Sportymags さんのブログより「未来を見る」Part Ⅲ【最終回】 | ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆

ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆


Yuzuru Hanyu: Seeing the Future
「ユヅル・ハニュウ 未来を見る」

【Part Ⅲ(最終回)】前記事、
Part Ⅱの続きです。

Imagine what the young skaters are now thinking that they need to do in order to be competitive going forward??  Luckily, Canada has quad wonder kid Stephen Gogolev waiting in the wings.


The first thing I have to say is that it’s funny how no one in the US media is talking about the reigning 2 time World champion, Javi.  In all of the articles I read yesterday, I also only saw a reference to Yuzu once.  However, US skating has a shiny new toy (Nathan) and the US Olympic hype machine now has the perfect poster boy.  The NBC Olympic commercials have already started, and a 10 year old Nathan saying he will be in the 2018 Olympics is very cute.

So, what do I think the difference is between Yuzu and Nathan apart from the KEY fact that Yuzu is a more overall, complete skater?  First of all, their skating skills and transitions are NOT comparable at this point in time.  Between the edge depth and speed at which the footwork and transitions are performed, this is what separates the pretty good skater from the great skater.  Let’s not forget that Nathan is young so he will improve over time but for now, there is no comparison.  Yuzu is just the gold standard right now.  I know I might sound biased towards Yuzu but it only takes seeing one of Yuzu’s practices to know that I am not exaggerating.

When you watch a Yuzu LP program, you will see more than just a jump fest, as Yuzu’s most difficult jumps (quads) are spread out throughout the program, and the programs are very balanced with intricate choreograph.  The attention to detail of every step, every hand gesture, when Yuzu is not jumping is quite remarkable.  This is not the case with Nathan’s current layout as 4 of his 5 quads were in the first half of his LP and there is not a lot of substance in between the jumping passes yet.

So, what is the difference between a “good” athlete, a “great” athlete and someone that is “mind blowing”?  I would put Nathan in the “pretty good” athlete category, and put skaters like Patrick in the “great” category.  Yuzu would be in the “mind blowing” category for me because he is a special generational talent that will not come along again for quite some time.  Yuzu has a definite vision of where he wants to go with his skating and has a sense of foresight for the sport that I haven’t really seen before.  Yuzu always seems to be a step ahead in strategic thinking, and his approach is agressive in terms of technical content. He is not shying away from tough challenges.  And there is a very special quality about Yuzu that oozes from each movement he makes. 

I put Nathan in the “pretty good” category because he is helping push the technical limits of the sport, but one competition does not make you great.  I also wonder if Nathan will be another Timothy Geobel who set multiple records with more quads but never was the complete package?  Does Nathan have the ability to become the whole package?  That is the Olympic gold medal question.

Yuzu has never rested on his titles and expected to continue winning without increasing his technical content.  He saw the writing on the wall before anyone wanted to admit it. Because of this, he is keeping up with the quad race, while still maintaining a high level PCS, and holding his position at #1 in the Worlds rankings.  As others before him have learned, you cannot rely on a point advantage between you and the other skaters one season, to keep you on the podium the next season.

For Yuzu, Nathan’s recent success is probably the ultimate motivation for him and also reinforces his forward thinking strategy.  I take to heart that the last time Yuzu skated brilliantly was when after he saw Boyang skate.  I can only assume he has seen the video of Nathan’s recent programs.  What I love is that Yuzu doesn’t have knee jerk reactions.  Just because Nathan is doing 5 quads doesnt mean Yuzu will change his layout.  He plans meticulously every detail towards his goals as we well know.  

Yuzu has had multiple clean run throughs lately and has done a 5 quad program with a 4S at the end (for fun).  You gotta love his competitive spirit!!!  He is not about to be left behind.  5 quads???  No problem, but I know Yuzu knows he doesn’t need it!  Yuzu’s got this!!

Edit:  Please note: I do not believe Yuzu is changing his program to a 5 quad program.  Just simply that he practiced a run through and threw in an extra quad salchow at the end.  He also did this extra quad salchow at one of the GPF practices at the end of his program run through, maybe to make up for the 4S combo he popped, and maybe just for practice fun.  Here is a video link to GPF practice with 4S at end where he technically attempted 5 quads.

Go Yuzu Go!!!  Doki Doki!!
