【Part Ⅰ】Sportymags さんより ユヅル・ハニュウ:スポーツ・フォトグラフィー | ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆

ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆





Yuzuru Hanyu: Yuzu Photography

I recently read a bunch of translated tweets on twitter that were quotes from sports photographers about their experiences photographing Yuzu.  So, I thought I would write a quick blog entry about my thoughts and experience on photographing Yuzu from an amateurs perspective who is enjoying this newfound hobby!
My first time seeing Yuzu skate live was the 2015 Autumn Classic.  I was so excited about this experience that I never even considered trying to take pictures, with the exception of a few with my cell phone.  I didn’t take my eyes off Yuzu the entire time as you can read during my first account of seeing Yuzu here. 

At that point I was so mesmerized that I could not possibly imagine how to concentrate on watching Yuzu and do anything else at the same time.
The next event that both Yuzu and I were at was 2015 Skate Canada in Lethbridge.  For this event, I asked a family member to come along with me (with good camera gear) and take some quick shots if possible.  Success.  We got some cool photos while still being able to enjoy every moment Yuzu was on the ice.  

I mean seriously, how often have you seen Yuzu trying to do a cantilever?  Such a thrill!


After that, the sports photography bug bit me.  I started doing some research on cameras and got a good friend of mine to start teaching me about speed, aperture and ISO!  I decided to go for it, and bought a nice fancy camera.  Armed with a few lessons from my friend, and some valuable pointers from a great photographer, Danielle Earl, I went to Worlds in Boston and starting taking pictures.  Fortunately Yuzu was not in the first group on day 1, so I had a chance to test out the camera, lighting and speed conditions on some other skaters first.  I quickly realized that getting a great shot was not going to be as easy as it looked!! 

The first thing I learned was that taking pictures of skaters and taking pictures of Yuzu are 2 completely different animals.  For any other skaters, I did not have the additional challenge of my heart beating double the pace it normally does and perhaps this is my bias, but Yuzu simply skates faster than the other skaters, even when he is just skating along the sidelines.   For me, Yuzu is harder to capture.  A point of clarification here, I am a perfectionist so a slightly blurry image only serves to frustrate me.  I have to keep reminding myself that as a sports photographer I am still a work in progress.
Here is Yuzu cleaning Pooh’s ears and making sure that Pooh can hear the “shu” and “pa” of his quads!!  Can you see why I am so suddenly hooked on taking pictures?


Part Ⅱにつづく・・・