he didn't choose my previous company, and enter another company at that time. However we contact via e-mail after the interview. We talked with each other that it will be grad for us to work same company in the future. Five years later, it realized. He has a professional skill, firm mind and good character as I felt previous interview. He is in charge of AmebaPigg system now. He got married a few months ago, so I hope his wife would have enough tolerance of his heavy workload.

Ok. please check their articles.